Sunday, May 10, 2020

essence lash princess mascara (first impressions)

Sometimes, it feels nice to splurge on high end beauty products. Ones with fancy packaging and a from a highly regarded brand. Other times? You just need something affordable and effective. Something that works well and gets the job done. When it comes to mascara....high end isn't usually on my radar. Sure, there are high end options that I like. Examples include Benefit's They're Real and Too Faced's Better Than Sex. However, drugstore options are always preferable. This is partly due to the cost and partly due to the many wonderful drugstore options. (Like my all-time favourite, The Super Sizer from Cover Girl.) Recently, I was able to try out a mascara from Essence. This is an ultra affordable brand that I've had success with over the years.

When my makeup collection was still in its infancy, Essence was a brand that I loved testing and trying products from. They were cheap. They looked cute. And they were shockingly impressive in quality. Over the years, I've tried out a fair number of products. Some brow sets, mini eyeshadow palettes, and blushes galore. There have been a handful of hits and a handful of misses. Somehow, in all of the things that I've tried out...mascara was never on the list. So a part of me was a little excited to try out the Lash Princess mascara from Essence. Especially because I've heard a lot of people talk about it over the years.

Since it was my first time using a mascara from this brand, it only made sense to film a first impressions video. It is live on my YouTube channel now. Take a look....

As you can see from the video, this mascara didn't impress me all that much. It works decently but not spectacularly. It seems unable to provide both volume and length. Though this visually works well for a simple everyday doesn't deliver any drama. The mascara just lacks that bold impactful finish. Additionally, I found that it flaked throughout the day. Small flecks of product were underneath my lash line and some had fallen halfway down my cheek. It was frustrating and embarrassing. I don't want to have to worry about my mascara staying put. So for me, this was a miss. It isn't a mascara that I would recommend nor would I purchase it in future.

Rating: 1.5 / 5

I really wanted to enjoy the Lash Princess mascara from Essence. Since there have been a lot of products I've enjoyed from the brand in the past? My fingers were crossed. Sadly, the mascara did not deliver the results I was hoping for. Though the bottle was cute and the price was flaked and didn't deliver an impactful lash look. 

Have you tried this mascara? What did you think of it?


  1. Sad it did not work out for you :( I'm on my 3rd tube, and only with this one I've noticed flaking... Guess I'll need to find an alternative too.

    1. Hmm. That's interesting! I wonder if they changed or tweaked the formula recently. I'd heard so many good things about the mascara so I was really surprised by the performance. I hope you find a good alternative!

  2. Ohh, it's sad it didn't go well for you! It's one of my favourites, I just bought my second tube and haven't opened it yet (I want to finish first the one I'm using, from another brand), but now I'm worried as I read the comment before mine, I hope they haven't change the formula :O But I will check it out when I open it, let's hope mine works well!

    Freak Muffin Blog

    1. Fingers crossed they haven't and it still performs well for you! Definitely keep me posted on that.

  3. Oh that's sad , u didn't like it. I never use mascara. Thanks for sharing your review.
    New post on My Blog | Instagram | Bloglovin

    1. You are so welcome! Thank you for your comment :)

  4. Cool mascara and lovely photos!

  5. I dont like this mascara at all!Essence has good ones but this one just wasn't my cup of tea.Great post as always dear,thanks for sharing!

    1. Glad it wasn't just me! I've heard so many good things about this one and it just didn't impress. Thank you for sharing your experience with it!

  6. Replies
    1. The packaging is cute for sure but hopefully you can find one that works better! <3

  7. It is certainly a good mascara, I like it!

    1. I'm glad it works well for you! Thank you so much for stopping by :)

  8. Fantastic post! Kisses ...Dilek .

  9. Essence mascaras have a very good quality-price ratio. :)

    1. That is one great thing about the brand. Everything is so affordable. I love that!

  10. I dont like this mascara either. Even though I like products from Essence, this mascara isnt for me.

    I really liked the article so I`m happy to follow you, would you like to become friends? 🌷

    Shades of Silvie

    Have a lovely day 🌷

    1. Yes, I felt the same way. There are so many wonderful products from the brand so I was really disappointed by the performance. Thank you so much for the support! Of course I would :)

  11. This looks like such a wonderful product! Great post :)

  12. it's a shame ti flakes - I hate when mascara does that, it would definitely not be a repurchase for me so I can see why you rated it so lowly.

    Hope your week is off to a good start :) With all the restrictions being relaxed here in Brisbane, my son is back at school this week!

    Away From Blue

    1. It really is! So far my week is going well. I hope yours is, too. Wow, it is hard to believe the schools are opening up again. In some ways, it seems like so long ago that they closed and in other ways, not long at all. I hope all goes well with that transition!

  13. Replies
    1. Hopefully you have a mascara you love! I hope you have a great week :)

  14. This sounds lovely! Thank you for sharing <3

  15. Shame it was a letdown. I must admit, I am a big fan of Essence polishes and rate them. Not tried any of their other makeup. It does look cute though for sure!

    1. They have a lot of great products so this one was a letdown. Good to know their polishes are worth using!

  16. I'm a big Essence fan too, so that's disappointing that this one is meh. I've tried their e/s and lippies only though. Thanks for the honest review, Shannon:)
    PS "I'm just whelmed..."...:LOLZ

    1. Yeah, they have a lot of good items! I was really surprised by this one.


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