Sunday, December 1, 2019

welcome december + tips to save money on holiday shopping

December. A month of joy, happiness, and finishing what you started. This is my favourite month in the entire year because it is full of excitement and hope. There is always a lot going on (sometimes it feels like too much but in the best possible way) and lots of looking forward to Christmas celebrations. This is the perfect time to meet up with friends, hang out with family, and make memories that will last. However you choose to spend the last month of 2019....remember to make it count. Finish off any last-minute resolutions on your list, start looking ahead to your goals for 2020, celebrate the season with loved ones, and focus on what matters most. To welcome in this oh-so-fabulous month, here are a couple of my favourite December-related quotes and some holiday shopping tips to help you save money.

December Quotes to Inspire

Tips to Save Money on Holiday Shopping 

Money on your mind? Well, it is the season to overspend. Believe it or not, the average person spends over $700 on Christmas gifts and decor…. each and every year. That much cash can seriously deplete your savings. Get ready for a dose of good news. The holiday season doesn’t have to empty your bank account. The key is to save, save, save. Not sure how to do it? Put these tips to use. They are all you need to avoid overspending on holiday shopping this year.

Put Thought Into Your Christmas List. The easiest way to spend less this Christmas is to re-assess your shopping list. It is easy to get carried away. You want to spoil all of the people in your life. From co-workers to family friends and even acquaintances. Before you know it, your holiday shopping list is a mile long. Keep it simple! Put some serious thought into your list. Aim to cut back wherever possible. Buy gifts for immediate family and close friends – and send Christmas cards to everyone else.

Try Looking Online For Great Gifts. There are so many ways to shop these days. That gives you the luxury of both selection and savings. So if you want to save money on holiday shopping, look online! You can find some great deals on gifts if you do enough browsing, searching, and comparison shopping. Especially if you take advantage of Black Friday pricing or Cyber Monday sales. Keep your eyes peeled and see what you can find.

Avoid The Last Minute Madness. One sure-fire way to spend a ton this Christmas is to wait until the last minute. Suddenly everything you want is sold out…. and you will spend absolutely anything to get what you need. Add that to the already inflated price tags and well, your wallet will feel a little too light this winter. Try to shop earlier for those must-have items. Not only will you get what you want for less but you will avoid the chaos of those last minute shoppers.

Write Out a Shopping List…And Stick To It! Everywhere you turn there are seasonal items. Cute decorations, scented candles, hot chocolate kits, and everything in between. No wonder we tend to overspend. To stick to your budget this year, avoid those tempting extras. Write out a shopping list before you go out. Then do everything you can to stick to it. Tempted to buy another gift for someone you love? Or something special for your home? Look at your list then decide if you really need it.

Don’t Be Afraid To DIY Presents. Money is tight sometimes. That can make the holiday season super stressful. Just because Christmas is coming doesn’t mean you have to shell out a ton of cash. DIY a special gift instead. There are so many things you can do. Try making a photo frame or give vouchers for one on one experiences instead. Another idea is to take a look at Pinterest or craft websites for more DIY ideas. See? You don’t need to spend money to make the holidays memorable.

Go for broke? Not this year. You now have the tools to pare down your shopping list, save money, and create personalized gifts. That means enjoying the magic of the holiday season…. without saying goodbye to your hard earned cash.


  1. Thanks for the beautiful post!Have a nice day)  

    1. Thank you! I hope you have a great day as well :)

  2. These are great quotes and good tips for shopping! I've already finished my Christmas shopping - I try to start early each year and spread it out over a few months so I can take my time and make sure I get everyone the perfect gift!

    Hope that you had a wonderful weekend :) We decorated our house for Christmas, which always makes me happy! I posted my Annual Handbag Gift Guide if you want to check it out :)

    Away From Blue

    1. Oh wow, that is impressive! I'm nearly done mine and was feeling good about that but you're really ahead of the game. How awesome! And yay, decorating can be so much fun. Glad you are enjoying the holidays so far.


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