Thursday, August 27, 2020

first impressions: burt's bees all aflutter multi-benefit mascara

Another day another Burt's Bees review. This is the last one. At least for a while. Since my history with the brand has been less than stellar (with every single product I've tried from Burt's Bees being underwhelming at best) chances are low that I will go out of my way to purchase something else. That being is time to do a first impressions review of one last item. It is the Burt's Bees All Aflutter Multi-Benefit Mascara. Say that ten times fast! Though the name is a bit of a mouthful, it comes with some pretty impressive claims. Would it live up to them? Could it be that finally a Burt's Bees product would impress? It is time to take a closer look at the mascara and find out if it is worth adding to your drugstore shopping cart.

Let's start with the packaging and overall design of this drugstore item. The mascara tube isn't actually round. It has a pointed end for some reason. I don't know if there was a purpose behind this choice or if it was simply to differentiate it from other mascaras on the market. When you remove the wand from the tube there is a bubble shaped wand coated in product. In terms of the wand shape....this is actually quite nice. I like the way it works to apply product and the fact that it moves through the lashes nicely. All in all, the packaging is decent and it does the job well enough.

Now to discuss those product claims. According to the Burt's Bees website, the All Aflutter Multi-Benefit Mascara: is a 4-in-1 mascara that volumizes, lengthens, and defines lashes. It is said to last all day without smudging, flaking, or clumping. Additionally, they call it a "100% natural origin mascara" made with jojoba oil and naturally moisturizing beeswax. They claim it works well with sensitive eyes and contact lens wearers as well. Plus, it is cruelty free and made without parabens, phthalates, SLS, petrolatum, and synthetic fragrance. That is an awful lot of claims! Honestly, I love the fact that this is a really natural based product that makes a concentrated effort to promote natural and cruelty free beauty.

So...are any of these claims actually true? Eh. Does it volumize? Sort of. Lengthen? A bit. Define lashes? Kind of. Is it suitable for contact lens wearers? Debatable. Before discussing in detail the product, take a look at the finished effect. This was the end result after applying three coats of the Burt's Bees All Aflutter Multi-Benefit Mascara.

Three coats. And that's what my lashes looked like. Yikes. Is the overall effect fluttery? Absolutely. It certainly lives up to the aflutter name. However, this lash look is ridiculously subtle. The product didn't do much to volumize, lengthen, or define the lashes. It was not dramatic, bold, or even noticeable. The end result was less noticeable than a single coat of a no-name dollar store mascara - and that is not okay with me. Perhaps if someone wants a mascara that doesn't do a whole lot or loves an ultra natural finish...this might work. But if you are someone that loves lashes, this is a mascara to skip. The formula just doesn't do all that much. As for their claims that this works well for contact lens wearers? That is something that I have to disagree on. I wear contact lenses and this caused so much irritation throughout the day. Also, this product may not have synthetic fragrances but it does have a smell. And that smell does not go away. Ever.

0 / 5

This might be a one and done for me. I really don't want to use this mascara again. Not even for the purposes of using up the tube. It bothers my eyes, it doesn't make my lashes look good, and it simply does not perform well. For me? This is yet another disappointment from the Burt's Bees line. It seems that there is nothing in the line that wows or lives up to the product claims. I can't imagine trying anything else from the brand but who knows. Stranger things have happened.

Have you tried this mascara? Are there any products from Burt's Bees that worked for you?


  1. I love to see review of makeup!
    I´ve never tried this mascara and didn´t know this brand either.
    Thanks for the post!
    Blog Sabrina Oliveratta

    1. Yes! I also find makeup reviews really helpful. It's nice to know the pros and cons of a product before purchasing. Thank you so much for stopping by :)

  2. I did'nt hear this brand's product 😊 Thanks for your review 😊

  3. It may not work for you, but your eyes are gorgeous. And your lashes are naturally great!


    1. Oh! Well, thank you very much. Your comment made my day!

  4. A lot of Burts Bees are a miss for me as well. Their hexagon blush packaging is tempting, but I'm not too sure if I'll lack it. It's kind of pricey for a drugstore too.

    Mari |

    1. Honestly, it's good to know it isn't just me! I was starting to think I was crazy, trying product after product from Burt's Bees that just wasn't good.

  5. What a shame it didn't live up to it's promises! I know of the brand but I didn't even know they made mascara until now! So sad it didn't give you results.

    Hope you are having a lovely weekend :)

    Away From Blue

    1. It was definitely a letdown. I think from now on, I will stick to the mascaras I know and love!


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