Saturday, January 25, 2020

98 degrees concert + niagara falls weekend

Niagara Falls seems to reel me back in time and time again. This summer, I visited the city twice and returned once again this past weekend. (Spoiler alert: I have plans to visit again next month!) Though the summer months were all about recreation and time with friends...this winter it is all about concerts. Music is a huge part of my life and has been for as long as I can recall. Over the years, there have been many musicians, bands, and artists that have impacted my life. One of those bands? 98 degrees. I've been a fan of theirs for so long and have seen Nick Lachey in concert and was able to see 98 degrees open for another band a few years back. However, this was the first time I was going to see 98 degrees and only 98 degrees.

The weekend trip to Niagara Falls started off early. Far too early, if you ask me! By 6am, I was already heading to the train station. We took one train into Toronto and then another train to Niagara Falls. All in all, it took about three and a half hours. But at least we were inside and warm during our travels. The weather was really cold that weekend and people were referring to it as "snowmageddon." Not exactly a good start to the whole experience! Thankfully, we arrived and were able to get to the hotel without any issues. Since check in wasn't until four pm, we had a decent amount of time to kill. That meant storing our bags and checking out Fallsview Casino. Not the casino exactly! I am not much of a gambler, if I am being honest. Instead, we went to check out the stores in the casino area (and admittedly did a decent amount of shopping) and then grabbed a delicious but overpriced lunch.

Once we were able to check into our was time for a little rest and relaxation. We put on a Hallmark movie and had a quick cat nap. The concert didn't start until 9:00 so there was still a bit of time to catch some sleep, eat, and get ready for the show. Before I knew it, we were heading down to the venue. It was 98 degrees time! Our tickets were decent but sadly my pictures were not. (My camera takes awful photos.) To start, the show had a fifteen minute set with a DJ playing lots of old-school 90s songs. The crowd was definitely into that. Then 98 degrees came on stage and it was everything I could've dreamed.

In a word? Remarkable. Yes, 98 degrees was remarkable in every sense of the word. They performed a mixture of old songs, new songs, and cover songs, making it a fun-filled mix tape of a night. The dancing was on point, the outfits were simple but stylish, they seemed comfortable on stage, and each member of the band appeared to be having the time of their lives. They joked around with one another as well, which was fun. Nick, Jeff, Justin, and Drew oozed charm and charisma. There were opportunities for them to showcase their skills (like Drew dancing and making reference to his Dancing With the Stars stint) and have their own time to shine. Highlights of the show included: bringing fans onstage to serenade, Because of You, and a 98 degrees version of the Moana song, "How Far I'll Go." All in all, it was a fabulous night.

The next day was far less thrilling. We stayed in the hotel until check out, then ate lunch at Margaritaville (one of my favourite restaurants ever. I love a good theme). After was all a waiting game. The train home wasn't until much later in the day, so we waited, waited, and waited some more. Eventually we grabbed a cab to the train station and headed home. It was a much longer journey home than anticipated thanks to train delays but finally we arrived safe and sound.

Seeing 98 degrees was a really special experience. Though the weather wasn't ideal and the train delays didn't make me smile...the incredible concert made it all worthwhile. I had an absolute blast.

Have you been to any concerts recently?


  1. Interesting post my dear, thank you for sharing )  

  2. thanks for the comment <3
    such an amazing experience :D

  3. I donno who they are!!!! I must be getting old huh!

    I do fancy visiting Niagara Falls though :-D

    1. Ha, no I think it's the opposite. I'm the old one! They are a band from the 90s/00s!

    2. Haha that is modern music for me - I am stuck in the 60s and 70s honestly!

    3. Oh really? Okay, I love that! What do you like to listen to??

    4. Main classic rock. Philip Hornbyi Hendrix, Jefferson Airplane, Janis stuff like that from Woodstock and Monterey Pop 1967. 70s - Led Zeppelin, Deep Purple, Heart, Minnie Riperton (I just love her voice) and I do like a lot of Disco too. Modern to me is like Soundgarden and Nirvana! I like Jack White's stuff too. I think the most modern song I own is Ed Sheeran - Shape of You. Not really a fan but I love that song so much <3

      So apart from this group I don't know (and Hanson that you mentioned in you Hong Kong makeup post), what else do you like to listen to?

    5. That is really cool! You have really awesome taste in music and I love that you're really into 60s/70s rock. I am a big pop music fan, from all decades! I love David Cassidy, Donny and Marie, David Bowie, John Denver, Britney Spears....


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