Monday, November 11, 2019

morphe x jeffree star eyeshadow palette (review and makeup looks)

Jeffree Star has been on everyone's mind lately. Thanks to his ultra successful series with Shane Dawson and the recent release of the Conspiracy Collection, it seems Jeffree is reaching new heights in the beauty community. Plus, there is his latest collaboration with Morphe. It includes a brush set, liquid lipstick sets, a setting spray, and an eyeshadow palette. Being the eyeshadow junkie that I am...when I saw the collection at my local Sephora, I knew that palette had to be mind. So, is it good? Bad? In between? Here is everything you need to know about how the Morphe x Jeffree Star palette performs and the different looks you can create.

Morphe x Jeffree Star Artistry Palette Review (Packaging)

Before discussing anything else, let's talk packaging. Morphe isn't known for having ultra fancy packaging on their eyeshadow palettes. (Check out my review of their 35M Boss Mood palette to get a better idea of what the typical Morphe palette looks like.) It is usually simple, black, and made of plastic. This is one area where the Jeffree Star palette differs from the rest. As you can see from the picture above, this is anything but simple, black, or ordinary. It has a light pink background with a deeper pink border and a fabulous holographic finish behind the lettering. 

Just like Jeffree himself....this palette makes a statement. It stands out but still looks fresh, fun, and exciting. This has a magnetic closure and the palette opens up to reveal a large mirror up top and the shadows on the bottom half. The pans are in a rounded square shape rather than Morphe's typical round pans. If that wasn't enough, the eyeshadow names are actually printed inside the palette, rather than on a detachable clear plastic sheet. (And for the record, the shade names are so cute. The first row includes: Welcome, Back, To, My, Channel, and Wand Noise.) The changes made from a traditional Morphe palette to this Jeffree Star collaboration really elevate the product - and make it feel like an extra special purchase. 

Artistry Palette Shade Selection

In terms of shade selection, this eyeshadow palette stands out. It has a nice range of neutrals, deeper colours, metallics, and bolder rainbow colours. Plus there are both matte, shimmer, and glitter shades. If you are someone who loves variety? This is a palette to add to your wish list. Since I have a wide array of eyeshadows in my collection is always exciting when I come across shades that are really unique or different. There are several of them here. Most notably, Wake & Bake (that swampy green colour). What's The Tea (the brownish green) and Drive Thru (the glittering olive green). Something I really enjoy about the shade selection? There are little sections of colours that work well together. For instance, you have the greens, metallics, sunset colours, pinks and purples. There are plenty of colours to use together or individually. 

Quality and Overall Impressions

This was my first time using a genuine Jeffree Star product (you can read about my experience with a fake Jeffree Star palette here) but I hope to try out items from Jeffree Star Cosmetics one day in future. Until then....this Morphe palette will certainly do the trick! There is a lot of good in this particular palette and a few so-so shades. For the most part, the quality of the eyeshadows is solid. Especially with the more colourful eyeshadows. They are intensely pigmented and blend well. The metallic shades also perform really well and look absolutely beautiful. 

Out of all the shadows, there are only a few disappointments. They are namely the shades on the left side of the palette (top to bottom). With the exception of Lynn (a creamy beige)...these don't do a whole lot. There is a lack of pigmentation compared to the other shadows in the palette. I feel like you need to work a lot harder to make them work and get an intense amount of colour payoff. Overall, this is an exciting palette with an awful lot of stellar eyeshadow colours. The large majority work well and are intensely pigmented. It's a shame there are those few that are only so-so! 

Two Makeup Looks Using the Morphe x Jeffree Star Palette

Now for the fun stuff. It is time to see the eyeshadow palette in action. Though I've used this a number of times in the last little while...there are two looks that I'll be sharing with you today. The first is more of a vampy fall look (making good use of that glittery olive green shade, Drive Thru) and the second is really warm with a focus on the shade Boss Angeles and 1985. Let me know in the comment section below which look you like best....

There is a lot to love about the Morphe and Jeffree Star collaboration. This eyeshadow palette stands out from other Morphe offerings in the packaging, shade selection, and even the quality level. This is Morphe elevated. 

Rating: 4 / 5

Have you tried this eyeshadow palette? Are you a fan of Jeffree Star or Morphe?


  1. This looks awesome!


  2. The palette looks awesome, Shannon, and so do you! Both looks are great:) Did you get the Conspiracy one? I've always wanted to try JS's line but the price is kinda pricey and I don't like waiting for shipment:D

    1. Aww thank you! I tried to get the palette but it sold out by the time I got home from work... And the pre order for the next re-stock has sold out again! I'm so sad! But I am trying to be patient. I hear you on the price and shipping. I always prefer to buy makeup in person rather than order online.

  3. Un post muy interesante! Es un placer leerte! Feliz día! 🍁🍂🧡

  4. This palette is wonderful. The shades are beautiful. Great makeup!

  5. I love all those color options, it looks so great on you!
    xo Annie
    New England Romance

    1. Thank you so much! I really love the different colours as well :)

  6. I always love the colors on his line. The glittery ones are nice. You are gorgeous as ever, dear!


    1. Agree! He has a really good eye. Thank you so much :)

  7. Great colors, I like both options but, the first one is my favorite!

    1. Aww thanks! It was a lot of fun to play around with the colours!

  8. Hello :)
    I'd like to say thank you for every comment on my blog <3

    The eye shadow palette is great! I like the color choices from nude to bold, eye-catching colors. Jeffrey makes statements :D

    xo from germany
    Isa | My Beauty Blog

    1. You are so welcome! I love reading it! I agree. The variety of colours is really exciting.


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