Thursday, March 5, 2020

testing out matte mac lipsticks

MAC has never really been on my radar. Partly because it always seemed over-hyped and partly because I'm not a fan of the overall shopping experience (where you need to ask to see certain products rather than swatch, test, and select without interruption). Regardless, I have tried a small amount of items from the brand. That includes a disappointing Trolls highlight and a Patrick Starrr set. A little while back, I came across a set of MAC lipsticks at a discount shop. Since everyone always raves about the quality of MAC lipsticks, I figured it was about time I properly tried some from the brand. Ready to dive in? Keep reading to take a closer look at the lipsticks above and find out whether the formula lives up to the hype.

MAC Matte Lipsticks (Review)

If there is one thing this particular set excels at, it is shade selection. This MAC bundle has a little bit of everything: a classic nude (Kinda Sexy), a deep red (Russian Red), and a berry toned shade (Flat Out Fabulous). These are all classic must-haves, making this set an essential for anyone building their makeup collection. This was certainly a thoughtful release in terms of the chosen colours. In terms of the colours, this set is fantastic. I also really love the sleek bullet lipstick packaging. It is simple but effectively highlights the colour of the lipstick. That means you know exactly what shade is inside without having to open up the tube or check for that little sticker on the bottom. There is a thoughtfulness and an ease of use that is impressive. 

However, despite the many positive aspects...the formula is where these matte MAC lipsticks flounder. While there is an impressive pigmentation level (the lipsticks also offer solid longevity) the formula itself is really really dry. Even for a matte lipstick. It feels like the product is dragging or pulling the lips during application. Unfortunately, the lipstick doesn't just apply dry. It also feels dry on the lips throughout wear. For some, this may be fine but for me personally, it makes for a lackluster product. I personally cannot stand lipsticks that are dry and uncomfortable. I am a full believer that makeup should be easy to use and comfortable to wear. So while these shades look lovely, the packaging is effective, and the brand is highly regarded, the lipstick formula just isn't my cup of tea. 

The colours themselves are beautiful, though. Want to see them in action? The first is Kinda Sexy, which is a warm brown nude. It is easily my favourite of the three. Next up is Russian Red, a warm wearable red shade. Then to round it all off is Flat Out Fabulous, a beautiful berry colour. Be sure to sound off in the comment section and let me know which shade you like best.

Rating: 1.5 / 5

MAC is still not one of my favourite beauty brands. Hey, at least I tried! Unfortunately, the matte lipstick formula is just not for me. It is far too drying and uncomfortable to be worth wearing out or splurging on. So if you are someone who likes a decently hydrating lip product, skip the MAC counter and test out some alternatives. 

Are you a fan of MAC? Do you like these lipstick shades?


  1. Replies
    1. Yes, they are really great colours! Thank you for visiting.

  2. Shame you weren't keen on MAC - I like the colours on you. I have 2 MAC nail polishes and still to use them :-O So cannot comment on the brand in that respect!

    1. Well thank you! I'm glad the polishes are good quality!

  3. Love the last color though! Cute hot pink!


    1. It's a really great colour! It is just too bad the formula wasn't great for me. Thank you!

  4. The shades are so pretty and lovely.

    1. For sure! The colours are really pretty. They were certainly thoughtful with shade selection.

  5. Replies
    1. Thank you! I hope you are having a great weekend!

  6. Very beautiful shades of lipstick!

  7. I have not bought a single product of this brand yet :D
    You're beautiful!

    1. Aww you are so sweet. Thank you for all of your lovely comments. I really appreciate it!


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