Sunday, August 9, 2020

rank + review: jaclyn hill makeup products

Jaclyn Hill is no stranger to controversy. Many of her beauty releases have been riddled with issues. (Anyone remember the whole fuzzy lipstick fiasco?) Despite that...there are four Jaclyn Hill related products in my makeup collection. Three are collaborations with Morphe and one is a collaboration with Becca. Though I have been curious about Jaclyn's own line, there hasn't been anything that seemed like a must-have. Maybe one day! Until then, my focus is on using and enjoying the Jaclyn Hill makeup already in my possession. Maybe you've been wondering what these releases are actually like. Or need the inspiration to use something in your current makeup collection. At any is time to take a closer look at these ultra popular Jaclyn Hill releases. Here they are, ranked and reviewed.

4th Place: Jaclyn Hill Bling Boss Eyeshadow Palette

Kicking off this edition of rank and review is the Bling Boss eyeshadow palette. This was initially included in The Vault collection released with Morphe. There were a handful of other palettes in this collection as well but the colours in this particular set intrigued me most. It is loaded with glitter, burgundy shades, and lots of purple. Those colours are definitely in my wheel house! The shade selection is beautiful and this has a lot of finishes to choose from as well. Why is this fourth on the list? Though there are some gorgeous eyeshadow shades (standouts include: Gem and Pizzazz) there are also inconsistencies from shadow to shadow. Some simply perform better than others. That being said, this is a palette that I have been enjoying lately.

3rd Place: Jaclyn Hill x Morphe Palette Volume I

This might be a shocking placement but the iconic volume one palette is actually third on my list. That isn't to say I don't love it! I do. A lot. This eyeshadow palette is loaded with wearable neutral shades (there are lots and lots of shades of beige, brown, and black) as well as some surprising pops of colour (teal, blue, and purple) that add extra excitement to the overall look. There are matte shades and shimmer shades to give the palette variety. All in all, it is a stellar release. If I am looking to create a warm neutral eye look...this is always a fabulous option. It can create easy to wear daytime looks, colourful creations, and dark smokey nighttime looks. This is a solid palette and one that would round out any existing makeup collection.

2nd Place: Becca x Jaclyn Hill Champagne Collection Face Palette

Honestly, this has been in my collection for a long time. Way too long. I should probably let it go and move on but the makeup inside is so incredible that I struggle to do so. This was my first foray into Jaclyn Hill collaborations. In fact, at the time of purchasing this face palette...I didn't even know who Jaclyn Hill was. All I saw were those gorgeous highlight shades. This comes with Champagne Pop and Prosecco Pop highlights. Then there are two blush shades and a warm bronzer. The blush shades are Rose Spritz and Pamplemousse and the bronzer is Amaretto. The formulas are rich, creamy, and perfectly pigmented. They are shimmery and add a gorgeous amount of glow to the skin. Whether you are using one of these products or loading them all on, they are guaranteed to look incredible.

1st Place: Jaclyn Hill x Morphe Palette Volume II

Talk about impressive. When the volume two palette was initially discussed, it wasn't something I planned to purchase. After all, the volume one palette was already in my collection. Then I watched the launch video. One look at that bold warm eyeshadow palette and I was head over heels in love. The second installment still had a handful of neutral shades but they were decidedly warmer in tone. Additionally, there were lots of exciting and unexpected colourful options. That included reds, orange, yellow, pink, purple, and every other sunset inspired shade you could imagine. These eyeshadows are boldly pigmented, easy to use, and look gorgeous. This palette is one that I reach for often. Especially if I want to do something colourful and exciting. If you want to add one Jaclyn Hill item to your collection, this would be my recommendation.

Recently, I pulled out the Bling Boss eyeshadow palette to do a chatty GRWM on my YouTube channel. It was a lot of fun to re-familiarize myself with this release. Take a look to see the palette in action:

Jaclyn Hill is well-known in both the YouTube world and the beauty industry. Though not all of her launches have gone off without a hitch...many releases have resulted in impressive palettes. Be sure to share your own Jaclyn Hill favourites in the comment section below.

Do you have any of these palettes? Are you a fan of Jaclyn Hill?


  1. Waoooo!! so many Eye shades, i love to have this. Thanks for review.
    New post on My Blog | Instagram | Bloglovin

    1. Yes! There are so many gorgeous shades! Thank you so much for your comment :)

  2. So many gorgeous colors, I love your make-up!

  3. So many gorgeous colors, I love your make-up!

  4. Always makes my day to see your beautiful face!
    Those are pretty shades, and I love the design of the back of the mirror ;)


    1. Aww! That is so sweet! Thank you so much for your comment :)

  5. Cool review! Thank yoiu vry much for your post and video )))

  6. Replies
    1. Definitely! There are a lot of wonderful products. Thank you for stopping by!

  7. This was all really delicious =) Thanks a lot.
    That's really lovely from you =) I love my new blazers so much <3 Thank you.

    Great post, this palettes are so beautiful =) I love the one with the many pink colours, perfect for summer looks =)

    1. Yes! I love warm colours like that for summer. Thank you for your comment :)

  8. I guess that's expensive. I know nothing about beauty products and makeup, other than the one worn by bands I like, such as KISS :)

  9. Great vid, Shannon:) Your look is bang on. I also have a hard time getting rid of old makeup. And I totally get what you mean about following a YouTuber who you know has the same opinion as you! I follow this one artist, whose reviews I trust coz all the stuff he likes, I also end up liking (and same with hates:D)
    And thanks for using the ranking on this post. Very helpful:)
    Happy Monday!

    1. Aww thank you. I really appreciate that! Yes, once you find someone that you really trust and seems to have similar preferences, it makes things much easier!

  10. I didn't know these products but I'm going to have a peek!

  11. Oh, beautiful! I love your makeup!

  12. These are all so colourful! Bold and nice :-D

  13. Such a reach colour palette 💞


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