Monday, December 9, 2019

does it work?? ole henriksen lucky pucker lip scrub + mini nivea rant

Cold. Dry. Snowy. Those are just a few of the words used to describe this time of year. Though the official first day of winter isn't until the 21st....tell that to the weather! Where I live, we have already had blizzards, snow storms, and temperatures in the minuses. My skin is dry to begin with, so the winter months mean one thing: I have to be extra proactive with my skin and lip care routines. Lately, I've been using the Ole Henriksen Lucky Pucker Lip Scrub from Sephora to remove dry patches and keep my pout pretty and plump. Find out how it's been working so far - and read my mini rant on the new Nivea Essential Care lip balm formula.

Review: Ole Henriksen Lucky Pucker Lip Scrub

Exfoliation is key. This is true when it comes to both skin care routines and taking care of your lips during the chilly winter months. Which is why the Lucky Pucker Lip Scrub from Ole Henriksen was so alluring. In the past, I have used some of the brands skin care products, so there was already a level of trust with the brand. As for the lip scrub, it comes in a small white and red tub with a cute apple print along the top. The cap screws off to reveal the lip scrub inside, which twists up to reveal more product. In terms of packaging, this is simple - which is exactly what I want from a product like this. There is no need for extra bulk or unnecessary extras. 

So, does it work? Thankfully, the answer is yes. This lip scrub promises to gently exfoliate and condition the lips using apple fiber and sugar. The end result claims to be a smooth and soft finish. And it is! The scrub is most definitely gentle but effective. It isn't scratchy and doesn't feel uncomfortable when applied. It is quick and easy to use, and well, it delivers on all off its claims. What a rare event! This does have a faint apple-cinnamon scent, however. I am not personally a fan of apple scented products. On the plus side, the scent isn't too strong or overpowering so it doesn't really bother me. However if you are really not into apple scented items, this may not be the right fit for you. Overall, I am really happy with this product. It works well, is convenient to use, and is seriously saving my lips from these cold, dry winter conditions. 

Mini Rant: Nivea Essential Care Lip Balm

We all have those holy grail products. The ones that we rely on day in and day out. For me, that was my Nivea Essential Care Lip Balm. It went everywhere with me. It was never out of arms reach, literally ever. It stayed in my pocket or purse or on my nightstand. It was my constant companion. I say was, because recently, Nivea changed their formula. It says on the bottom of all the packaging, "new improved formula," isn't. It. Is. Awful. The new formula caused my lips to peel off in strips, made them hurt and burn, and they never felt moisturized. Not even for a second. I've gone and bought up as much of the "old" formula as I can get my hands on but it is a very small stockpile. It will run out in the not so distant future and I am in a panic! So this beauty rant is essentially to declare in a public manner that the new Nivea lip balm is terrible. Also, I am looking for any recommendations. If you know of any lip balms that are similar to the old Nivea formula, I would appreciate the suggestions. Thank you in advance! 

How are you taking care of your lips this season? 


  1. This sound good. I only ever tried the Lush lip scrubs :-)

    1. Yes for sure. They have nice flavours :-) I don't often get dry lips but the Lush ones do the trick. They moisturise very well :-D

    2. Perfect! I'll have to visit and see if I can try something for myself!

  2. Oh very nice the lip scrub I really like the concept

  3. The scrub sounds great but what a shame they changed the formula of the lip balm! :( I use paw paw as a lipbalm most of the time, luca's is my go to as I'm a Brissy gal and it's made here in Brisbane haha!

    Hope that your week is off to a good start! We went to the Enchanted Gardens yesterday afternoon to see the Christmas lights which was beautiful :)

    Away From Blue | Handbag Gift Guide

    1. It is a real shame! I'm very upset about it. That lip balm sounds so good.

      Ooh that sounds like such a fantastic way to get ready for the holidays! What a lovely experience.

  4. Great post, Thanks for sharing, x
    I'm following you! X.

  5. Balms from Nivea my salvation in the winter!
    Thanks for the wonderful post review :)
    I invite you to visit:

  6. I would like to try this lip scrub!
    Kisses, Paola.


    1. It's definitely a good one! Thank you for stopping by :)

  7. Thanks for sharing! I've never tried this before!

    xx Chelsea

  8. It looks very interesting! I have never tried lip scrubs))

    1. If you are looking into one, this is a good one, for sure!


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