Wednesday, September 4, 2019

does it work?? laneige lip sleeping mask

There is nothing like a good lip mask. Or so I've heard. I have tried out a few in the past, but they all failed to impress. (Case in point? The Kiehl's lip mask, which you can read about here.) Recently, I got the Laneige lip mask in a Sephora VIB Rouge sample bag and had been meaning to put it to the test. Finally, now I am. This mask claims to address dryness and fine lines. According to the brand, the Laneige Lip Sleeping Mask "has a softening balm texture that closely adheres to lips for quick absorption. Its exclusive Moisture Wrap technology boasts hyaluronic acid and minerals to form a protective film over the lips to lock in moisture and active ingredients. A generous layer of this soothing mask at bedtime helps reduce flakiness so you can wake up to lips that feel refreshed, supple, and soft to the touch." Clearly this mask has makes some big claims...but does it actually work? It's time to find out how this high-end lip mask performs.

In terms of the packaging, it is simple plastic. Nothing special or out of the ordinary happening here! One thing that I did notice right off the bat about this lip mask was the smell. It has a very light vanilla scent that is so pleasant. Honestly, this was such a relief, because lately it seems that a lot of products have an overpowering or unpleasant smell. I personally really enjoy the way this smells - and that adds to the overall enjoyment of the product. The balm is very soft and easy to apply to the lips. The texture itself is smooth and creamy. It feels comfortable on the lips and has a somewhat thick feeling (even though the product itself is not thick at all). I think this has to do with the rich ingredients or perhaps that Moisture Wrap technology mentioned in the product description. I say this, because it does feel very moisturizing right from the get go.

Clearly, this works well when you apply it...but does it work overnight? Yes! I can happily report that this lip mask does a wonderful job of adding moisture to the lips overnight. As someone who has dry lips (and always has a Nivea lip balm on hand), it is nice to wake up to lips that don't feel dry or uncomfortable. It is equally exciting to not feel the need to reach for said lip balm moments after waking up each morning. Though I still rely on my beloved lip balm throughout the day....this Laneige Lip Sleeping Mask has been making some real improvements. Overall, I am really happy with the way this mask performs and have started keeping it on my nightstand.

Rating: 5 / 5

On another note, my latest YouTube video is up. Find out how to achieve a classic smokey eye look with this fast and fabulous tutorial....

Have you tried this lip mask? Do you have any recommendations? 


  1. Replies
    1. Its definitely a good lip mask. Thanks for stopping by!

  2. It sounds like a fabulous product!! Have a great day!! Big hugs :)

    July Bresser
    A Mermaid's Crafts

    1. Thank you so much! It is. I was definitely impressed :)

  3. love to read your blog dear :)
    thanks for sharing

  4. Looks like great product, thanks for the review

  5. Replies
    1. Thank you! I hope you have a fabulous day as well :)

  6. It sounds great, interesting review!
    Kisses, Paola.


  7. I need a lip mask. I will check it, thanks dear 😊


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