Sunday, February 2, 2020

makeup, accessories, and beauty favourites (january 2020)

Ever have that favourite feeling? Where you reach for the same things day after day, in a blissful state of admiration? That is kind of how the month of January has been for me. Admittedly, the new year had a bit of a rough start (thanks to the fact that I got sick immediately after the holidays) but in the latter portion of January...things finally started to come together. That meant adding a little extra TLC to my life and beauty routine. So without further ado, here are a few of the makeup, accessories, and all around beauty favourites that stood out to me last month. 

Book: Average is the New Awesome. This may not be your standard beauty item but it absolutely tops my list of favourites. The book, "Average is the new Awesome: a Manifesto for the Rest of Us" is all about embracing the norm. Most of us compare ourselves to extraordinary people. People with million dollar homes and fancy job titles. People with access to personal trainers and nutritionists. People that, quite frankly, we just are not. The purpose of the book is to lean into who you are instead of tearing yourself apart for all the ways you feel you lack. It's about being okay with being okay. It was a breath of fresh air to read! It is so important not to lose sight of reality. To be okay with the everyday life as it is - even when dreaming of something out-of-this-world.

Nail Polish: Sally Hansen Insta-Dri in Coral Commotion. Lately, the Insta-Dri line from Sally Hansen is my favourite. Mostly because I am far too impatient to wait for nail polish to dry fully. That is what I love about this particular formula. When it dries, it doesn't smudge or threaten to come undone. Not only that? There are a ton of gorgeous shades to choose from. Lately, I have really been loving Coral Commotion. It is a lovely metallic coral shade that can be worn alone, layered for a higher pigmentation level, or applied on top of another nail polish shade. The finish is so fabulous and has an almost 90s feel to it. Whenever anyone sees me wearing this particular shade, they always compliment me on my nails! 

Accessory: Lauren Conrad Gold Pinkie Ring. For whatever reason, I have been really into rings lately. I like wearing two to three different rings on each hand. Some smaller and simpler and some a little bolder. Adding lots of rings to my looks just creates a fun and exciting finish. Plus, it's a great way to wear more of the accessories in my collection! This particular ring is one of my current favourites. It is small (perfect for the pinkie finger), has two gold bands, and some really cute details. There is a shape of a small cactus, a small pineapple, and a splash of bling to even it all out. You can take a closer look here on the Kohl's website. It is a lovely accessory that has really been sprucing up my January style. 

Skin Care: Gingham Body Lotion by Leyland & Body Works. Yes, I am that girl. The one totally obsessed with Leyland & Body Works products. Currently, I have several candles, body washes, and body lotions from the brand on the go. Though holiday scents are always must-haves for me...I've fallen in love with a newer offering, Gingham. It reminds me of my (sadly discontinued) favourite, Country Chic. This particular scent is light, fresh, and feminine. I always feel more confident when I apply it, so that is something I've been trying to do each and every day. It smells wonderful and adds a good amount of hydration to the skin. It's a win-win for my dry winter skin. 

Makeup: Stila Glitter & Glow Liquid Eye Shadows. A little sparkle goes a long way. Especially lately. Whenever I am running late or want to speed up my makeup routine (that alarm clock always goes off way too early in the morning), I reach for one of the Stila Glitter & Glow Liquid Eye Shadows. These are ultra quick to apply and look absolutely incredible. I have some others that are fully pigmented but during the month of January, my focus was on two glitter shades, Smoky Storm and Diamond Dust. They look incredible and can be paired with just a hint of eyeliner and mascara for a fully finished makeup look. Simple, effective, and ultra glittery. 

Accessory: Studded Feelings Hair Clip. Ever since I cut my hair a couple of months back, I've been struggling to figure out how to style it. (Why oh why did I cut my hair! I miss my long length already.) One thing that has really come in handy are bold statement hair clips. I have a couple of them but my current favourite is one that is ultra sparkly, shiny, and says the word, Feelings. This is a great way to add a bit of glamour to a look. More importantly, it holds back my hair as it slowly grows out.

Skin Care: Asquith & Somerset Peppermint Hand Cream. For whatever reason, this year my hands have been really dry. The chilly temperatures have wreaked havoc on my skin! So I have been using lots and lots of different hand creams. Some of my current favourites come from the brand Asquith & Somerset. I received a gift set for Christmas that featured fabulous holiday themed packaging and seasonal scents. There is Peppermint, Spruce, and Salted Caramel. Currently I am making good use of Peppermint. I absolutely love the texture, effectiveness, and scent of the cream. It has made such a difference in the overall look and feel of my skin this winter. 

There you have it! Those are a few of my favourite makeup, accessories, and beauty product from the month of January 2020. They have been making my days brighter, better, and far more glamorous. 

Have you tried any of these items? What were your January favourites?


  1. Interesting products :) Have a great day :)

    1. Thank you! I hope you have a fabulous day as well.

  2. Nice polish look good. I have never tried a pinky ring! And I do love a good hand cream!

  3. Very interesting products. I like sally hansen products :)

  4. Great products dear. I love sally hansen :)


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