Thursday, June 11, 2020

colourful makeup look + kvd crushes technicolor crayon set review

The sun outside is shining. Whenever the sun shines brightly through my window, my first instinct is to create something colourful and exciting. To bring that light and optimism to any and all makeup looks. That is how I wound up putting the Kat Von D Crushes Technicolor Crayon Set to the test. Disclaimer: recently, Kat Von D stepped down from her company and it is now going by KVD. I am still a fan of the products that the brand has released in the past but obviously do not agree with the personal views she has expressed. Now! Back to colourful makeup. This particular set included three bright crayon colours which included a vibrant blue, pink, and orange. On a sunny afternoon, I decided to use all three of the colours to create something bright, fun, and a little out of my wheelhouse. The end result was a fun and creative expression. Ready to take a look? Find out how the KVD Crushes crayons performed? Here is a colourful makeup look to and a mini review.

KVD Crushes Technicolor Crayon Set (Review)

Okay, first thing is first. Just what is included in the Crushes Technicolor Crayon set? It comes with three different "multi-purpose pigment sticks" in different colours. There is Electric Blue (a bright blue colour), Bubblegum (a candy coloured pink), and Wild Orange (a vibrant orange). According to the Sephora website, these limited edition shades are designed for festival makeup or everyday fun. Obviously, my choice was to opt for everyday fun. However, these shades would be wonderful as accent colours or to create something colourful and exciting for an event. In terms of the shade selection? The colour choices are wonderful. They can be worn together or separately to create an exciting colourful finish.

In terms of the pigmentation level? These are really impressive. They pack a punch, for sure! The colours are rich and vibrant. They appear on the skin exactly as they do in the tube. Colourful, fun, and undeniably bold. Each product come in a long tube with a removable cap. It can be a little tricky to remove the cap because it really stays in place...but that is a good thing. It means the product is well sealed and will not dry out easily. The product itself twists up through the pen style tube which makes application super simple for direct application.

There are things that I like about these crayons and things that I do not like. On the pro list? The colours are vibrant, the application is simple, the product is creamy, and it blends well. On the con list? These crease (even after using a primer) unless you layer a power product over top. It only took about an hour for creasing to show on the eyelids so a power product is a must if you intend to wear these out and about. All in all, I really love these. The colours are so bright and bold. If you want to add an extra pop of colour along the lower lash line....that is super quick and easy to do. However, when it comes to creating a full colour look, setting these creamy products is a must.

Colourful Makeup Look feat. KVD Crushes

As for the finished look? At first I debated whether or not I should go for it. I mean, really go for it. Maybe I should keep things simple with just one colour. Ultimately, I decided that all three were invited to this colourful makeup party! I wasn't going anywhere special. It was more about having fun and seeing what I could create with the Crushes set. The orange shade was applied all over the lid with pink blended along the crease and along the inner part of the lower lash line. Then it was a bold pop of that vibrant blue on the outer corner on the lower lash line. This was certainly a different kind of makeup look for me (warm colours and bronzey shades are my go-to) but it was a lot of fun to get creative and step outside of the box a little. 

Sometimes makeup is warm and earthy. Other times, it plays with colour. On days loaded with sunshine....the colourful side always seems to win. These items included in the KVD Crushes Technicolor Crayon Set certainly made it easy to embrace all things bright. With summer just around the corner, that is especially exciting.

Have you tried this crayon set? Are you a fan of colourful makeup looks? 


  1. What a fun bright look you created with these shades! It's a shame that they crease as they are such fun, bright colours! :)

    Hope you are having a nice week :)

    Away From Blue

    1. Aww thank you! Yes, they are so bold and exciting.

  2. so colorful!
    Have a great weekend,

    1. It sure is! Thank you. I hope your weekend is great as well.

  3. OMG Shannon these are amazing and I love your makeup :-D

    Am a fan of bold and bright <3

    1. Aww thank you! Bold and bright is definitely a fun way to mix it up :)

  4. Oh wow that's so bold and gorgeous! Come on pigment!
    Thank you for sharing this look

    1. Right?? The colours are really bright. Thank you so much for your comment!

  5. I want to try the kvd pencil crushes,
    The colors are amazing

  6. Yes, for sure. These are really easy to apply, which is always great.

  7. Belli questi colori, perfetti per l'estate :)
    My Tester Food

  8. Colours are so pretty ! You look beautiful 😍

  9. Wow! I like your make up! Tt so colorful and fresh. :-)


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