Friday, May 8, 2020

recent repurchase: 007 for women II perfume

Finishing a bottle of perfume? Doubtful. One of the advantages (or perhaps disadvantages, depending how you choose to look at it) of having such an extensive perfume collection is that I never ever finish anything. That is okay with me. Partly because I love having a wide selection of fragrances to choose from and partly because I love to display all of the beautiful bottles. However, there is one perfume bottle that I managed to empty completely. It became an everyday must wear. Perfect for going to work or writing sessions at home. What was it? 007 for Women II. Believe me, this was a surprise to me as well. Especially because I wouldn't consider myself a fan of the James Bond films. My husband brought home the perfume for me because he is a fan of 007 and thought the bottle looked like something I might want to display. He was right!

Since the first bottle my husband bought me was all but empty...he treated me to a new fragrance set. This particular set came with a 1.0 fl oz bottle of 007 for Women II perfume and a 1.6 fl oz tube of moisturizing body lotion. As you can see from the photo above, the bottle really is worthy of being on display. It has a long neck shape in a soft gold and a champagne coloured fragrance inside. Then there are patterned ridges all over the glass bottle. It is elegant but powerful. I love the unusual shape of the bottle as well as the sophisticated colour scheme.

Now for the most important element: the scent. According to the brand, this is intended to be a compliment to the original 007 for women fragrance. (Unfortunately, I do not own the original version of this perfume so I can't say for sure if this is true. I will keep my eyes peeled, though.) It is also described as being "deeply feminine with notes reminiscent of pink champagne." This I can confirm is very true. The 007 perfume is light, fresh, and oozes daytime glamour. It certainly has a pink champagne inspired scent - and that only adds to the overall feeling of classic luxury. Thankfully, the price point on this particular perfume is rather low. It retails for around $20 a bottle. That means it is possible to enjoy a fragrance that is polished, pretty, and enjoyable to wear, without making a major dent in your bank account.

Overall, this was worthy of a repurchase. Out of all the bottles of perfume in my collection...this became a stand out. I love how fresh and light it is. I love that it is perfectly suited to everyday wear. I love the bottle shape. I love the colours. I love the elegance. Even though I am not a fan of James Bond, the 007 for Women II perfume is an unexpected hit.

Rating: 5 / 5

Have you ever repurchased a perfume? Which scents are your favourites?


  1. Good review as always 😊 have a lovely day 😊

    1. Thank you very much! I hope you have a great day as well.

  2. I don't know this one. I have never repurchased a perfume. I only use a little perfume at times and have plenty, so won't run out anytime soon!

    1. This was my first time repurchasing! I never seem to run out because I have so many, ha!

  3. Replies
    1. It's a good one! Hopefully you're able to try it one day!

  4. great and inspirational review :) I know this perfume but I haven't had the opportunity to try it. I don't even know how they smell :) Regards from Poland!

    1. It smells so lovely! Thank you for your comment!

  5. I didn't know this perfume. Mine is L'interdit of Givenchy :)

  6. I don't know that one, I like CK perfumes☺

  7. It sounds like a wonderful scent! And you're right, the bottle is so cute! It's impressive you've managed to use it all up before too! I only have 8 perfumes but I so rarely repurchase as I rotate through them all often!

    Hope that you are having a good weekend :) Since some of the restrictions have been relaxed in Brisbane we were able to enjoy a picnic yesterday! With social distancing of course, it was so nice to enjoy some time in the park.

    Away From Blue

    1. A picnic sounds so lovely! I'm glad you were able to do that with your family. What a blessing!

  8. Thanks for sharing!!!
    I hope you are well, stay safe.

  9. I always thought the 007 fragrances would be a bit gimmicky, but I love the 007 for women! It's smells amazing xo

    Makeup Muddle

    1. Ha, same! I never really considered them but it's actually so lovely!

  10. It must smell really good :) Automatically in my head started to give Billie Eilish's music ahah

  11. Hello :)
    I didn't know it existed a 007 perfume!
    But from what you say its really good, if i ever find it in Spain ill try it :)
    Thanks for sharing :) kisses!

    My blog - Lalabetterdayz

    1. Wonderful! I hope if you end up trying it, you enjoy the event as much as I do!


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