Thursday, April 16, 2020

everyday makeup tutorial feat. catrice x eman eyeshadow palette

Life has been slower lately. Though the reasons behind this pause are scary and goal has been to make the most of every day. To spend this time catching up on my endless to do lists. To create. To relax. To enjoy my life. Though I am desperately missing my family and friends, all I can do is continue on in the best spirits possible. Recently, a new eyeshadow palette entered my collection. It has been sitting around for a little while. However it is only now in this time of pause that I have actually had time to put it to use. Curious about the Catrice x EMAN eyeshadow palette? A full review will be shared here in the very near future. For now, here is a simple everyday makeup tutorial featuring the palette. It is perfect for running those essential errands or perking up those at-home days.

There is a lot to love about this palette. The size is compact (which will make it ideal for future travels or to toss in a purse) and the shades are warm and easy to wear. If you are looking for something simple and effective? The Catrice x EMAN eyeshadow palette is a fabulous choice. There are a lot of shades here that lend themselves to one-shadow looks. Like Malibu, Laguna, and Hollywood Blvd, for example. So, if you are in a rush or need to pull something together quickly...just grab a medium sized brush and sweep one of those shimmery shades all over the eyelid. Then add on a coat of mascara and a hint of bronzer and you will be fresh faced and ready to go. Even if it is just for a walk or to pick up some groceries!

Though a one shadow look is always a good idea....I wanted to create something a little more complex. Though still quick and easy to achieve. To start, I blended the shade Runyon through the crease to create shape. Then I blended the edges of that with the shade Sunset to achieve a warm blended finish. Next was Hollywood Blvd. used in the inner corner and the inner third of the eye. This step added lots of warmth and shimmer. Then it was Sweetzer on the rest of the eyelid and along the lower lash line. The great thing about these shades? They all work well together. You can use as many or as few eyeshadow shades as you like. The palette is pretty much foolproof, making it ideal for beginners and more advanced makeup lovers.

Next up was a little bit of pencil liner from Annabelle to create a smokier effect and a coat of The Super Sizer mascara from Cover Girl. On the cheeks was a bit of Gingerbread Bronzer from Too Faced and a warm neutral Velvet Mousse lip colour from Hard Candy. Ready to see my completed everyday makeup look? Though I didn't have anywhere to go (thanks to isolation and quarantine) this simple style was the perfect way to perk up my day and give me a much-needed sense of normality. Be sure to let me know what you think of the finished product.

Sometimes, a little goes a long way. It amazes me that something as simple as a beauty product from Catrice can totally transform my mood. This just goes to show how powerful makeup truly is! Not so much physically but mentally. Creating a makeup look (whether it is simple or over the top) is a beautiful expression. It is art.

What makeup looks have you been creating lately? How are you staying creative and inspired?


  1. Such pretty makeup Shannon. This is palette has some lovely colours :-D

    Would you believe that we don't sell Catrice in Scotland. I usually pick up their polishes when on holiday in Europe.

    1. Thank you! Yes, I've really been enjoying this palette lately. The colours are really easy to use. Oh wow, really? I didn't know that! We just recently got the brand here in Canada but I assumed it was available in Scotland. Maybe one day soon!

  2. Bel trucco e mi piace molto quella palette di colori =)

    1. Thank you! Yes, there are some really lovely colours.

  3. Hi, our interests look pretty much the same, I'm watching you, I'm waiting for you on my page 😍😍😍

  4. Great post darling!Palette looks amazing!

  5. You are so pretty and dazzling

  6. Those shades are just beautiful! I love Catrice Cosmetics! :P


  7. I was thinking of picking up this palette :)

  8. These colours are gorgeous and look so good on you!

    How is the quarantine treating you? I hope you are well!

    amy x

    1. Thank you! I'm actually doing very well in quarantine because it's giving me the opportunity to do a lot of things I never had time for! I hope it is treating you well also <3

  9. I love catrice! They have amazing products,
    and i love this eyeshadow palette, the look you created is very beautiful!!
    thanks for sharing :) kisses!

    My blog - Lalabetterdayz

    1. Thank you so much! I haven't tried a lot from the brand, so any product suggestions you might have would be much appreciated!

  10. Nice colours thanks for sharing ☺️


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