Sunday, April 12, 2020

easter is meant to be a symbol of hope, renewal, and new life.

Easter has always been one of my favourite holidays. And that is saying something, because I love holidays. All of them. A lot. In my family, Easter has always been about having fun and spending time together. We open our baskets (full of goodies, small gifts, and chocolate) and watch lots of themed movies. Then we usually play games, do some baking, and eat a fabulous dinner. Those traditions never fail to make me smile. I love spending time with my family - and that is especially true during the holidays. We always make special memories and celebrate in style. This year, things have been really up in the air. Will we be able to celebrate together? Will the world still be in shut down mode? Turns out.....we will not be celebrating together and the world still is in shut down mode. With that in mind, it has been difficult to fully commit myself to celebration mode. However, I am trying very hard to focus on things that make me happy. Like Easter.

Yes, Easter has always been a beautiful time of celebration in my life. (For proof of that, take a peek at holiday themed posts from previous years here and here.) There are so many wonderful things associated with this time. Chocolate, bunny rabbits, and renewal. However you choose to celebrate, my hope is that the day is filled with love and joy. Though things may be a little different this is important to focus on gratitude. Let's focus on what we have. What we can do. How we can make today special. Whether you are able to be with family and friends today, or you are celebrating alone, there are so many ways to make the holiday memorable. Here are a few suggestions:

  • Don't Be Afraid to Decorate. Recently, I have heard some people are feeling uncertain about decorating for Easter. While it may seem frivolous or unimportant during this is actually a wonderful way to de-stress and maintain a sense of normality. Keep traditions that make sense. Like pulling out boxes of decorations and placing pastel pillows on the living room couch. Just those small pops of colour can boost your mood. 
  • Bake Something Delicious. A little baking can go a long way. Maybe you have a family recipe you want to bring out or feel like trying out something totally new and different. This is the perfect time to whip up something sweet. Baking is great for several reasons. It can re-focus your mind, can be done on your own or with the help of others, and will leave you with lots of delicious food to eat! 
  • Watch a Themed Movie. One of my favourite ways to get into the holiday spirit is with a themed movie or two. There are quite a few to choose from for Easter. Some of the ones that I will be watching include: Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, Hop, The Easter Bunny is Coming To Town, Here Comes Peter Cottontail, and The First Easter Rabbit. Choose one or more that peak your interest and enjoy some much-needed movie time. Many of these movies will be playing on television or are available to watch on YouTube. 
  • Reach Out to Loved Ones. Perhaps the best way to celebrate the holiday is by reaching out to family, friends, and loved ones. You may not be able to do this physically. However, it is always possible to do so in other ways. Pick up the phone and call someone you care about. Set up a group chat or a video call. Send a text message to someone you have been thinking about. Do whatever you need to do to create that sense of connection this holiday. 

Happy Easter! However you are celebrating, make the most of every moment. Do what you can to make the holiday special. Even if things feel different or uncertain. This is the perfect time to pause and appreciate traditions. Wishing you all the very best today and always.

How will you be celebrating Easter this year?


  1. Replies
    1. I did my best to make it festive! Hope you had a great one as well.

  2. Hi! Beautiful post, thanks for sharing.
    Have a nice day!

  3. Thank you for your very interestin post!

  4. What a beautiful picture and a pretty woman! Fantastic tips dear:)

  5. Oh happy Easter! My best wishes to you

  6. I hope you had a good time :).

  7. Hope your Easter was great, stay safe and healthy everyone!

  8. great post

  9. Thanks for the beautiful post!

    Have a nice day)   

    1. Thank you for stopping by. I hope you have a wonderful day as well :)

  10. Happy Easter! I agree, we should decorate our homes if it makes us feel happier, little details like these matter! Although I don't celebrate Easter because in Spain those days are more religious related (which I don't celebrate either ^^), but I treat myself with chocolate and just relaxing :)

    Freak Muffin Blog

    1. Agree! The small things can make such a big difference. I am glad you were able to treat yourself during this time :)

  11. Hope you had a good Easter! We were in the gardening doing some tidying - it was sunny in Scotland, can you believe!!!! ;-)

    1. I did, thank you! I'm glad you were able to enjoy some nice weather :D


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