Monday, July 20, 2020

review: drybar detox brunette dry shampoo

It has been a while. A long while. The last time I went into a Sephora was back in March, well before there were any sort of social distancing measures in place. I didn't know at the time that it would be my last time setting foot inside a shopping mall for a long stretch of time. Back then, it was just another Saturday afternoon. Now? I think back and marvel at how simple things were. How easy it was to just walk around a Sephora, swatch beauty products, and purchase whatever struck my fancy. The world has certainly changed. However, on that last fateful trip to Sephora, there were a few items that I purchased. One of those items was the Drybar Detox Brunette Dry Shampoo. Immediately, I was intrigued. A dry shampoo designed for dark hair? Yes, please! Curious about how this unique hair product performs? Here is a full review of this high end item.

There are an awful lot of dry shampoos on the market and I've tried a fair few of them over the years. (Including one that I absolutely adored from Kardashian Beauty that I was never able to get my hands on again.) Even though there were a handful of good releases....a lot of dry shampoos had the habit of leaving a white cast on my dark hair. No matter how much I rubbed in the product, it never looked quite right. It didn't blend in seamlessly. That is one of the main reasons the brunette aspect of this particular dry shampoo was appealing. In fact, the brand also has a version designed for blonde hair as well as a clear version. I love the idea of hair care products that are geared towards specific hair colours. After all, there is no one-size-fits-all when it comes to hair products. Or at least there shouldn't be.

In terms of the uniqueness of this product, it is a winner. Now for the performance. This dry shampoo is actually tinted brown and is a perfect match for my natural hair colour. It claims to absorb oil and leave hair feeling fresh. (Spoiler alert: it does. In terms of the actual dry shampoo aspect, this works well. It freshens up their hair and the colour blends in easily.) Additionally, it also says it can be used to conceal grey roots. This aspect of the product was also really appealing to me. While I am not currently dealing with an excessive amount of grey, I have been dealing with pesky random strands for the better part of a decade. The idea that this works as both a dry shampoo and a way to cover up any stray grey hairs makes it even better.

There are a few potential drawbacks to consider, depending on your preferences. For instance, the Drybar Detox Brunette Dry Shampoo has a price tag of $30 CDN. That may be out of budget or a little more than you want to spend. Another aspect to consider is the scent. This is a scented product and even after rubbing the dry shampoo into the hair, it lingers. Personally, I quite like the smell but if you are someone sensitive to scented items...this might not be your favourite product. Lastly, you will need to wash your hands after application. Since this dry shampoo is tinted brown (and because you need to rub it into your hair after application) there will be a transfer of product onto your hands. As long as you wash them afterwards, all will be fine. It comes off completely and doesn't stain.

Want to hear more about this product? I recently filmed a video for my YouTube channel all about this high end item.

All in all, this is an excellent hair care product to have nearby. It works well with my dark hair and I am such a huge fan of the overall concept. There should absolutely be more products on the market that are designed to suit and benefit specific hair colours. Drybar has certainly impressed.

Have you tried this product? Are you a fan of Drybar?


  1. Great review, Shannon:) Too bad it's quite expensive, but yeah...if it works, it's worth it then:)
    PS We haven't been to the mall since the lockdown too, and TBH, I do miss it. The things I took for granted...sigh...

    1. Thank you so much! Yes, thankfully it works well and I think it will last me quite a while. Right?! There are so many simple things I took for granted. Lately, I have been missing shopping malls and movie theaters.

  2. I haven't tried this product yet, but also in my experience brown tinted dry shampoos are better for dark hair. :)

    P&P style ♡ ☯ ☮ --- DIY --- fashion --- and more --- ☮ ☯ ♡

  3. I like dry shampoos, but I prefer those by Batiste ❤

    Blog de la Licorne * Instagram * We♥It

    1. I've tried one of theirs and it was good! I'm loving this one as well though :)

  4. I don't have a lot luck with dry shampoos but with this one tinted brown it could be better I don't like the white cast. I like this brand, I am currently using their volume mousse.

    Leanne Thompson of

    1. Yes, for sure. I love that there is no annoying white cast with this one. Such a bonus! I hope the Volume Mousse is working well for you :)

  5. I don't know this brand but I very often use dry shampoo😊

  6. A parte il prezzo un po' alto per questo shampoo, dalla descrizione però mi sembra un prodotto interessante da provare. Grazie per la review

    1. You are so welcome! Yes, the price is higher than I would like but I will definitely be repurchasing in future.

  7. Great post, Thanks for sharing, x

  8. Sounds good, but I donno the brand. I use a few drugstore ones from time to time and Batiste!

    1. It isn't a brand I have a ton of experience with but I loved the concept! I'm glad you have dry shampoos that you love :)

  9. Great post.

  10. I love dry shampoos too. Always very easy to use and handy. I think a little color wouldn't hurt too

    1. For sure! I love the idea of a dry shampoo with colour. I'm so glad they thought of it!

  11. Great post darling😍 I only have one dry shampoo from Baptiste

    1. Thank you very much! I hope that one works well for you :)


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