Sunday, April 26, 2020

workout and sweat proof hairstyles to try

How are you enjoying the sunshine so far? The weather this season has been more good than bad. So take advantage of the beautiful scenery, the blue skies, and the picturesque skylines. It is time to get out there and work up a sweat! Worried about the logistics? You are not alone. When it comes to hair, it can be difficult to keep it tied back and tamed during a workout. There is nothing more frustrating than pieces of hair awkwardly sticking to your face or being temporarily blinded by your long locks during a 60 second plank. Never fear! These workout – and sweat – proof hairstyles will make sure your next outdoor adventure is a success from start to finish.

Milkmaid Braids. When it comes to working out, braided hairstyles are always a good idea. They are ultra effective at keeping hair out of your face. Plus, they stay put long-term and look great. If you have shorter hair, try braiding just the front sections and pinning back the ends. For medium to long hair lengths, stick to either boxer braids or a classic milkmaid braid style. 

To achieve the milkmaid braid, part your hair down the middle and separate your hair into two equal parts. Then braid each side in a forward motion. Wrap one braid around your head like a headband. Use a bobby pin to keep it in place. Then wrap the other braid in the opposite direction and secure. You should be left with super cute milkmaid braids. This hairstyle is perfect for running, intense cardio, and even swimming. Confused? Overwhelmed? Check out this helpful milkmaid braids tutorial.

Ponytails and Buns. Other sweat proof hairstyle ideas? When it comes to working out, sometimes it is best to keep it simple. Think ponytails and buns. As soon as you jump out of the shower, pull your hair up into a high ponytail. (It is easier to style your bun when your hair is wet. Plus, wet or damp hair works to cool you off when you are exercising in the sunshine.) You can leave it there or opt to create a bun instead.

To snag a gorgeous bun, wrap the length of the hair around itself until you create the shape. Secure with hair elastics and you are good to go! For added strength, braid the length of your ponytail before wrapping it around. This will give your style a little more flair and will ensure that your hairstyle lasts through even the most challenging workout.

Finish Your Look With Hair Accessories. Never forget about those hair accessories! A sweatband or cloth hair band can prevent hair from falling into your eyes. Plus a sweatband also prevents sweat from collecting on your forehead and hairline. This is especially important when you are doing cardio. When in doubt, throw on a hair band with your ponytail or finish off your ballerina bun with a sweatband. Lately, I have been reaching for headbands from Under Armour. (There are several designs and colours to choose from.) They have rubber on the inner side of the band, which helps them stay in place and keep your hair secure. Find something similar for a splash of colour and practicality. 

Who says you can’t look good while working out? Don’t let sweat ruin your style this season. These workout and sweat proof hairstyle ideas will take you from running laps to lifting weights and back again. Whether you are working out indoors or out in the sunshine... do it without worrying about your hair getting in the way. 

How do you style your hair for a workout?


  1. Replies
    1. Braids are especially great because they always stay in place!

  2. Waooo Super Idea!! i do heavy workout, and because of that hair gets too sweaty . I will try this.Thanks for sharing.
    New post on My Blog | Instagram | Bloglovin

    1. Yes, same! Having the right hairstyle is so important during those kinds of workouts!

  3. These are really good ideas, I think a braid is the best hairstyle to do sport! XX


    1. Thank you very much! Yes, braids are always good!

  4. I'm usually in ponytails and buns! :) Thanks for sharing! I have a latest post about my workout routine. :)

    Stay safe! :)


    1. Wonderful! I will have to take a look! Thank you for stopping by :)

  5. I wanna try the mermaid bun! I usually braid my hair but I figured I can do more

    1. For sure! There are a lot of great styles to try!

  6. Very useful information thanks for sharing ☺️

  7. Here it has been cool and rainy and some days even cold. That is how the weather is here, no spring it goes from cool and rainy to hot and humid almost over night, just about no spring. Oh gosh I wish I could braid my own hair!

    Leanne Thompson of

    1. Really? Oh that must not be enjoyable! I hope the weather is a little more spring like in the coming days!

  8. I like high pony tail :) Bank when I used to run that bow I did my hair

    1. It is a classic style! Thank you so much for your comment!

  9. Nice post dear, I love it.♥

  10. Great post.

  11. Hi! Wonderful tips. Thanks for sharing.
    Have a nice day!

  12. Thank you for sharing these hairstyle options, as I do home workout 4 times a week, and the tail for me is not very practical. Thanks again!


    1. You are very welcome! I hope they come in handy for your next workout :)

  13. I loved being able to braid myself, but no matter how many videos I see on YouTube, it always goes wrong ahah

    1. Haha, I hear you on that! More complex styles always trip me up!

  14. Replies
    1. Ha, well if you start... remember these hairstyles!


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