Wednesday, January 29, 2020

hong kong makeup review (eyeshadow, blush, and lipstick)

I am not someone who likes surprises. In fact, I am all about planning, preparation, and being in control. (Well, as much as anyone can be in control.) However, small unexpected surprises can absolutely make my day. Like sunshine on my walk home or my husband making something special for dinner. Those positive little surprises are always exciting. Recently, a friend of mine sent me some makeup in the mail for no reason at all. Just because. I was so touched by the gesture and was thrilled to receive a gorgeous handmade card as well. Making it all even more thrilling? This unexpected package came all the way from Hong Kong. It was overwhelming in the best possible way.

My friend and I met way back in University. She was an international student and I was commuting into school each day. We bonded instantly thanks to the Hanson t-shirt I wore on my first day of class. From that moment on, we were friends. Though we drifted apart for a few years, in recent months, we have made a concentrated effort to catch up and communicate. She is one of the greatest people I have ever met - and I hope we are able to see each other in person again someday. As for the makeup? Not only was it exciting to receive...but everything is ridiculously cute. I wish all beauty products were as adorable! My lovely friend sent: Romand's Better Than Cheek Blush in Apple Chip, Etude House's Dear Darling Water Gel Tint in RD307, Sanrio's Gudetama Eyeshadow Quad, and Cute Press's Marine Magic Collagen Lipstick. How did they perform? Were they hits, misses, or did these products fall somewhere in between? Here is everything you need to know.

Romand's Better Than Cheek Blush. First thing is first. The Better Than Cheek Blush in the shade Apple Crisp. This was absolutely love at first sight, thanks to the Anne of Green Gables cartoon packaging. I honestly cannot get over how cute it is. Never in my life did I imagine there would be Anne of Green Gables inspired makeup. It is just so special. As for the actual blush shade? I am totally obsessed. The colour is this gorgeous pink-coral that adds the perfect amount of flush to the cheeks. The product is also really pigmented. A little goes a long way. This blush has amazing packaging (complete with a frosted glass effect on the top cover and a light pink base) and is the perfect addition to any and all makeup looks. The colour is gorgeous and the formula is fantastic.

Etude House's Dear Darling Water Gel Tint. Talk about impressive. I was immediately struck by the adorable Popsicle design of this lip tint. I mean, how sweet and fun! Right off the bat, this product made me smile. To use it, you twist the Popsicle stick to reveal the doe-foot applicator inside. When I applied the product to my lips, I was surprised by the fact that this was more liquid than gel...but this is actually a benefit. It makes it so much easier to get that soft tinted lip look the product promises. The colour itself (listed as RD307) is gorgeous, easy to wear, and adds a soft splash of red to the lips. In the past, some lip tints have been pretty but somewhat drying. This isn't! Though it does dry down, it doesn't feel dry, tight, or uncomfortable. I was so impressed.  This is absolutely a new lip favourite.

Sanrio's Gudetama Eyeshadow Quad. I have a slight obsession with The Lazy Egg. (Or as my sister and I lovingly refer to him, Egg Bum on Toast.) So imagine my joy when I saw this little eyeshadow quad starring the famous egg himself. On the outside of the package is Gudetama sitting in a cupcake. On the inside are four gorgeous eyeshadow shades. Each one has an impressive level of pigmentation, blends well, and looks fantastic. There is a matte tan shade, a red and gold glitter shade, a warm rust shade, and a warm deep brown. Each eyeshadow colour can be worn on its own or combined with the others in this palette. It is well-rounded and shockingly versatile. There is also a small mirror inside, making this an excellent travel eyeshadow quad.

Cute Press's Marine Magic Collagen Lipstick. Disney has always been a part of my life. I was raised on Disney and continue to be a Disney fanatic in my adult years. So the fact that the Cute Press lipstick was themed after The Little Mermaid? Perfection. There is a picture of Ariel on the outer packaging as well as on the lipstick tube itself. The tube is made of a sturdy cardboard, similar to the Sephora #lipstories releases. It looks great and adds an extra dose of Disney joy to my makeup collection. The lipstick shade itself is also really beautiful. It is a lovely orange-coral shade that makes a statement in the best possible way. The formula is creamy and the longevity is impressive.

For the makeup look, pictured above, I used the Sanrio eyeshadow palette, the Romand's blush, and the Etude House lip tint. It was a quick and easy makeup look - but one that boosted my confidence and made me smile. I love that each of the makeup items I received have lots of personality and seriously adorable packaging. Best of all? They perform so well. Unlike many of the themed items I've tried from North American brands...these products don't forget about the functionality aspect. Yes, the cute packaging is important, but so is the quality of the makeup itself. Each one of these items has wonderful pigmentation and the formulas are beautiful, blendable, and comfortable.

Overall, these products were wonderful. The theme-ing was perfection and the level of quality was impressive. Receiving these items was such a lovely surprise - and it was an even bigger surprise that each and every product performed well. These beauty items from Hong Kong definitely add a little light and joy to my morning makeup routine.

What do you think of these items? Have you tried any of them?


  1. That is so sweet of your friend. I like surprised like this too!

    They look very cute and your makeup is gorgeous <3

    1. Yes, they are always so exciting! Thank you very much :)

  2. Lovely surprised ... thanks for your review 😊

  3. Hello!!
    I loved your review! It was too beautiful !! Xoxo

  4. beatiful follow me <3

  5. How fun of your friend to send such cool products! That lip tint seems amazing.
    xo Annie
    New England Romance

    1. Yes, it was so sweet of her! The lip tint is absolutely a favourite.


  6. Very beautiful makeup and wonderful photos. And the design of this makeup won me over)))

  7. Amazing

  8. They are very cute. You look beautiful :)


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