Saturday, July 18, 2020

gothic + grey makeup (inspired by jeffree star cremated palette)

Is anyone else feeling inspired? When the latest Jeffree Star collection launched, there was an awful lot of buzz. Some of it was good and some of it? Not so much. Some felt the overall theme of the collection was ill-timed, given everything happening in the world in the last little while. (You can read about some of the controversy here.) Was it ill-timed? Sure. Was it an intentional decision to get as much press as possible? Doubtful. Makeup release dates are usually planned way ahead of time and this seems like just a poorly timed coincidence. However you feel about the release or the brand in general, one thing is certain: grey is back in style. This gothic inspired palette includes many shades of grey, black, and white in a variety of finishes. The Cremated palette certainly has a compelling colour story.

In case you haven't seen inside of the Cremated palette, it is pretty unique. Most palettes these days have lots of warm shades or pops of colour. This on the other hand is back to basics. There are variations of white, grey, and black filling the twenty-four pan eyeshadow palette. Though this colour story is really inspiring to me...the palette is a bit out of my current makeup budget. (Plus, I already have more than enough. I am trying to put the items in my collection to use before splurging on anything that isn't an essential or everyday item. That sadly means cutting back on eyeshadow purchases, since I have so many to use up.) Which is why I decided I would try to create a look inspired by the palette with items already in my makeup collection.

There was one snag when it came to creating a gothic and grey makeup look. My makeup collection is seriously lacking in grey eyeshadow shades. I didn't have a lot to choose from. In fact, the only colours I had that fit the bill were from my NYX Toronto set (which had both a grey eyeshadow shade and a grey lipstick) and the Tartiest Pro Remix palette from Tarte Cosmetics. So, I had to make it work. I used the matte grey shadow from the NYX palette through the crease, then worked the shimmery grey from Tarte all over the lid, and blended through the outer corner with a black eyeshadow shade, also from Tarte. Then it was the NYX Toronto lipstick on the lips to finish it all off. Overall, I was really happy with the end result - though it would've been nice to have more shade options to choose from in my collection.

Ready to see the finished product? Be sure to let me know what you think of this gothic and grey makeup look.

Inspiration can come from anywhere. From a photograph, a season, or even an eyeshadow palette you don't own. Creating this dark and gloomy makeup look pushed me creatively and was a lot of fun to put together. It was dramatically different to what I normally favour, which tend to be warm and glam eye looks. This gothic inspired creation was totally outside of my wheelhouse but ultimately, a thrilling adventure.

What do you think of this makeup look? Are you a fan of the Cremated colour story?


  1. nice make up

  2. Replies
    1. Yes! It was really different from the type of look I normally create...but I loved how it turned out!

  3. I love the eye makeup look you created, so pretty and you'd never know you struggled to find products! :)

    Hope that you are having a great weekend :) We had our first birthday party yesterday after the relaxed restrictions and it was so much fun!

    Away From Blue

    1. Aww! Thank you so much. I never realized I needed more grey eyeshadow shades in my collection until I saw that eyeshadow palette - but I'm glad I was able to pull something together!

      Oh, that sounds lovely! I am so glad you had fun. Well deserved!

  4. Beautiful make up!
    Magical and brave.

  5. Fantastic makeup, nice colours 💞

  6. Your make up look is
    very beautiful! and you are right, the creamted
    palette is pretty unique! Those shades look
    very good on you :)

    My blog - Lalabetterdayz

    1. Thank you! It really is. I didn't know how much my collection needed those grey tones!

  7. Boa noite maquiagem linda e impressionante. Parabéns.

  8. Love this makeup sooo much! Nice Post! Have a great day!

  9. Amazing look! I do like the goth look :-D

    1. Thank you so much! And so do I! It's always great to see how it turns out.

  10. wow! striking color combo! I love it. no, I LOVE IT. I seriously need to repeat it after you

    1. Go for it! I really loved how it turned out, too! I guess grey is my new favourite!


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