Wednesday, July 22, 2020

does it work?? quo beauty flash dry nail colour

When it comes to nail polish, patience is something I struggle with. A lot. Over the years, I've worn countless different colours from a wide array of brands. Most of them take ages to dry. And even after it seems like they're dry, they can still smudge or get ruined several hours after application. This is why I often prefer the Sally Hansen Insta-Dry (read my review on the shade Expresso here) or other similar formulas. Quite frankly, I want my polish to look good and dry quickly. Is that so much to ask? Recently, I was able to try the new Quo Beauty Flash Dry Nail Colour. Since I am a fan of quick drying nail polish formulas, this seemed like the perfect addition to my nail polish collection. Did it actually work? Or was it a lackluster release? Here is everything you need know about the line.

The Quo Beauty Flash Dry Nail Colour is available in 30 different shades. Some are colourful, some are neutral, and some are soft and pretty pastels. The shade in my collection? Loud & Proud. It is a vibrant pink shade that stands out in all the right ways. It is colourful, fun, and perfect for the summer months. According to the brand, the polish is "long wearing and creates a smooth, hard finish on nails." It also claims that the polish dries in a mere 60 seconds. Pretty impressive claims. So...was it true? Well, sort of. While the polish did dry quickly, it took longer than 60 seconds for the complete dry time. I'm talking, you can touch your nails without smudging them kind of dry. For that, it was about three to five minutes. Which is impressive in itself. But 60 seconds? Not quite.

As for the claims about creating a smooth hard finish? That I would agree with. Two coats of the polish and my nails looked smooth, shiny, and absolutely gorgeous. I loved the end result. In terms of the wear time, it started to show signs of wear after about three or four days. Not terrible but not amazing either. Want to see the nail polish in action? Here is Loud & Proud.

Rating: 3.5 / 5

All in all, this Quo Beauty nail polish is pretty solid. The colour is beautiful and the finish is gorgeous. It dries quickly (though not fully in 60 seconds) and works well. However, I wish it had slightly better wear time. If you are looking for something affordable, fast drying, and aesthetically pleasing...this is a wonderful option. Just be aware that this at home manicure may not last as long as it would with one of the other polishes in your collection. 

Have you tried this nail polish? What fast drying polishes would you recommend? 


  1. It is a gorgeous colour <3

    I donno the brand. Yes most quick drying tend not to be as claimed!

    1. Right?? I hate that! I wish they would just be honest about the dry time!

  2. It's a fun shade on you but it's a shame it doesn't live up to the quick dry claims! I so rarely get the time to paint my nails now - I really miss it, but life seems busier even though we are staying home more!

    Hope that your week is going well :) It's a cold and wintery one here!

    Away From Blue

    1. I know exactly what you mean! Somehow staying at home has made things busier instead of slower. Who knew! I hope you are staying warm <3

  3. the color looks great on you. I am with you, they ought to be upfront about the marketing

    1. Absolutely! I don't like when companies try to mislead or products don't live up to claims.

  4. Oooooo...this is such a great colour on you, Shannon:) Thanks for the review:) I've never tried Quo polishes before. Good to know they're not bad!

  5. It’s so pretty 😍😍😍

    1. For sure! It's a great colour. Thank you for your comment!


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