Monday, May 18, 2020

review: morphe x jeffree star (set & refresh mist)

Setting sprays are tricky. They either work really well or not at all. At least, that has been my experience! Far too many offerings struggle to work effectively...whether they are from the drugstore or a high end beauty counter. The price tag on a setting spray doesn't necessarily speak to the overall effectiveness. Which is why I wasn't sure how the Morphe x Jeffree Star setting spray would perform. The Set & Refresh Mist was given to me by my sister a while back and lately, I have really been putting it to the test. Immediately, this setting spray stood out from the others in my beauty room. Not only did it come in a bright pink box but it boasted a berry scent! How does it perform? Is the scent good or totally out of place? Keep reading for a full review of the product as well as a video highlighting this Morphe collaboration.

One look at this setting spray and it is clear that it stands out from many others. Aesthetically, at least. Not only is the outer packaging pink and holographic but the bottle itself has two tones of pink. It also comes in a metal aerosol can (more like a hairspray or dry shampoo than a traditional setting spray) rather than a plastic bottle. Right from the get-go, this setting spray is unique. It also has a "Star-Berry" scent and a holographic strawberry printed on the top of the lid. Clearly the design elements are unexpected and whimsical. But what about performance? According to the Morphe website, the Set & Refresh Mist is lightweight, hydrating, infused with glycerin and vitamin E, and nourishes the skin while keeping makeup in place.

Though the bright pink packaging won't be for certainly makes me smile. I am a fan of all things glittery, pink, and fabulous. The bold design would definitely be Jeffree Star approved. As for the setting spray itself? Impressive. I was shocked at just how fine the mist is. So many setting sprays come out too heavy or too fast. (This has happened with countless setting sprays, including some I tried not long ago from Makeup Revolution.) That can leave your face literally looking wet or it can completely disrupt your finished makeup look. Thankfully, the Set & Refresh Mist is gentle, soft, and delicate. It carefully seals in your makeup without destroying the overall finish. Additionally, this setting spray is quite cooling and refreshing. It will certainly be a wonderful finishing touch during the summer months.

Now for that "Star-Berry" scent. Though there is a strawberry pictured on the setting spray lid, this is less of a traditional strawberry scent and more of a candied strawberry scent. It smells like a sweet candy. (Which in my opinion, only makes it better.) Whether or not this is a good thing will really depend on your own preferences. For me, the scent adds to the overall vibe of the product. It is whimsical and unexpected. It is fun and carefree. That being said, if you are someone that does not enjoy artificial fragrances, this setting spray will not work for you. The scent is fairly strong and it lingers. So consider that before making your decision.

This Morphe x Jeffree Star setting spray works well. It does a fantastic job of keeping my makeup in place. It also adds moisture to the skin without making it skin look shiny or too dewy. This has quickly become a favourite of mine. Which is how it entered my top three favourite setting spray list! You can see the setting spray (along with two of my other favourites) in my latest YouTube video.

Rating: 5 / 5

What a joy to find a setting spray that works well, looks great, and has a fabulous over-the-top scent. This Morphe x Jeffree Star Set & Refresh Mist is ultra effective. More importantly? It is fun. Who said essential items had to be bland and boring? This setting spray is colourful and exciting. 

Have you tried this setting spray? Are you a fan of this collaboration? 


  1. great post @luda.tischenko - instagram

  2. great post! sorry I havn't been commenting for a long time! have missed reading your blogs


    1. No problem at all! I'm glad to have you back <3

  3. Replies
    1. This was the first one I had ever tried from Morphe. It was so impressive!

  4. This is very interesting product from Morphe, the packaging looks edgy but girly. thanks for sharing! I am currently in love with Herbivore spray.

    1. I totally agree with you. Edgy but girly is the perfect description!

  5. Replies
    1. Wonderful! Thank you so much for stopping by :)

  6. Thanks for your review 😊 have a lovely day 😊

    1. Thank you! I hope you have a wonderful day as well!

  7. omg this looks so good!Great post dear,thank you for sharing with us!

  8. Noce post!I have not tried this sprays yet.

  9. Looks like I need to add this to my next shopping list! I love this products and their package designs too!


    1. For sure! It works well, smells good, and looks amazing. Definitely worth adding to your makeup routine, if you ask me :)

  10. It's hard to find in Turkey, but if I find it, I'll take it 😍

    1. Aww I hope you are able to find it! Thank you for stopping by!

  11. Great reviews ! Thanks for sharing! 👌👌👌 Stay safe! 🌈🌈🌈

  12. I don't know this but it does sound good :-D

  13. Yes, I just love the packaging. It is so gorgeous!

  14. I don't happen to have any, I have to buy. :)

    1. For sure! A good setting spray can be so helpful. Thank you for stopping by!


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