Monday, October 14, 2019

combat dry skin this fall

Spectacular. That is the best way to describe the fall season. It is full of natural beauty and plenty of wonder. The downside? The change in temperature can be hard on your skin. Cooler temperatures often cause issues like dryness, flakes, and itching. Not how most of us imagine a fun-filled season! Thankfully there are a number of ways to keep your skin looking and feeling hydrated. Keep reading to find out how you can combat dry skin this fall.

Switch Up Your Moisturizer. We all have our favourite products. Certain skincare items work well for certain skin types. Have you already found your Holy Grail moisturizer? Re-think it. When cooler weather takes over it is important to switch up your daily moisturizer. Look for something thicker and longer lasting. This will give your skin the nourishment it needs to fight against winds, rain, and lower temperatures. Ask friends for recommendations, speak to skin care professional, or ask someone behind your local beauty counter. Your skin will thank you all season long.

Limit Your Time In The Shower.  There is nothing like a long hot shower at the end of a hard day. It manages to relax and renew. Something else it does? Wreak havoc on your skin. Showers that are too hot can be drying. Ditto staying in the shower for more than ten minutes at a time. The solution is simple. Keep your shower routine to a minimum. Aim to spend between five and ten minutes in the shower – and no more than that. Don’t forget to turn down the heat while you are at it! A warm shower is better for your skin than one that is too hot.

Look For Products That Add Hydration. It isn’t just your moisturizer that needs to be swapped out once fall arrives. Look at other daily use products as well. Everything from your body wash to hand soap and shampoo can irritate the skin once the weather starts to shift. Going shopping? Keep your eyes peeled for products that boast moisture and hydration. (Many have these claims right on the label. They shouldn’t be too hard to find!) A few simple changes can help you avoid the pitfalls of dry skin this fall.

Put a Humidifier In Your Bedroom. You spend an awful lot of time in your bedroom each night. That makes it especially important to think about the air. Dryness in the air can cause your skin to look dull and feel itchy. So make sure a humidifier is on your shopping list. They are relatively inexpensive and can work wonders. These small machines plug into the wall and add moisture to the air. That in turn adds moisture to your skin. After a night or two you are sure to notice a difference. Aim to keep your humidifier at about 60 percent for the best results.

Are you ready for the fall season? Make sure you are. Don’t just add on layers of clothing and throw on a scarf. Take care of your skin this season. These tips will help you prevent dryness and flakes. Remember: a little hydration will go a long way.

On another note, my latest YouTube video is live. This one is all about the Alyssa Edwards eyeshadow palette from Anastasia Beverly Hills. Check out two looks created using the high end makeup set....


  1. Very interesting post.

  2. these are great tips! i always need a little more hydration in my moisturiser in the colder weather!

    Hope that your week is going well :)

    Away From Blue

    1. Yes, same. Extra hydration is a total must. Thank you so much for stopping by. I hope your week is going well so far, too!

  3. Oh yes, its time to use a good cream for dry skin, thanks for the suggestion :)
    Have a great day!
    Fifty Shades Fashion Blog
    My Instagram

    1. Most definitely! I hope you have a great day as well :)

  4. Thank you! so much for sharing such a beautiful tips. Furthermore, tips for beauty visit at....
    Top Beauty Tips

  5. These are such great tips, I never thought about humidifiers and the skin :D I've started to get dry patches on my face already and my nose is super irritated, I definitely need to add some soothing steps to my skin routine xx

    elizabeth ♡ ”Ice Cream” whispers Clara

    1. Oh, I totally relate to that! Its not even winter yet and my skin is in need of a little extra TLC!

  6. Oh my gosh! Love that vid, Shannon:) I so want that palette now. You look fab in both looks but I soooo want to re-creat that second one. Great job!
    And yeah...I can feel my skin getting drier as the days pass by:( Must really invest on a good humidifier. Thanks for the awesome tips as always:)

    1. Oh yes, it is a really fun palette! Very colourful. You could definitely recreate it! Thank you so much for your comment.

  7. Great tips...and beautiful make up looks.

  8. wow, so nice post :)
    kisses, Buba

  9. Estupendo post ! Siempre escribes con tanto cariño! Espero verte pronto por mi blog ! Me encanta saber tu opinión sobre mis entradas! Feliz noche! 💙💙💙

    1. Thank you so much for your comment! I hope you are doing well :)


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