Wednesday, December 18, 2019

12 days of Christmas (Winterlicious Questions) - Day 5

One week. There is just one week until Christmas! Each and every year, I do my best to slow down and enjoy this oh-so-magical time of year. I aim to get things done early so I don't feel so rushed when it comes down to crunch time. Yet, despite all of my prepping and seems there is always so much to squeeze in at the last minute. Here is hoping you are spending the last week before Christmas resting, relaxing, and making happy memories. Are you ready for Day Five? In case you missed my first post, check out the Winterlicious Questions that I will be answering every day until the 25th of December. Today's post is all about winter scents.

Favourite Winter Scent/Candle 

When it comes to my favourite winter scent, the answer is easy: gingerbread. I have a serious obsession with everything gingerbread related. I use gingerbread scented hand soap throughout the year (I always stock up at Christmastime) and am a sucker for a gingerbread scented candle. That being said, my favourite winter candle is Marshmallow Fireside from Leyland & Body Works. It smells so good. Usually, I pick up one or two of the candles and burn them slowly throughout the year. I also like to purchase a few of the wall plug-in bulbs in the same scent. It honestly smells incredible. If you haven't tried it yet, this is one candle scent I highly recommend. 

What is your favourite winter scent? Are you a fan of Leyland & Body Works candles?


  1. for me winter smell of cinnamon and vanilla 😊

  2. Gingerbread all the way <3 Love it in creams, lotions, scents and anything :-D

    1. Oh my gosh, yes! I'm a gingerbread fanatic. Good choice!

  3. The smells of Christmas is the most amazing scents. <3

  4. Oooooo...thanks for the heads up about this scent, Shannon:) I haven't been to Leyland and Body in awhile so I wanna pop in soon! I've always liked marshmallowy scents too, and also anything egg-noggy:D

    1. It's definitely worth picking up! I'm sure you would love it if you're into marshmallow scents!


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