Sunday, March 29, 2020

hard candy week: colourful spring makeup look

Spring has sprung. Outside, the sun is shining but for the most part, everyone is spending time indoors. Life continues to be uncertain and ever-changing. With so much happening around the globe - and with social distancing continuing to be a must - it can be difficult to really experience that springtime feeling. There are a few ways that I have been bringing the season to life in my own home. Like displaying flowers, lighting floral candles, changing up home decor pieces, and decorating early for Easter. Another way that I have been enjoying spring so far? Getting colourful with my makeup looks. That brings me to today's post. It is the last day of Hard Candy week here on Mansa Fashion. Over the last several days there has been a haul and lots of reviews. To round it all off, I wanted to share a colourful spring makeup look I created using the Color Liquid Eyeliner in the shade Yellow, It's Me. 

Talk about colourful! Hard Candy came out with a new line of Stroke of Gorgeous eyeliners. This Color Liquid Eyeliner + Lash Boost Serum came in a few different colours. However, I was really interested in the bright yellow shade, pictured above. It was sunny, exciting, and absolutely perfect for a bold springtime makeup look. The eyeliner itself has fabulous packaging that makes a statement. I love the shape and the bright yellow handle. As for the quality of the product, it is pretty solid. The felt tip applicator is flexible and easy to work with. The colour itself is decently pigmented though I do find that you need to apply more than one layer of the eyeliner to really build up that colour. As much as I am enjoying this liner (and the finished springtime look) it would be even better if the pigmentation level was just a touch stronger. That being said, this is a unique and impressive item for the drugstore. 

Ready to see the colourful spring makeup look featuring this Hard Candy eyeliner? I used the liner to create a double winged line, pairing it with a traditional black. The contrast of colours made the yellow pop even more. On the eyes, it was a neutral brown shadow on the lid and a pop of warm gold underneath the lash line. To add that extra dose of colour, I used a purple lipstick from Kat Von D on the lips and dabbed a holographic eyeshadow shade from the Too Faced Life's a Festival palette on top. All in all, the look was fun, colourful, and a little bit different for me. 

This eyeliner has a little room for improvement but the end result was really exciting. I had a lot of fun embracing the spring season with colourful makeup. Thank you all for joining me here for Hard Candy week. It has been a lot of fun to try out different products from the brand. Be sure to leave any suggestions you have for future theme weeks in the comment section.

Are you a fan of colourful makeup looks? How are you embracing spring?


  1. Loved this post 😊 thanks for your sharing..

  2. Love this eyeliner! Such an awesome pop of color!

    1. Agree! It is such a fun way to play with colour :)

  3. Waoo! it looks great on you, i never tried such color.
    New post on My Blog | Instagram | Bloglovin

  4. Love this makeup, the lip shade is so pretty! Nice Post! Have a great day!

    1. Thank you very much! I really appreciate that :)

  5. This eyeliner is so good ❤️❤️❤️

    Marija's blog

  6. Omg, this makeup is amazing.

  7. Replies
    1. It adds such a nice pop of colour! Thank you for stopping by!


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