Monday, April 6, 2020

review: biossance the clean (re)set

My skin care routine has always fairly simple. Clean and moisturize. However, over the years I have become more focused on stepping up my skin care game. Using different serums, oils, and anti-aging products, for instance. For the most part, this has gone well, but there haven't been a whole lot of products that have wowed me. Products that have been worthy of repurchasing. Sure I have a handful of skin care items that are essentials to me. As for the extras? I am still on the hunt for those must-haves. Several months back, I used some Sephora points to test out a few Biossance skin care products. Here is a closer look inside the Beauty Insider set as well as a review of each product.

As you can see from the picture above, there was an awful lot included in this skin care set. It took 500 Beauty Insider Points and came with four trial size items. That included the Squalane + Phyto-Retinol Serum, Squalane + Omega Repair Cream, Squalane + Vitamin C Rose Oil, and the Squalane + Peptide Eye Gel. Though these are trial sizes, you actually get a decent amount of product inside. I have been using these consistently for the last few months and still have a little bit left in each bottle. Most of these items don't require an awful lot of product for each application so it definitely lasts for quite a while!

There are some nice details here with the trial size versions. Most of the time trial sized items lack any of the luxury of the full-size packaging but these Biossance items seem to match it. The oil has a small glass dropper inside, for instance. Plus, the packaging is sleek and sophisticated. Something else that impressed me? The labels and all necessary information is clearly printed on each bottle. A lot of times with sample items, there is no real information given. You either have to Google what the item is intended to be used for. Or you have to sort of guess! The fact that the full name and product information is included is a nice little detail this Sephora sample set offers.

The Biossance The Clean (Re)Set came with four products in total. How did they perform? Would they be worthy of a full size purchase? Here is everything you need to know....

  • Squalane + Phyto Retinol Serum. This serum is designed to tackle dull skin and uneven skin tone. It also is used to reduce visible lines and wrinkles on the face. With a light and pleasant scent, this is an effective way to add retinol to your skin care routine without dealing with some of the harsher effects. For a long time, I have wanted to start using retinol but was nervous about some of the side effects, like skin irritation and redness. Luckily, this serum is gentle but still effective. I didn't experience any negative side effects and it definitely brightened my complexion. As for the claim about lines and wrinkles....that is yet to be determined. Anything anti-aging obviously takes a considerable amount of time to really showcase results (if any) so it is hard to say on that front. However, my overall skin tone looks better!
  • Squalane + Omega Repair Cream. Out of everything in this set, the Repair Cream is my favourite. It is designed to nourish and restore the moisture barrier. This cream is all about adding hydration back into the skin and improving the firmness and elasticity of the skin. It also targets fine lines and wrinkles. As someone with dry skin concerns, something that focuses on hydration and firming and fine lines and wrinkles? Yes please. It works well and adds a nice amount of moisture to the skin. 
  • Squalane + Vitamin C Rose Oil. Another favourite from this set is the oil. As I mentioned earlier, it has a glass dropper to make application super easy. It focuses on dullness and uneven skin texture, dryness, and firming the skin. This oil is really lightweight (which means it doesn't break out my sensitive skin) and absorbs into the skin nicely. It really brightens and hydrates. It is something I would love to have the full sized version of but the $95 price tag on the Sephora website has deterred me. That being said, being able to use the oil has been a real treat so far. I know it will be a sad day when this little bottle is emptied. 
  • Squalane + Peptide Eye Gel. This eye gel has certainly been coming in handy lately! It is designed to reduce the look of dark under eye circles and puffiness. With so much happening in the world lately...things have been stressful. That has definitely impacted my overall sleep quality. Having a product that targets the under eye area has been wonderful. Honestly, this stuff works. It didn't take long to see a real improvement in my under eye area. If you are someone that struggles with dark circles or puffiness, this might be something to consider. Like the rest of the products from the Biossance line, the price tag is steep. So it might be worthwhile to see if this 500 Point set is still available the next time you place an online order.

Testing out these high end skin care items has been a really positive experience. Unfortunately, it doesn't look like I will be able to purchase the full size versions in the near future. But trust me, I want to! Everything works really well and is suitable for sensitive skin. If you are able to pick up The Clean (Re)set kit...I highly recommend it. 

Have you tried anything from Biossance? What skin care items are you loving lately?


  1. How cool that they have the same detail to the packaging on the trials. Sounds like a decent brand.

    Leanne Thompson of

    1. It is definitely a quality brand. I've really enjoyed using the samples!

  2. I did'nt hear this brand's product 😊 Thanks for your sharing review 😊

    1. You are welcome! I hope you have a great week <3

  3. I heard of this brand but never tried anything

    1. I would love to try more - or add full sized items to my routine - but the price is quite high. Maybe one day!

  4. Fantastic products dear! It seems a great collection:)

    1. It sure was! Thank you! I hope you are doing well <3

  5. This skincare box is really perfect!

    1. It really is! Such a great selection of products.

  6. Replies
    1. Everything was so fabulous! Thank you for stopping by :)

  7. Fantastic post! Kisses ...Dilek .

  8. I am trying to step up my skincare routine as well, it sounded like this set worked out great. :)

    Perla Lifestyle Blog

    1. It really did! Thank you so much for your comment.

  9. Great post. Thank you for sharing! :)
    New post  -  

  10. Oooooo...I've never tried anything from this line, but this sample set looks great!!! I love the packaging too, and that retinol serum sounds like it would be a great addition to my skin care routine too:D These sample sets are killers coz you do end up wanting everything...LOLZ. Thanks for the heads up on this:)
    PS Let me know if you need a sewn mask and I'd be happy to mail you one!:) I know the disposable ones are so hard to find nowadays.

    1. Haha oh I totally feel you on that. The sets get you hooked on the good stuff! Oh you are so lovely. What a kind offer. I will keep you posted if my DIY turns into a mess!

  11. Don't know the brand, but sounds decent :-D

  12. I don't know this brand, but looks interesting.

  13. I would like to try, it looks interesting.


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