Sunday, July 12, 2020

testing out drugstore lipsticks + try on video

A little lipstick goes a long way. It has the power to totally transform or pull together a makeup look. Though there is no denying the beauty of a good lipstick...I can honestly say there are too many lip products in my makeup collection. More than I could possibly finish. Though I have largely stopped purchasing additional lip products for the most part, a couple of new items made their way into my life. The first is a cream lipstick from Maybelline and the other is a matte liquid lipstick from Revolution. Want to see how they perform? Find out more about the formulas? Here is a review of each lipstick along with try on video featuring both of these drugstore items.

Maybelline Cream Lipstick in Brick Beat. The first lipstick is a creamy formula in  rich brick red shade. In terms of the packaging, this is pretty standard for a drugstore release. However, I do appreciate the fact that the outer packaging is in a similar colour to the lipstick shade inside. (This always makes it easier to find the specific colour I'm looking for during the application process.) As for the formula? I adore it. This is a cream formula, which means it applies smoothly and is ultra nourishing on the lips. The colour itself is rich and beautiful. I also really love the pigmentation level of the lipstick. One swipe is all you need. Everything about this lipstick - and the shade itself - is impressive.

Revolution Matte Liquid Lipstick in Darling. When it comes to liquid lipsticks, some are excellent and some are subpar. There seems to be no in between. Some of the liquid lipsticks that I love include items from Kylie Cosmetics and Hard Candy. This matte liquid lipstick from Revolution was pretty stellar as well. It dries down quickly and completely. (Which is normally one of the issues I have with liquid lipsticks. Some of them fail to dry completely and sort of stay in a half dried half wet limbo.) The colour is ultra matte and comes in a very 90s inspired shade of brown. As for the packaging? Simple but effective. This has a doe foot applicator for simple application of product. All in all, this is a lovely shade and a long-lasting formula. Just be aware, since it is matte, this can be drying on the lips. Make sure you exfoliate beforehand and moisturize as needed.

Now that you know how the lipsticks themselves perform, it is time to see them in action. Below are photos of both the Maybelline and Revolution lipstick - as well as a try on YouTube video. The latter is a good resource if you are interested in seeing the initial colour payoff or want to know how long the Revolution liquid lipstick takes to dry in full.

Above is a simple makeup look with the Maybelline Cream lipstick in the shade Brick Beat. As you can see, this shade is warm, rich, and suitable for a number of evening activities. From dinner dates to special events, Brick Beat has got you covered.

Here is the second drugstore lipstick in action. This particular shade is the Revolution Matte Liquid Lipstick in Darling. It dries down completely and would work well for daytime or evening looks. This is a really wearable neutral lipstick colour.

To finish off this drugstore lipstick post, here is the aforementioned YouTube video. It features a first impressions review of each and of course, a lipstick try on. That will give you a better idea of how each lip product performs.

Both of these drugstore lipsticks worked out well. (Even though I didn't really need any new lip products!) The colours are beautiful and the formulas are impressive. It just goes to don't need to overspend to snag a stunning makeup look. There are plenty of fabulous drugstore products to choose from and enjoy.

Have you tried either of these lipsticks? Are you a fan of drugstore products?


  1. This is really delicious =) Thanks a lot.

    Great post, this colours looks beautiful on your lips =)

    1. You're welcome =)

      Oh yes the wildlife park was so nice, I love animals =) Thanks a lot =)

    2. This mask is really nice, it's so cute with the Alpaca and it works very well =)

  2. Oh so nice makeup really cute lipstick

  3. They are great colours on you! I love the brightness of the maybelline one the most :)

    Hope you have been having a great weekend :)

    Away From Blue

  4. Some drugstore stuff can be okay actually. The red looks good :-D

  5. very nice colour! it looks really good on u ♥

    Melissa Hartford

  6. They both look stunning on you! Your eyes are so beautiful. I really want to try the matte formula of the Revolution lipstick range, I have a few of the Sheer shades and I really like them xo

    Makeup Muddle

    1. Aww thank you. That is so sweet! Yes, the matte formula was good and very matte! I'd love to try some of their other lip products.

  7. Nice post!

    Carina |

  8. Replies
    1. Thank you very much! I hope you're able to try them sometime!

  9. lipstick looks wonderful! lovely shade!

  10. I love these lipstik! I buy makeup products everywhere!

    1. Ha, same! A good lipstick is a good lipstick, whether it is high end or drugstore!

  11. I love it :)

  12. Me gusta tu tipo de maquillaje, todo se ve hermoso Shannon :)

    - Helena Primeira
    - Helena Primeira Youtube
    - Primeira Panos

  13. Beautiful lipstick colours 💞


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