Wednesday, May 20, 2020

love it or leave it? myleene klass

Lately, there hasn't been a ton of street style inspiration. Mostly because people haven't been spending much (if any) time outdoors over the last several weeks. So, when I came across a recent ensemble from British celebrity, Myleene Klass, it was exciting. Finally there was something. Something that involved more than a comfy pair of jeans or a hoodie. I didn't realize how much I had been craving style inspiration. That is what inspired this edition of love it or leave it? It is time to find out whether this street style look was fabulous or a total fail.

What I Love: There is an awful lot to love here. From the beachy waves to the bold colourful maxi dress? Just amazing. I love that bright spring yellow with the vibrant print. The maxi dress is a wonderful choice. It looks casual and comfortable but still has lots of style thanks to the ruffle on the bottom and the plunging neckline. Another aspect of this look that really worked were all of the edgy details. That leather jacket is the perfect add on and the fringe purse really pulls it all together. Out of everything, my favourite part of this outfit are the sunglasses. The sunglasses shape is a little bit unexpected and adds to the edgy cool girl vibe Myleene has going on.

What I Loathe: When Myleene stepped out wearing this springtime outfit, she looked happy and radiant. That is always a good thing. Though there are many things I love about this look, there is one part of the outfit that doesn't quite work for me. Those shoes. The wedges really stand out (and not in a good way) from the rest of the outfit. I think because the jacket, purse, sunglasses, and layered gold necklaces all add an edgy style to the look....the casual woven wedges just do not blend. She looks incredible but the shoes were a missed opportunity.

Overall, this is a beautiful seasonal outfit. It is definitely spring style done right. I love the edgy details and that bright yellow maxi dress. However, the wedge shoes do not seem to mesh well with the rest of the look. Despite is still a love for me!

What do you think? Love it or leave it?


  1. Definitely love it
    My Blog
    Fashion With Beauty

    1. Same! It's very pretty. Thank you for stopping by!

  2. I love spring dresses 😊 thanks for your sharing 😊

    1. Me too! They always make me smile. Thank you for visiting!

  3. I definitely love this kind of style.

  4. Replies
    1. Yes, it is so pretty! Thank you for your comment :)

  5. Oh so beautiful dress darling

  6. Yellow color selection for. your dress is right for the arrival of spring.

    Greetings froklm Indonesia.

    1. Agree! Yellow is such a bright and fun colour.

  7. Perfect for summer. Thanks for sharing. Have a nice day!

    1. You are so welcome! I hope you have a great day as well :)

  8. Replies
    1. So glad you think so! Thank you for your comment :)

  9. Love it!

  10. great choice for summer !!!!

  11. I love this dress and I think she wore it well - maybe black wedges would have looked better? or ankle boots? I totally would have worn the wedges though, ha!

    Hope you are having a good week :) It's a bit cold here - winter has arrived a week early!

    Away From Blue

    1. Ooh those are great suggestions! You're right, I think the would've made the look absolutely perfect.

      Oh goodness! I hope it doesn't stay cold and you can get a bit of a break from it before winter arrives in full!

  12. I know right? So tired of looking at lounge wear lol. Overall I like the look and the shoes don't bother me. But you are right there is a disconnect with the shoes and the edgier moto jacket. As we are heading in to June I would keep the shoes, and swap out the black moto jacket for a distressed denim jacket and swapped out the black bag for a lighter colored boho/festival style bag, then it would be perfect for the summer season AND match the shoes!

    Leanne Thompson of

    1. Very good suggestions! I love the idea of this dress with a distressed denim jacket. That would look super cute. You are so creative!

  13. I think it looks nice on her. :-D

  14. I love everything about this outfit as well. what a dress!

    1. It is a fabulous one, isn't it? Thank you for stopping by!


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