Sunday, August 23, 2020

current skin care favourites (summer 2020)

Ahh, skin care. This is one area of my beauty routine that has undergone a serious transformation in the last several months. Though taking better care of my skin was always a generic goal on my New Years Resolution list...rarely did it actually happen. At best, it would be something that happened for a few days in a row and then it would be back to normal. These days? That isn't the case. I have a daily routine as well as an every few days kind of routine. Since my skin care has been a top priority for the last while, it only made sense to do a current favourites: skin care edition. These are the products that have been on my must-have list this season. Some are more expensive than others but they all work well to help me achieve my skin care goals. Here is a closer look at a few of the products making me smile.

  • Leyland & Body Works Fresh Sparkling Snow Body Lotion. There is one thing I've been trying to do lately. Use up products before moving on to the next thing. This isn't always easy! Especially because I am someone that loves variety. However, that love of variety has left me with tons of partially-used body lotions. So it has become my mission to use one lotion up before opening up another. Regardless of the scent. That is one of the reasons the Fresh Sparkling Snow has been used day in and day out. Leyland & Body Works has great lotions and this one is no different. It is hydrating, dries relatively quickly, and smells amazing. This particular scent has fragrance notes of iced pear, frozen melon, and winter apple. It is bright, crisp, and wonderfully fruity.  
  • Nivea Refreshing Toner. Something important that was often ignored in my skin care routine? Toner. For whatever reason, I always skipped this step. It seemed unimportant or like an unnecessary extra. Lately, it has become a serious priority in my life that I make time for and remember to use this toner from Nivea. I have always had large pores on my nose (and would jokingly refer to it as "my strawberry nose") It was only more recently that I decided to actually do something about them. That meant cleansing, scrubs, and using toner regularly. Though there is still a long way to go on that front...adding the toner to my routine has really been helping. 
  • Clinique Moisture Surge Face Spray. This is one product that I have repurchased time and time again. It is the easiest skin care product ever. No, seriously. This is a moisturizing spray bottle. If your skin feels dry or needs that extra boost during the day, all you need to do is pick up the bottle and spritz. Bam! Suddenly, your face has that extra dose of hydration. Since I have dry skin, this is really helpful for me. Plus, the fact that this doesn't take much effort or energy to apply makes me a thousand times more likely to use it throughout the day. That means moisturized and glowing skin in mere seconds. It dries quickly and makes a noticeable difference.
  • No7 Line Correcting Booster Serum. Last on this list of skin care favourites is a product from No7. It is a targeted wrinkle serum which I was well overdue to start using. In the past, I've tried grapeseed oil for hydration and its anti-aging properties. Beyond that? I haven't done much. Even though I needed to, it all just felt overwhelming and confusing. What really worked? What was worth the price? This time, there was outside assistance. A cosmetician highly recommended this Booster Serum. So I have been using it day in and day out. If you are curious about how it performed in the first few latest YouTube video is all about the No7 Line Correcting Booster Serum. Take a look at the video below for all the essential information. 

These are a few of my current skin care favourites. With an added focus on taking care of my skin this summer...there have already been some positive results. This has boosted my confidence overall. Which is always a good thing. Here is hoping I can continue to maintain my routine in the weeks and months to come.

Have you tried any of these products? What is your skin care routine like?


  1. Thanks a lot =) It was so delicious <3 You're welcome. I hope you had a wonderful weekend too

    Nice skin care favourites =) I like Nivea a lot, I have so many products of them in my daily routine :D Like day & night creams, wash gel and so on

    1. Yes! Nivea has so many wonderful products.

    2. Absolutely =)

      I really watched a lot of great stuff =) Oh yes I love "Final Destination" too, my favourite movie is number 3 with the roller coaster =)

    3. Oh my gosh, yes! I love that one.

  2. Everything looking very nice! Awesome pics! Thanks for sharing! 🤗🤗🤗 Have a great week! 🏜️🏖️⛱️

  3. Clinique and Nivea are my favorite. Rest looks really good.
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    1. Absolutely! They have a lot of really fantastic products.

  4. I use the Nivea and it's good! :))

    1. It really is! Thank you so much for stopping by :)

  5. I love toners! I can't wait to give Nivea a try once the current toner I'm using is out. The Clinique and Leyland & Body Works lotion looks so pretty too! I'm glad these things have been having positive effects on your skincare :)

    Mari |

    1. It is definitely a good toner to try! Thank you very much :)

  6. I love Leyland and Body lotion, need to try this one!
    xo Annie

  7. Great products! I love Clinique ))


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