Sunday, November 3, 2019

revlon highlighting palette (rose glow highlight review)

One thing I am not in need of? Highlighting products. There are plenty filling up my existing makeup collection. From high end to drugstore and even dollar store finds....there is no shortage of ways to make the skin glow. These days, fantastic highlighting products are easier and easier to find. Whether you are searching for a subtle shine or want a full blown glittery sparkle, there are products (at all price points) to consider. More recently, I picked up the Revlon Highlighting Palette in the shade 020 Rose Glow. The reason? It was at a steeply discounted price and I was curious about how it would perform. is everything you need to know about this drugstore highlight.

This particular highlighting palette from Revlon is separated into strips of colour. That means technically you can use one row or a combination of rows to achieve the look you want to achieve. However, the colours don't look all that different when you swatch them separately. Mostly just shimmer and shine! For best results, swirl your makeup brush through the entire palette and apply the product directly to the cheeks. This particular set (rose glow) is less of a traditional highlighting palette and more of a soft blush and highlight in one. It adds a light pink to the cheeks along with all of that glitter and shimmer. The effect is absolutely beautiful. However, if you are looking for a highlight and only a highlight....this may not be the best fit for your makeup collection.

In terms of the pigmentation, it was fairly impressive. Swatched row by row, not so much. When you use all the colours at once though, there is quite a lot of colour (and shimmer) payoff. This is a great product to have on hand when you are in a rush but aren't willing to skimp out on your regular beauty routine. The blush and highlight in one will save you time and make sure your cheeks look fabulous, flushed, and ultra glowy.

All in all, this is certainly worth picking up and adding to your next makeup look. I chose the shade Rose Glow but there are other options as well, including Peach Glow and Bronze Glow. These are effective, affordable (especially when you find them on sale), and add a lovely hint of colour and glow to the skin. Want to see it in action? Here is a five minute face with the Revlon Rose Glow Highlight on the cheeks.

Rating:: 4.5 / 5

This is certainly a product that I will be reaching for on those sleepy early mornings or in days when I nee to get ready in a flash. The Revlon Highlighting Palette looks beautiful and is super simple to apply. Yes, this was one bargain find that surpassed my expectations. What a lovely surprise! 

Have you tried this highlight? Are you a fan of Revlon?


  1. I love Revlon products 😊 thanks for your sharing 😊 have a nice week...

    1. Me too! They have a lot of really good ones. Thank you so much. I hope you have a great week as well :)

  2. Interesting post. Thanks for sharing. @luda.tischenko - instagram

  3. It looks so good on you! thanks for your review! :)

    Hope that you had a great weekend :) Despite a bit of a rainy one we managed to get to the beach which was nice :)

    Away From Blue

    1. Thank you very much! Oh that is wonderful that you were able to spend some time at the beach. How fun!

  4. So lovely... and you are always so beautiful!
    Kisses, Paola.


  5. You look stunning! I love Revlon, my mom use Revlon since she were very young :)

    1. Thank you! Yes, it's definitely a timeless brand.

  6. Lovely!

    Carina |

  7. Se ve todo muy bonito! Te espero por mi blog! Feliz semana! ♡♡♡

  8. Hiç kullanmadım.Ana fikrim degisti😊❤👍

  9. Hi! That palette is wonderful, it has fantastic shades. Have a nice day!

    1. It really does! Definitely adds a nice amount of glow to the cheeks.

  10. Nossa, deixa a mulher maravilhosa, achei fantástico...
    Beijinhos com carinho!!!

  11. Great product review.


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