Friday, April 10, 2020

current fashion obsession: neubyrne

Is anyone else watching Making the Cut? This Amazon exclusive show features the long overdue reunion of former Project Runway duo, Tim Gunn and Heidi Klum. As a lover of reality television, competition shows, and anything to do with fashion...this was instantly added to my watch list. The show itself is unique in a lot of ways. For starters, unlike many other fashion television programs, there is a massive budget for Making the Cut. Not only is it set in Paris but there is a one million dollar prize! Additionally, the judging panel is impressive and the designers have seamstresses to work on their pieces overnight. All in all, it is an enjoyable watch thus far. There are many talented designers featured on the show. However, the designer that instantly grabbed my attention was Martha Gottwald. Her aesthetic was all about sequins, sparkle, volume, bows, and well, everything! It was definitely a more is more situation. And I was living for it. That led me to take a closer look at her brand, Neubyrne. It did not disappoint. The brand is just as colourful and exciting as I hoped.

It is no wonder this fashion brand peaked my interest. I love fashion that has personality. So many things in life are dark and depressing. There is no reason for style to be! Though I fully love and appreciate designers who stick to serious or even all-black just can't beat colour. I love many fashion brands that release romantic or ultra put together pieces. But my heart will always belong to the whimsical and fun. (There is a reason my favourite fashion designer is Betsey Johnson! She definitely knows how to have fun with fashion.) I love designs that are playful and don't take themselves too seriously. Yet those designs are still flattering and make you feel special. I love a little drama, a little sparkle, and a whole lot of shine. For some people, simplicity is alluring. For me, it is glitz and glamour.

With that in mind, it only made sense to shine a light on a new fashion favourite. I have become completely and totally obsessed with the designs from Neubyrne. One look at the website and your senses will be in overload. In the best possible way! I love that there is colour, fringe, sparkle, flounces, ruffles, and just about every other imaginable design element. These pieces tell a story and they speak to me. The sad reality is that my wardrobe budget will never allow me to add these gorgeous pieces to my closet. But today I wanted to share some of my favourites. Let's window shop together and celebrate fashion that isn't afraid to make a statement. Here are some items from Neubyrne....

There is a lot going on here. In the best possible way! As you can see from all of the designs pictured above, this is fashion overload. There is so much to enjoy. The sequined pieces have to be my favourites but the bows, the patterns, and the colours make me smile. This is the first time in quite a while that I have felt truly and deeply inspired by fashion. It reminds me what I love most about style. It has a way of telling a story. The right piece - by the right designer - can reflect something inside you. It can highlight who you are and share something special with the world. Fashion is powerful. These pieces from Neubyrne were a wonderful reminder of that. I hope they inspired you as much as they continue to inspire me.

Are you watching Making the Cut? What do you think of these designs?


  1. These pieces from Neubyrne does look pretty awesome! I love that last piece the most. I've heard of the show before but have not seen it. As someone who sews, this should really be a must-watch for me!:D
    Have a great Easter:)

    1. Yes! I love the colour and the print. It is so fun. I definitely think you would enjoy the show because you are such a creative fashion person! I hope your Easter is wonderful <3

  2. İnteresting post 😊 thanks for your sharing 😊

  3. I agree, fun designs are really nice! I love the top with the big bow!


  4. Its the first time that I read about this material but I love it too!!!

    1. I'm glad you enjoy it! Three designs are just so fun :)

  5. Great post!I loove your blog so you have one more follower!I hope that you'll visit my blog too!

    1. Thank you so much for the support! I really appreciate that. Of course I will visit your blog :D

  6. Not watching that one sorry. But the clothes are stunning! :-D

  7. What a great selection!!
    Stay safe and healthy.

    Infinitely Posh

  8. Nice selection =) Happy Easter

  9. I don’t know anything about fashion, thanks for telling! :)

  10. The white shirt with the sequins reminds me of when I was a girl, I had the same one :) Have a safe Easter...

    1. Aww it sounds lovely! I hope your Easter is wonderful!

  11. Adoro il completo a quadretti blu e bianco :)
    Auguri di buona Pasqua

  12. They are pieces outside my comfort zone, but they are very cute. :)

  13. great post @luda.tischenko - instagram


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