Saturday, September 14, 2019

my fan expo experience (2019)

Last year, I went to Fan Expo for the first time. Despite how fun it was also very expensive. So I made the decision not to return. Yet, here I am, writing about Fan Expo once again. Sigh! With the prices being so ridiculous (you pay for entry then pay excessively for each autograph, picture, or photo op you want. It really adds up over the course of the day) there wasn't a lot that could tempt me to go back. Two words: Corey. Feldman. I've been a fan of Corey's for many years but never imagined that I could meet him. Then it was announced that he would be attending this years event. Of course, I bought myself a ticket and made plans to head downtown. Here are all the highlights of my experience at Fan Expo 2019.

It all started bright and early. Though I am only writing about Fan Expo now, it actually took place at the end of August and was the day after the Jonas Brothers concert. (You can read all about that concert here.) So, after getting home from the concert at around 1 am, my alarm went off at 6 am so I could start getting ready for all of the Fan Expo festivities. Getting ready was a process. Since my only true objective was to meet Corey Feldman, I had a custom t-shirt made, and bought an angel halo from Party City. Why? Corey's band is made up of the "Corey's Angels." So I got a shirt made up that said "Future Corey's Angel" and paired it with a white glittering halo. My hair was in an ultra high ponytail with lots of curls and my makeup was ultra smokey.

After I was all set and ready to go, my friend and I began our trek downtown. Though the expo didn't technically open until ten, we were there about an hour before that, and they let the crowds in. The very first thing we did was head over to Corey Feldman's autograph table. The crew member working there was so helpful. We discovered that we had a bit of time before Corey would come out so we spent a while browsing the many (many) booths of merchandise. There were tons of Funko Pop Figures (which are a weakness for both myself and my friend), t-shirts, and fan themed memorabilia.  We debated making purchases and admittedly made a few. Then it was back to wait for Corey. My friend was so patient and awesome....and she had no problem waiting for close to an hour for Corey to arrive. I was freaking out while we waited and she did everything she could to keep me calm. I'm definitely super grateful for her support. We waited and waited and then, suddenly, there he was.

Corey Feldman. It was everything I hoped it would be. Better than I ever imagined it could be. I waited for my turn to meet Corey (shelling out around $200 for an autograph, picture, and t-shirt) while my friend snapped a video and tons of pictures. Well....Corey was amazing. He was so excited by my outfit and called it the best cosplay he'd seen at the convention. He mentioned that his wife, Courtney, would love it and took a picture of me (yes! Corey Feldman took a picture of me! on his! phone!) to show her later. I told him how much I loved him and how excited I was and basically just stared at him and rambled on like an idiot. But he was so kind and just the sweetest person. He shook my hand and gave me a hug and we took a couple of pictures together. The whole interaction was a few minutes but oh boy, will those memories last a lifetime. It was such a special and important moment. Meeting someone that means so much to me. What an honour. Here are a couple of pictures from that experience....

Phew! Immediately after meeting Corey, I broke down in happy tears. It was a lot to take in. Eventually, I pulled myself together and my friend and I went to enjoy the rest of the convention. We explored the south building, did a bit of Pop shopping, and I even got to meet ALBinWhisperland at her art table. (She is an amazing YouTuber/ASMR creator that I adore.) She sold a ton of fantastic pieces and I was able to buy a print that she kindly autographed for me. After that, we did lots of wandering, took pictures on the Friends couch (which was a serious life highlight for my friend, who is a die-hard Friends fan), and took pictures in the Jurassic Park jeep.

All in all, it was a wonderful day. We did some shopping, I met Corey Feldman, and my friend and I got to hang out for a good chunk of a Sunday. Not a bad way to say so long to summer.

Have you ever gone to a fan convention?


  1. Beautiful pictures, dear! I love your blog so much. I followed you, if you want, follow me back. xoxo

  2. wow! my brother is also fan of him!

  3. Interesting post! sounds like a great experience

  4. Wow, lucky you! Good to know he is kind in person! You look beautiful, carina!

    The Flower Duet

  5. It sounds like a great time!! Your pictures are fabulous!! Have a great day!! Big hugs :)

    July Bresser
    A Mermaid's Crafts

  6. WOW a wonderful experience! Fantastic autographed book!

    1. Thank you! Yes, I love that the book is autographed now :D

  7. That was a great experience! :)
    Have a good Monday...
    Fifty Shades Fashion Blog
    My Instagram

    1. It really was! Thank you so much. I hope you have a great week!

  8. Oh Shannon! This is so awesome to read! As a Fan Expo goer for years now, I've always had a great time and great to know you had one too. That must've seen awesome meeting Corey:) I'm a huge Goonies/LOTR fan so we opted for a photo op with Sean, but Corey would've been awesome to meet as well. Love the pics of the two of you:)

    1. Oh, I really did. I love to go but the prices seem to stack up so quickly haha. I loved your photo with Sean and I'm so glad you got to make some awesome family memories :D

  9. Corey Fellman is so sweat. And you are also looking fantastic dear :)


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