Saturday, October 12, 2019

#FOTD featuring sephora #lipstories (margs matte lipstick)

Sometimes, inspiration for a makeup look just pops into your head. Other times, a particular product inspires the look. Recently, the lipstick shade Margs entered my life. It was a shade so different, so unique, and so unlike anything else in my makeup collection that it became impossible not to be inspired. Though I do own a few green lipstick shades (you can check out one of them here)....this was a completely different kind of green. It was swampy, moss-like, and matte. Not to mention, ultra affordable. The tube of lipstick set me back a mere $10. Not bad for a unique lipstick shade. Want to see it in action? Find out how the product performs? Then keep reading....

First thing is first. How does the lipstick perform? In case you are curious about the quality of the Sephora Collection #lipstories line, I have to say, I am pretty impressed. The price tag makes it affordable - especially when you consider the prices of other items at Sephora. In terms of pigmentation, this was pretty impressive. It doesn't take more than one or two layers of product to get a glamorous green lip. Though this is a matte lipstick, this lipstick is ultra creamy. It applies easily, glides along the lips, and then dries to a comfortable matte finish. It isn't drying and doesn't irritate. I also find that the colour wears well and fades fairly naturally.

The #FOTD look that I created recently used the Dominique Cosmetics eyeshadow palette (which I reviewed recently. You can check that out here), Rustic Glam. The browns and golds in that palette allowed me to create a simple - but fabulous - neutral eye look. Since the lipstick shade, Margs, was the main inspiration behind this look...I wanted it to stand out and shine as much as possible. So I kept it fairly neutral on the lids, kept my eyeliner to a minimum, and added on a peachy blush to the cheeks. To finish off the look, I added on that oh-so-stunning Sephora lipstick. Ready to see how the look turned out? Be sure to sound off in the comment section below and let me know what you think of this lipstick shade.

Overall, I am really pleased with the way the makeup look turned out. I think when you have such a bold lipstick colour going on, simpler is definitely better with the rest of the makeup. At least, if you still want the look to be somewhat wearable. Margs is such a unique shade and I am currently obsessed with the colour and this #FOTD.

Do you like green lipstick? Have you tried any of the Sephora Collection #lipstories?


  1. Wow, it's a really original colour and I love how it looks on you ^^

    Freak Muffin Blog

  2. It's an incredible color and it's very good for you!

  3. this shade is completely different, but looks great on you.
    New post on My Blog | Instagram | Bloglovin

    1. It is really different! I think that is what makes it so fabulous! Thank you :)

  4. Great post. Thank you for sharing! :)New post  -   

  5. Oh my gosh! This is such a super cool and unique look, Shannon. Not a lot of peeps can pull of this look but you soooooo did! Love it:) Looks fab on you. I've never tried this Sephora line and I really should.
    Happy Thanksgiving. XOXO

    1. Thank you so much! You're so lovely! It is a lot of fun to play with lipstick colours, if you ask me :) Happy Thanksgiving!!

  6. How interesting. I don't live near a Sephora but I am planning on doing a major annual haul when I travel next month for work. I love how it looks on you! <3 /Madison

    1. Ooh that sounds fun! It's always exciting to visit a Sephora. Especially when you haven't been in a while. I hope you find everything you're looking for!

  7. Wow, looks interesting!


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