Wednesday, February 26, 2020

fill your life with experiences.

Niagara has become my home away from home lately. It's true! I've gone four times in the past four months. There were discount shopping trips, holiday musicals, and concerts galore. One thing is certain: this entertainment area always has plenty to see and do. Most recently, my husband and I visited Niagara Falls to celebrate Valentine's Day. We jetted off for a few days to see a concert, eat delicious food, and do some sightseeing. In case you're curious - or are dreaming of your own Niagara getaway - here are a few of my recent vacation highlights.

Day One. Our first day in Niagara wasn't so much a day as it was a few hours. Straight after work, we loaded up the car and braved the dense traffic. It took much longer to reach our destination than planned (thanks to lots of rush hour traffic and difficult weather conditions) but eventually, we made it. After checking into the hotel, we quickly got changed. Then it was time to head to Fallsview Casino, where I recently saw 98 degrees perform, to see Lifehouse in concert. I've been a fan of the band since their first single was released way back in 2000. However, it has been a very long time since I've actually been able to see them perform live.

This particular show was special for a few reasons: the concert was on February 13th (the day before Valentine's Day)...and I walked down the aisle to their song, "You and Me" when my husband and I tied the knot four and a half years ago. It was the perfect way to celebrate the most romantic holiday of the year. The concert itself was fantastic. They played a lot of my favourite songs, including Wash, Anchor, and Sick Cycle Carousel. There was even a fan request for Everything - followed by a proposal in the audience! It was a stellar set list and a truly incredible show.

Day Two. The second day was both relaxed and action packed. We started off the morning with breakfast at iHop. The prices were shockingly high (welcome to Niagara Falls) but the meal was delicious. I wound up getting a stack of sprinkle pancakes and they were delicious. Though I couldn't finish them all...I certainly tried. Afterwards, we ventured off to the IMAX theater and Daredevil Exhibit. The movie was really interesting because it taught me a lot about the history of the area and the legends associated with the falls. The Daredevil Exhibit was fascinating as well because you got to see all of the contraptions people have barreled down the falls in. Though why anyone would want to plummet down the falls is beyond me.

Following that, we braved the cold temperatures and spent time exploring the falls themselves. There weren't a lot of people there, thanks to the weather, so we had an excellent view as we walked along. We took lots of pictures and checked out various shops before heading back to the hotel to thaw. Eventually, we went to enjoy a Valentine's Day meal at TGI Friday's (burgers and fries, yum) and did a bit of gambling over at the casino. It was certainly an eventful way to spend the holiday.

Day Three. Sadly, we were only able to spend three days (technically two and a bit) in Niagara Falls. However, we certainly made the most of the time we had. On our last day, we grabbed breakfast at iHop once again and checked out of the hotel. Then we walked down to Clifton Hill for all the entertainment. There were arcade games, a 4D movie ride, and even a wax museum. I absolutely love visiting wax museums because I am such a fan of celebrities and celebrity culture. So we spent time exploring the Louis Tussaud's museum, taking lots of pictures, and making happy memories.

We also did a bit of shopping and browsing. There is one store that is totally dedicated to selling Coca-Cola merchandise. Since my husband and I love collecting and displaying Coke inspired items...this was really fun to walk around. We ended up finding retro inspired Coke coasters and splurged on those as a nice memento of our trip. After that, we checked out the Hershey store. Though I wanted to buy absolutely everything (because I am chocolate obsessed) I showed an enormous amount of restraint. Instead of buying t-shirts or plush items, we went to the Hershey bakery and bought a couple of cookie sandwiches. They were the most delicious dessert I've ever had. What a way to end the trip!

Visiting Niagara Falls is always fun and exciting. This time, we were able to see and do a lot in a short period of time. It was a wonderful way to celebrate Valentine's Day.

Have you ever been to Niagara Falls? Where do you love to travel?


  1. It is a place I'd love to visit. BF has been and said he would take me one day! :-D

    1. Oh that is wonderful! I am sure you two would have a great time.

  2. What a nice trip 😊 thanks for your sharing 😊

  3. I would love to see Niagara one day!

  4. This is absolutely true darling
    thanks for share with us

  5. Muy interesante el post! Es un placer leerte! 🤗🤗🤗 Feliz fin de semana! 🎀🎀🎀

  6. Oh thank you very much! I'm glad these types of posts can do that. And I follow you! <3


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