Saturday, August 31, 2019

review: hard candy sheer envy instant eye fix (under eye treatment)

I'll give Hard Candy this: they never become complacent. Out of all the drugstore brands out there...Hard Candy impresses me most. Not because every single product is a winner, but because they never stop creating. Is there a new beauty trend? Hard Candy is on it. A high end item that is making waves? Hard Candy is there. I love that they take things that used to be exclusive to higher end stores and make them accessible to the masses. For instance, Hard Candy is the first drugstore brand I ever saw release rainbow coloured lipsticks and the first to release a Strobing Kit. The list goes on and on! So, when I saw their latest release, I bought it almost immediately. Though not everything from the brand works flawlessly (check out my recent review of their matte-aholic line for proof of that)....I have immense respect for the brand and what it stands for.

What was the product in question? The Hard Candy Sheer Envy Instant Eye Fix Under Eye Treatment. I won't lie to you, this was intriguing for a few reasons. 1) I was curious to see how it performed 2) The $8 price tag was quite reasonable 3) I wake up extremely early every morning. The latter means that some days, my eyes are tired, puffy, and have dark under eye circles. This sounded like a product that could really perk up my morning routine. The claims that this product makes include:

  • instantly brightens
  • depuffs under eye area
  • smooths fine lines
  • primes
  • moisturizes 
  • soothes under eye area 

This products comes in simple clear plastic packaging and inside there is a tube of product. It has a metal applicator (similar to the Benefit Puff Off) that is meant to soothe and cool the under eye area immediately. Lately, I have been using this as part of my morning routine, applying it before my foundation and concealer. I will say the metal applicator is pleasantly cooling and certainly wakes me up a bit first thing in the morning. The product itself is a light beige colour to start, but it sheers out when blended into the skin.

The texture of the product is silky, absorbs into the skin quickly, and doesn't leave an oily film. Best of all, the skin feels soft and smooth after application. In terms of the claims, this absolutely brightens and primes the under eye area. I notice the dark circles are dramatically reduced and the under eye area looks brighter and more awake. It also is effective as a primer and works well under foundation and concealer. It doesn't cause creasing and helps the makeup last all day. It's also nice and moisturizing, which is fabulous. The only claim that I can't speak for is that it smooths fine lines. I didn't notice it affecting fine lines whatsoever. That being said, all in all, this is a fabulous product that lives up to nearly all of the claims.

Rating: 4.5 / 5

Hard Candy is always pushing boundaries at the drugstore. Their Instant Eye Fix is proof of that! At a fraction of the cost of similar products, you can achieve a smoother and brighter under eye area. Overall, I was impressed with the way this performed. I really did notice a difference.

Have you tried this product? Are you a fan of Hard Candy?


  1. It looks fabulous!! I'm addicted to Clinique's All About Eyes under eye serum...I use it twice a day. Have a great weekend!! Big hugs :)

    July Bresser
    A Mermaid's Crafts

    1. Yes! I've been trying out a sample of that recently and so far so good! Hope you had a great weekend :)

  2. Very nice post dear. :)

  3. Hello, i like this post. İt's very good. But im not find this under eye because im living turkey :)

  4. It looks like a good product. I trust your honest reviews 😊


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