Tuesday, February 4, 2020

harry potter cauldron candle review + reveal (charmed aroma)

Harry Potter has long been an obsession of mine. I have fond memories of midnight release parties, crying at the movies with my friends, and staying up to all hours of the night pouring over page after page. Of spending time at The Wizarding World of Harry Potter at Universal Studies and even visiting the Harry Potter Studios in England. Harry Potter is a pretty big deal in my life! So of course when Charmed Aroma announced a Harry Potter inspired candle, my ears perked up. I wanted it. Needed it. Sadly, I wasn't able to order one for myself thanks to how quickly the candles seemed to sell out. On the plus side? My mom put her name on a wait-list and was able to order me one as a Christmas gift. I was so excited. There was one particular ring I had my heart set on (the glasses with the lightening bolt, of course) so I was especially eager to start burning the cauldron candle. What was inside? How did the candle smell? Did this Charmed Aroma release live up to the buzz? Keep reading for my full review and a reveal of the Harry Potter inspired ring.

As you can see from the picture above, this particular candle is no ordinary three-wick jar candle. No, no! This is wonderful and distinctly Harry Potter inspired. I love the cute cauldron design and the gold logo printed on the front. Once the candle is completely burned through, I plan on adding this to the Harry Potter shelf in my home office. (On that shelf there are books, replica wands, horcruxes, golden snitches, and so on.) So right off the bat, this Charmed Aroma candle was a winner thanks to the thoughtful and well themed design. As for the scent, it is light and pleasant. According to the website, the "scent brew" is a combination of bergamot, earl grey tea, brown sugar, and creamy vanilla.

Despite the slightly smaller size of the candle, the burn time is impressive. It took me ten plus hours to uncover the ring - and there was still more than three quarters of the candle left to burn. In terms of longevity? This is wonderful. As for my patience? Not so much. I was absolutely desperate to find out what kind of Harry Potter ring was inside. I kept peering at the top of the candle, hoping to see the shadow of that foil packing peeking through. Nothing. I checked it over and over again. Then finally...finally...there it was. My heart raced. Would it be the ring I wanted? The glasses and lightening bolt? I crossed my fingers and my toes as the foil packed was pulled from the wax.

An intense feeling of disappoint took over me. It wasn't the ring I wanted. At all. There were no glasses or lightening bolts to be seen. Instead, there was a very lovely Harry Potter ring that looked like a sparkly potion bottle. It was beautiful and themed and well, fabulous. But it wasn't the ring. I felt pretty blue about it for a minute or two. Before long? I was head over heels in love with that fabulous potion bottle ring. Though it wasn't what I wanted (and I was super disappointed at first)....it is a wonderful ring and fits in beautifully with the Harry Potter universe. It has a thin spiral band with a delicate little potion bottle in the center. Despite its Harry Potter ties, it is effortlessly elegant. I've been wearing this ring every single day since it was unveiled. As for the value? The appraisal part of the website said it was worth $50. Not much, really. However, the ring is lovely and it makes me feel all of the magical feelings Harry Potter has brought to my life over the years.

Are you a Harry Potter fan? What do you think of this potion ring?


  1. I must confess not so much a fan. The candle looks fab though and I think the ring looks okay too. It is a good idea to hide the ring in the candle - could work as a good proposal huh? :-D

    1. Yes the candle is really cool! Definitely a great item for any Harry Potter fanatic! And oh my gosh, yes. I love the proposal idea. That would be so cool.

  2. What a nice post 😊 thanks for your sharing 😊

  3. So you want to light a scented candle in winter. Thanks for the interesting review.

    1. Scented candles are always a good idea, if you ask me! Thank you for stopping by :)

  4. Harry Potter candle is very cute. The ring is also elegant :)

  5. This is very cute, that movie is on of the most watched.

    Thank you for sharing. I am running a campaign to help Doctors, help view it here.

    1. For sure! It is such a fantastic movie and book series.

  6. how cute is that! I would definitely grab one as well


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