Monday, April 20, 2020

good? bad? paris hilton duo mascara set

Oh, Paris Hilton Cosmetics. I have such a love affair with this brand. Though not every product is a winner...there have been an awful lot of stellar releases. Especially when you consider the prices. Typically, items range from $3-15, which is more than reasonable. I love that Paris Hilton has focused on releasing products that are fun, flashy, and affordable. Since everyone seems to know that I adore Paris Hilton (there was even a Paris Hilton theme week here on Mansa Fashion.)....often Paris Hilton Cosmetics items are given to me for birthdays, holidays, and sometimes just because. I was gifted the Duo Mascara set several months back. It included two different mascaras, the Lengthening Mascara and the Volumizing Mascara. Immediately, I was intrigued by the set. How did it perform? Was it good? Bad? In between? Here is everything you need to know.

Before discussing the actual is important to discuss the packaging. Wow! As I mentioned, these are ultra affordable products so I love that despite the low price point, there is still attention paid to the packaging. Paris Hilton Cosmetics seems to do the absolute most while keeping the cost low. The outer box has fuzzy animal print fabric down the sides, an elaborate gold design on the front, and a Paris Hilton ribbon on the top. Then the mascara tubes themselves are also loaded with sparkle! The Lengthening Mascara is covered in gold and white rhinestones and the Volumizing Mascara is covered with black and white rhinestones. Not only are these gorgeous - but all of that bling and sparkle has really been adding joy to my days. I always find that the details go a long way in the overall beauty experience.

So just what was included in this mascara set? The Paris Hilton Cosmetics Duo Mascara set included a blinged out Lengthening Mascara and Volumizing Mascara. Each has its own distinct wand, which you can see below....

The Lengthening Mascara has a more unique wand shape. It has more of a bubble shape which made it really easy to apply to the lower lashes and comb through the upper lashes. Normally, I love a mascara that is ultra bold (which is why I have a complete and total obsession with The Super Sizer from Cover Girl). However, with the Lengthening Mascara, I was able to achieve a beautiful long fluttery lash look. The finish was so elegant and beautiful - and just a little bit different than what I usually prefer. This mascara definitely pairs well with more natural makeup styles and is something I will continue to reach for. Not just because the tube looks beautiful but because it performs well.

As for the Volumizing Mascara, this was a bit meh for me. Though the tube itself is super exciting and looks great...the actual performance was only okay. The wand is fairly standard and old-school. It was a bit difficult to comb the lashes through and it didn't add a whole lot of volume. It was fine but certainly nothing impressive. This is probably a mascara I will use up on days that I am staying in or quickly grabbing groceries but I wouldn't repurchase and would not recommend.

One mascara was impressive and the other was not. Though, since the duo was priced at a mere $ is worth picking up this Duo Mascara set simply for the Lengthening Mascara. Gorgeous packaging, an attention to detail, and one stellar release. Though the Volumizing Mascara didn't rock my world, this affordable mascara set is still worthwhile.

Have you tried a mascara from Paris Hilton Cosmetics? What did you think?

Editing Note: Since Paris Hilton has decided to publicly support an abusive man, her products will no longer be reviewed on Mansa Fashion. All previous reviews will remain, but no new content will be shared. 


  1. Wow

    I found a luxury packaging and product !!

    My greetings,

    1. I love the packaging as well. It is really fun! Thank you for your comment!

  2. I didn't try it but it looks super cute!Great post!

  3. Even though, the Volumizing one was a miss, this is still a super great deal considering how great the Lengthening one sounds! Thanks for the heads up, Shannon:) And I love the packaging too:)
    Hope you're having a lovely Monday so far:)
    PS Must really get my hands on that Cover Girl one!

    1. Agree! It's nice to find mascaras that aren't expensive. The Cover Girl one is honestly my all-time favourite. I always buy a handful at a time, just to make sure I never run out. And thank you! I hope your Monday is wonderful as well :)

  4. Waoo it looks great, i never used mascara. I love its packaging.
    Be safe at home and enjoy the time with your family.
    New post on My Blog | Instagram | Bloglovin

    1. I love the packaging as well! It has been making me smile. Thank you! I hope you are staying safe as well.

  5. I didn't try it but it looks super =)

    1. It really is! Cute packaging is always nice. Thank you for stopping by!

  6. thanks for the comment <3
    i love the packaging :D

    1. Same! It is so fun. Definitely has been adding a little sparkle to my makeup routine lately.

  7. Gotta say the packing does look amazing for sure :-D

  8. The packaging is awesome! It's a shame only one mascara was one you would rebuy, but that price is a bargain for it even if you won't use the other part of the duo much! :)

    Hope that your week is going well :)

    Away From Blue

    1. Agree! It is so nice when something isn't expensive. Plus, you can never go wrong with cute packaging. Thank you. I hope you are doing well <3

  9. Thanks for sharing! New follower ♡

  10. I love the sparkly packaging, it's so cute! It sounds like such a great bargain, loved your review! xx

    elizabeth ♡ ”Ice Cream” whispers Clara

    1. Me too! I love anything that sparkles. Thank you very much!

  11. These masks look so glamorous, aren't they?
    Thank you so much dear for all your comments, I appreciate them and I appreciate you so much!
    You are a lovely blogger and an awesome person:)

  12. Love this packaging! Nice Post! Have a great day!

    1. Same! It makes me smile. Thank you very much. I hope you have a great day as well!

  13. Your review is amazing!! Also love the packaging. If you wanna check out my Blog its

  14. Such a good review, darling! Thanks for sharing. Want to follow each other? Let me know! xx


  15. I never used Paris Hilton cosmetics but I can give a try.

    1. There are so many wonderful products from the brand!


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