Friday, January 17, 2020

kardashian/jenner week (kylie cosmetics eyeshadow palette review)

Out of everything in my Kylie Cosmetics haul, the eyeshadow palette peaked my curiosity most. Probably because of my complete and total obsession with eyeshadow. Though eyeliner and mascara are makeup essentials...eyeshadow has long been my creative outlet. Needless to say, the Kylie Holiday Eyeshadow Palette was right up my alley. Sparkle, shimmer, and warm, wearable eyeshadow shades? In soft pink packaging? Sign me up! To continue with Kardashian/Jenner week here on Mansa Fashion. it is time to review, swatch, and wear this alluring holiday palette.

Review: Kylie Cosmetics Holiday Eyeshadow Palette (Packaging)

Never underestimate the power of simple but glamorous packaging. When it comes to beauty products, there are so many different aspects to consider. The way the product performs, of course, but also the way the product looks. Is it visually appealing? Does it feel luxurious when you hold it? Is the weight balanced? When it comes to the Kylie Holiday Eyeshadow Palette, the packaging is simple but effective. The box it came in is sparkly, pink, and has Kylie boldly written across in shiny silver lettering. Immediately, it makes a statement. The palette itself is a lovely soft pink shade and has a subtle elegance. While the shape of the palette is fairly standard, it has a good weight, feels sturdy, has a strong magnetic closure, and all in all, does exactly what it needs to do. One detail that makes this palette stand out? The eyeshadow names are printed on the back of the palette and inside as well. (Often, it is one or the other.) This extra attention to detail may seem small but it all adds up to create an impressive finished product.

Shade Selection, Swatches, and Pigmentation

Hate shimmer? Not a fan of glitter? Then this palette will be one you want to skip. Though there are some lovely velvet matte shades in here...there is also a lot of shimmer and shine. (Which is a must for any holiday release, in my opinion.) As you can see from the picture above, there are a lot of intriguing shades here. There is that gorgeous pop of pink, courtesy of Kandy Heart. There are ultra shimmery shades like Love Bug and Jack Frost. There are warm metallic shades like Pray For Snow and Raspberry Sugar. Then to round it all out? Wearable neutrals. There is a black, some browns, a soft mauve, a warm tan, and so much more. The variety here is stellar. It is easy to create gorgeous one shadow looks or use a combination of colours for a more complex look. There are many different finishes, pops of colour, neutral shades, and darker tones to create a smokey look. This is certainly a well rounded eyeshadow palette.

Want to see how the shades perform? Learn a little bit more about the pigmentation level and overall quality? Here are some swatches from the Kylie Cosmetics palette....

Some shades are definitely more pigmented than others. That being said, they are all quite impressive. That black, for instance, doesn't look all that strong in the swatch. However, when it is applied on the eyes it has some real power behind it. The metallic shimmer shades are easily the most pigmented out of the bunch - which makes them ideal for those one shadow looks. As for the velvet matte shades? They feel buttery soft and blend beautifully. While they can certainly be worn alone, they are also wonderful compliments to those more dynamic shades.

Makeup Look and Overall Impressions

All in all, this is a really lovely eyeshadow palette. I love the quality of the shadows, the shade selection, and my personal favourite shade, Be Mine. This can be used for quick everyday looks, stunning night out looks, colourful creations, and so much more. It is versatile and is impressive in pretty much every possible way. I have to say, I am a fan. 

Rating: 4.5 / 5

Have you tried this eyeshadow palette? Are you a fan of Kylie Cosmetics?


  1. I'm wondering this product 😊 Thanks for your review 😊

    1. You are so welcome! Thank you so much for your comment.

  2. I don't know this brand, but your makeup looks so amazing.
    Have a nice weekend

  3. Great post! You look so gorgeous.
    Enjoy your weekend

    1. Thank you! I hope you have a great weekend as well.

  4. Replies
    1. They really are! I'm a big fan of the palette. Thank you for stopping by!

  5. This palette is truly beautiful and the colors are gorgeous!

  6. Amazing Photos - Really Enjoyed The 20/20 Reading Challenge - Happy 2020


  7. Gorgeous look! Kandy Heart jumped out at me, but it is bright and bold. Love bug is also cute :-D

    1. Yes, Kandy Heart is such a fun shade! It really spices up the palette.

  8. it's a lovely look you created with the palette and they look like lovely colours! :)

    Hope you are having a great weekend! We have had a lot of welcome rain! :)

    Away From Blue

    1. Oh thank you very much! I hope your week is great.

  9. The look is awesome! I didn't know this palette but it has amazing shades ^^

    Freak Muffin Blog

  10. Wow this palette looks amazing!!  

  11. In love with this palette!

  12. Sometimes I get so sad that I can't order Kylie Cosmetics from Serbia, this palette has some really gorgeous colors and they look so beautiful on you! <3

    1. Oh I'm sorry you can't order it! I really hope that changes. It can be so frustrating when things don't ship to your country. I've been there before!

  13. Se ven estupendos ! Espero tu opinión en mi última entrada! Feliz noche! 💓💓💓


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