Wednesday, September 18, 2019

review: china glaze nail polish (celtic sun)

Lately, I've been all about neon nails. Though this trend is typically associated with the early summer months...I choose my nail colours based on my mood. Not long ago, I had my heart set on a bright neon yellow nail look. Almost like a yellow highlighter. There was no rhyme or reason for this. It's just what popped into my head. So suddenly, I was on the hunt for the perfect shade. Though Sally Hansen recently released a line of neon nail polish shades (expect a review on a couple of those in the next little while) they didn't have the right shade for this particular concept. Not to worry! I found the exact right shade from China Glaze and was super excited about it.

As you can see from the picture above, the colour on the nails matches the colour in the bottle. Which is important - especially because that doesn't always happen. So you might assume that this was a positive experience. Not at all. You will never guess how many coats of polish it took to get the finished look. Well, even I am not totally sure. I lost count after fifteen. Yes, it took more than fifteen coats of nail polish. That has literally never happened to me before. And I have used a lot of different nail polishes over the years! The coats were so thin and the consistency was really watery. To fully paint my nails, it took over two hours. Honestly, I am not someone who enjoys spending a ton of time on my nails (which is why I love the Sally Hansen Miracle Gel line a lot) so the fact that it took hours just to get any sort of colour pay off was ridiculously frustrating.

I don't know if this is the case with all of the China Glaze neon shades but Celtic Sun was a total mess. While I love the finished took so many coats and so much time to actually make it happen. Not to mention the fact that it chipped literally the next day. I touched it up but a few hours later...more chips and flakes. I added on additional coats and then two top coats. Still, the polish chipped off in large chunks. This was an absolute mess. I find it unlikely that I would have the time available and patience level to reach for this again in future. This was such a letdown. It also left me feeling really conflicted, because while I love the colour, the formula itself was just so terrible and not at all user friendly. I'm shocked that a well-known brand would release a nail polish that required fifteen plus coats of polish to get a decent pigmentation level. It's absolutely shocking.

Rating: 0 / 5

The colour is amazing...but the formula is unacceptable. It should never take that many coats to create a completed nail look. Especially one that can't even last a full day without chipping. That is why my rating for this product is well, nothing. It was disappointing to say the least. Now, I will continue my search for the perfect neon yellow nail polish.

Have you tried this? What do you think of China Glaze polishes?


  1. Very beautiful nail polish color.

    1. It was! That definitely made it more upsetting that it didn't perform well. Thank you for stopping by!

  2. Replies
    1. Yes! It was a fun shade. Such a letdown that it didn't perform well.

  3. I love this fluor trend for nails, thanks for sharing!



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