Thursday, July 30, 2020

revisiting cover girl trunaked palettes

Cover Girl and I have history. This was one of the first (if not the first) makeup brands I ever tried. Over the years, there have been an awful lot of reviews on Mansa Fashion. featuring items from this drugstore company. Why? Price point and quality. In the early days, it was because Cover Girl was a recognizable brand and my bank account was limited. As time went on, it had to do with the overall quality of products. They have continued to elevate their game. From my all-time favourite mascara, The Super Sizer to their TruNaked eyeshadow palettes...there is a lot to love. Speaking of those TruNaked palettes! Lately, I have been focused on using the makeup currently in my collection. That means less buying and more enjoying. Which is exactly what I have been doing with a handful of Cover Girl eyeshadow sets. Today, I wanted to do updated reviews of some of the TruNaked palettes and do a look or two with a few of my favourites.

There are four TruNaked palettes being discussed in all. Though, I confess this isn't all of my TruNaked palettes (for instance, there is one in my collection called Dazed that is somewhat similar to the Jewels palette) but these are easily my most-used. As you can see, the packaging has changed somewhat over the years. More recently, Cover Girl has adopted more simple design elements with lots of black and white borders and accents. While both designs are nice...the white border stands out a little more. Here are my updated thoughts on each of the palettes shown above:

  • TruNaked Sunsets. This particular palette is one of the newer ones from the line in my collection. It is also one of my favourite drugstore releases. When it comes to eyeshadow shades, few things thrill me more than those warm sunset kind of colours. This has that and so much more. I love the combination of subtle shimmers and creamy matte shades. Standout shades include the shimmery champagne and the warm matte orange-brown. 
  • TruNaked Roses. Another palette from the line is Roses. Now, I have the original version but there is an updated version available on the brand website. The colours are similar but not exactly the same. As for the version in my collection? The shimmer shades are so smooth and pigmented and there is a wonderful amount of variety in terms of light and dark shades and all of the different finishes. This is an absolutely gorgeous set. 
  • TruNaked Jewels. Next up is the Jewels palette which is colourful but has a handful of essential neutral shades as well (black, gold, white, and so on). The pops of colour are easily the most exciting things here. It is rare to get a really impressive purple eyeshadow at the drugstore and this one delivers. The texture is smooth and the colour is beautiful and buildable. The only downside is that the green is more shimmer than colour so it doesn't have the same level of colour payoff as the others. 
  • TruNaked Goldens. Last up is the TruNaked Goldens eyeshadow palette. (Sadly, it is no longer available on the Cover Girl website. Such a shame.) This particular palette is full of the kind of everyday shades that I love the most. A few examples? There are golds, browns, and even forest green colours. These are easy to apply and are perfect to have for those no-brainer kind of makeup looks. 

Which palette performs the best? Which one have I used most often? The answer is the same for both questions. That TruNaked Sunsets palette is absolutely beautiful. The warm colours are beautiful, easy to wear, and suitable for daytime and evening looks. A close second would be the Goldens palette, which is sadly no longer part of the available line. Since Sunsets continues to be the most impressive...I decided to create a wearable and warm eye look using the palette. Be sure to let me know what you think of it in the comment section below. 

It has been nice to look through my makeup collection and rediscover lots of old (and current) favourites. These palettes from Cover Girl reminded me that there are lots of stellar drugstore eyeshadows to fall in love with.

Which palette is your favourite? Are you a fan of Cover Girl?


  1. What a nice post 😊 thanks for your sharing 😊

  2. The shades are cool. I have been applying eye shadow of late.
    I like it I think
    Latest article:

    1. How wonderful! Eyeshadow is such a fantastic way to express your creativity. Thank you so much for visiting!

  3. Nice, I have to start wearing more eye shadow...
    have a wonderful weekend,

    1. That is awesome! I absolutely love a good eyeshadow. Thank you so much! I hope you have a wonderful weekend as well.

  4. The colors are amazing! Love the palettes!


    1. They are really great ones! And affordable as well :)

  5. Thanks a lot =) The palette is pretty cute, perfect colours for everyday =) Absolutely right, Nivea is always a good brand. Thanks, I hope you have a fantastic weekend too =)

    Nice palettes, so many beautiful colours =) I like the one with blue and purple the most. And your make up look is so cute =)

    1. For sure! I love all of the gorgeous colours there are to choose from. Cover Girl definitely excels in that department.

  6. Boa tarde parabéns pelo post. Fico feliz que você ajuda as mulheres com o seu belíssimo trabalho.

  7. So many beautiful palettes, CoverGirl is my fav!
    Kisses, Paola.


    My Instagram

  8. Nice palettes :) I prefer gold, brown shades :)

    1. Those are definitely the kind of colours I reach for most often! Thank you for your comment :)


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