Monday, September 2, 2019

in september, we will wander through the warm winds of summer's wreckage.

Where oh where did the summer months go? Though the official end of summer isn't until the 23rd... there is always something a little bittersweet about the start of September. Soon, kids will be back in school and those blissful days of sunshine will be nothing but a distant memory. Sigh! Personally, I am trying to pack in as much last minute summer fun as possible, but the end is certainly near. Before long, we will be fully immersed in sweater weather and frost bitten leaves. With September officially here, I wanted to celebrate the end of one season and welcome in the new.

As much as I am saddened by the impending end of the season....a small part of me is excited for everything that fall promises to bring. Personally, I have always loved that time of year. A few reasons to be excited? The warm colours, the fabulous candle scents at Leyland & Body Works, and cozy layered outfits. I also feel like the start of a new season is a wonderful time to embrace personal changes. It is a time to step out of old habits and firmly establish new ones.

For me, this summer has been memorable for a lot of reasons. I've been able to do a lot of travelling, have been to lots of events, seen friends, and made some notable personal changes. Plus, I've started working out with a personal trainer and have dedicated myself more passionately to my personal growth. All in all, there were a lot of wonderful summer memories. But as I look ahead, I know that there are more memories to be made and plenty of growth to be had! Whether you are looking back at summer or looking ahead to the fall, a little inspiration can go a long way. Today, I wanted to share some inspirational quotes and pictures to perk up your week.

Are you excited about the start of a new month? What will you do this September?


  1. Time is september 😊 love this autumn ... Thanks for your sharing 😊

  2. Very inspiration post.

  3. I love September!!!

  4. Great post. Thank you for sharing! :)
    New post -

  5. I actually cannot wait for autumn! Love your inspo <3

  6. Thanks for the beautiful post!

    Have a nice day)

  7. Well written post. Yes, the seasons keep moving...

  8. What will I do? Celebrate my Birthday at the end of the most beautiful month of the year... September! :)
    Have a lovely day dear...
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    1. Oh that sounds so wonderful! I hope your birthday will be fabulous.

  9. Thanks for these inspiring quotes, Shannon:) I go through a funk every time summer ends:( Especially these past few years, I've really not been liking the cold weather. Seriously....I'm turning into a senior citizen and just wanna move down south (although I don't like hurricanes...sigh). Anyhoo, isn't it weird that as soon as Sept hits, we get the cold weather here in TO? Like, how does Mother Nature know it's time to get cold first day back to school? :P

    1. Haha oh I totally relate to that. Knowing that the weather will only get colder as the days go on can be seriously depressing. And right?? Mother Nature knows!

  10. I miss summer allready 😅. Happy September dear 😊


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