Saturday, November 23, 2019

too faced review (gingerbread bronzed and kissed)

When it comes to holiday makeup, Too Faced is the absolute best. Few brands even come close to competing with the glitz, glitter, and festive feels. Last year, I fell head over heels for their Christmas Dreams holiday set. This year? I've been testing and trying their latest seasonal items. First up in this little review series is the Gingerbread Bronzed & Kissed. This bronzer and lipstick set includes a makeup bag, bronzer, and lipstick...all themed around gingerbread. Makeup and gingerbread? Sign me up. Gingerbread is one of my all-time favourite things about the holiday season. So anything gingerbread themed and scented is totally up my alley. Want to know how this set performs? Wondering if this set is worth splurging on this holiday season? Here is everything you need to know.

Too Faced Gingerbread Bronzed & Kissed Set

Adorable, right? This set includes a limited edition makeup bag (shaped like a sparkly gingerbread, of course), a Spicy Bronzer in the shade Gingerbread Tan, and a gingerbread scented lipstick in the shade Gingerbread Man. In terms of the theme and packaging....Too Faced hit it out of the park. Everything is so cute and festive. There is no doubt about the inspiration for the set. This is gingerbread goodness like I have never seen before. No wonder it made Emily Noel's list of Holiday Must Have sets. This is absolutely a must have if you are a fan of fun holiday packaging - but still want solid beauty products you can use in your everyday routine. On that note, it is time to dig a little deeper into the products themselves.

Gingerbread Shaped Makeup Bag

To start, there is the makeup bag itself. It is no doubt adorable. This bag is ultra sparkly, fun, and has lots of cute little details. And the shape itself is perfectly festive with that classic gingerbread cookie design. As cute as this is? As much as I adore it? This isn't the most practical item to have on hand. Due to the shape of the gingerbread (the length, feet, and arms) it is a little tricky to actually use this bag to store products. Sure, I can fit the lipstick and bronzer in here, but that's about it! This certainly isn't something you could use for travel or could toss into your purse. It is really more of a display piece. So if you are thinking about buying this set for the bag alone? Consider whether you will actually use this Too Faced product or not. 

Spicy Bronzer in Gingerbread Tan 

As for the makeup itself, it is impressive. The first item is the Spicy Bronzer in Gingerbread Tan. This bronzer has an adorable gingerbread design inside the pan (with cute white details that are sadly an over spray and won't last past the first application) and an equally adorable gingerbread design on the packaging itself. The actual bronzer has a smooth buttery texture and a satin finish. It is warm, has a hint of shimmer, and blends seamlessly into the skin. It also smells amazing. Yes, the products in this set are gingerbread scented! Talk about exciting. The scent is sweet, pleasant, and really adds to that fabulous holiday vibe. All in all, this is a solid bronzer that works well for me. That being said, this is a light to medium bronzer so it won't necessarily suit all skin tones.

Lipstick in Gingerbread Man

To finish it all off is this stunning lipstick in the shade Gingerbread Man. It comes in adorable gingerbread inspired packaging and has an imprint of peaches and the Too Faced logo in the lipstick itself. These little details tie the lipstick into their existing line but also make it fabulously festive. As for the colour, it is perfection. No really! Complete and total perfection. I feel like a million bucks when I step out wearing this colour. It is so glamorous. Gingerbread Man is ultra wearable but still lets you enjoy a fabulous statement lip. This lipstick is also really nourishing and feels comfortable on the lips. It lasts for several hours without needing to be re-applied and wears naturally throughout the day. This is a shade that makes me very happy.

Overall Thoughts and Finished Look

There is a lot to love about the Gingerbread Bronzed & Kissed set from Too Faced. The makeup bag is ridiculously cute (though not overly practical), the bronzer works well and blends easily, and the lipstick shade is pure perfection. If you are looking for add ons to your makeup collection that look beautiful and work effectively...this is certainly worth considering. These products are downright wonderful and will be used regularly in my makeup routine this holiday season.

Rating: 4.5 / 5

Are you a fan of Too Faced? Will you purchase this holiday set?


  1. Lovely design 😊 cookie Man ... Thanks for your review 😊

  2. Waaaahh OMG the gingerbread man is so cute! I would truly buy these just for the design too!


    1. Right?? I'm totally obsessed with gingerbread everything.... Including the items in this set!

  3. Wow! The products are wonderful. I love Too Face packagings.
    I hope you´ll visit my blog soon. Have a nice day!

    1. I agree! Too Faced has the most incredible packaging. Thank you :)

  4. Wow, this gingerbread makeup bag is so cute and the hole collection ❤️❤️❤️

    Marija's blog

  5. Wow this looks amazing!!      


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