Friday, January 3, 2020

fashionable winter workout wear.

I always find it easier to work out in the winter. Sure, bikini season is long over….but the temperatures outside are perfect for a good run. Plus, most of us spend an awful lot more time indoors during the chillier months. That means crunches, squats, and weight lifting. Sure, outdoor activities are easier to do during those perfect summer days, but there is plenty to do both inside and outside in wintertime, too. It just means tweaking your workout routine.

Since I tend to workout more regularly in the wintertime, I thought it was time to talk workout wear. When the weather is nice, I tend to stick with a pair of shorts and a breathable tank top. This time of year? It’s a little bit different. Rather than choosing whatever won’t get in the way, it is important to think about warmth. Especially if you plan to go for a jog or do some power walking outside. It’s essential to find a balance between staying warm and not sweating to death. Thankfully, there are an awful lot of great workout clothes that can help. These are some of my favourites…..

Workout Leggings

Let’s start with leggings. In the winter, I ditch my shorts and stick with a thick pair of leggings instead. These are great because they move easily, are super comfortable, and keep your legs warm. If you are working out indoors, throw on a pair of leggings and get to work! Or if you are planning to take your exercise routine outdoors, look for a pair that is a little thicker or has a fleece lining in the legs. Don't have anything like that on hand? Not to worry. In a pinch, you can just layer up your leggings. You will be warm and stylish all season long.

Tops and Vests

Now for arguably the most important part of your winter workout look: the top. With snow, slush, and negative temperatures, it is time to say goodbye to your favourite tank. Instead, look for thermal tops instead. They should ideally be long sleeved and made from a breathable material. The combination of the heat-regulating material and the breathability will keep you warm without causing you to overheat. You can wear it alone or layer it with other tops depending on your activity level, the weather outside, and how long your workout will be. Bonus points if you layer on a lightweight thermal vest. This will keep you warm without adding too much bulk.

Winter Workout Accessories

Accessories are important on a regular basis – especially if fashion is at the forefront of your mind. However, accessories are even more important during the winter months. To stay warm during your winter workout, you may want to invest in a couple of workout accessories. One example is a headband. It will keep your ears warm, protect you from windy conditions, and add a little flair to your ensemble. Oh, and don’t forget to throw on a decent pair of gloves if you’re going to run outside. Just make sure they are touchscreen gloves so you can still change the song on your playlist!

Your winter workout gear doesn’t have to look frumpy or bulky. Choose quality pieces (in colours and prints you love) and you will be good to go. With a wardrobe that will keep you warm and stylish every step of the way, you might actually look forward to working out this winter.

What do you wear when you workout in the wintertime?


  1. Over here in Scotland, workout wear seems like a fashion and a lot of girls wear it as "normal clothes" - so a lot of the shops sell decent stuff.

    1. That's a good thing, I think! At least people are wearing comfortable clothes when they are out and about.

  2. It's a shame that we don't have winter season here where I live :(

    1. I think that's both good and bad! It gets quite cold where I live so not having a winter season definitely sounds appealing sometimes.

  3. thanks for the tips - I'm useless when it comes to gym wear! xx

    1. You are so welcome! Thank you very much for your comment. I'm honoured!

  4. Oh what a nice post! I love everything. Wish we also have winter here in the Philippines :)

    Please check out my latest post, too? I'd love to hear something from you! :)

    1. Thank you! I'm sure the weather is quite nice where you live though! It's chilly where I live.

  5. These are good tips! i don't have exercise wear, running around with the kids counts as exercise for me, haha! :) But it's important to stay warm in winter and dress for whatever you're doing :)

    Hope that you have a lovely weekend ahead of you! :) We will be having a quiet one.

    Away From Blue

    1. That totally makes sense. It certainly sounds like an intensive workout to me! I'm definitely having a quiet weekend as well since I've been under the weather. I hope your weekend was fabulous!

  6. Interesting post. Thanks for sharing. @luda.tischenko - instagram

  7. Great post dear
    Thanks for share 💋

  8. Estupendo post! Muchas gracias por tus bonitas palabras en mi blog , espero verte pronto por allí! Feliz año! 🎉🎊💓

  9. Happy new year. Let's stay active always :)


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