Wednesday, August 5, 2020

why i reordered the emily edit (the needs) palette

There are some makeup items in my collection that get used more than others. My most used? The Needs palette from The Emily Edit collection. For those of you who missed the initial launch, Emily Eddington aka Emily Noel on YouTube teamed up with Revolution at the end of 2018. There were two items in the collaboration: The Needs palette and The Wants palette. The Needs was all about those everyday essentials where The Wants palette was loaded with lots of colourful eyeshadows. (Take a peek at that palette and a full review here.) All in all, it was a fabulous selection of products. Ones that I continue to go back to time and time again. Though I have not been buying new makeup products lately and been dedicated to using more of what is in my was time for a re-stock. As I mentioned, my original The Needs palette has been around since 2018 and I have used it almost every single day. So, I went on the Revolution Makeup website and ordered two more palettes. They were super affordable and on sale as well, so with shipping, both palettes cost a mere $25 CDN.

Not only is this palette easy on the wallet but it is an absolute essential in my makeup collection. (You can take a look inside the palette and see swatches in my original The Needs review post.) There is a good reason for this. It really does cover all of those beauty needs. This palette has a bronzer that works wonderfully with my skin tone, a blush that is absolutely stunning and a highlight that is nice and natural. Then there is a powder to set your face and six basic eyeshadow shades. There are browns, shades of cream and beige, a warm red, and a dark shimmery almost purple toned colour. It is possible to create a lot of wonderful makeup looks. This is also really essential for travel. And in fact, it has accompanied me on every single getaway I've taken since it was added to my makeup collection. Whether it was a short weekend trip or a two week long adventure...The Needs really is a need. It has a blush, bronzer, highlight, powder, and six eyeshadow shades. Perfection.

So...why two new palettes? Because I love this so much. I cannot imagine a time when this is not a part of my everyday makeup routine. My original The Needs palette has also seen better days. Not only am I starting to hit pan on several items but my packaging is destroyed. I might have dropped my palette once, twice, or at least a dozen times. (I am a dropper. I literally drop everything. Thank goodness for sturdy packaging.) While the packaging survived a good handful of drops, eventually, the upper portion and lower portion no longer stayed together - and I started using a large hair elastic to hold it in place.

Thankfully, now there is a fresh new The Needs palette for me to use and enjoy. As well as a backup to ensure my beloved beauty item remains in my collection for a long time to come. If you want to see this particular palette in action, there is a demo + review video up on my YouTube channel featuring this extra special makeup release. It feels like a sigh of relief to have makeup that I know works well for me. As much as new releases are exciting...sometimes those old faithful products are the ones that matter most. All I can say is, thank goodness for The Needs palette!

What are your go-to everyday beauty products? Have you tried The Needs palette?


  1. Replies
    1. It is! This palette covers all of the essentials.

  2. I don't know this brand, I would like to try this palette!
    Kisses, Paola.


    My Instagram

    1. It's a great one. I would definitely recommend it!

  3. I have never heard of this brand! But it looks great! Have a great day!

  4. It sounds like a great palette and good idea to buy a back up if it's something you use so much! :)

    Hope that your week is going well :)

    Away From Blue

    1. Yes, absolutely. When you fall in love with a product, it's always a good idea to have a backup!

  5. This is very lovely

  6. Great post

  7. This palette sounds awesome! LOL I am a dropper too, sturdy packaging for the win.
    xo Annie

    1. It is so so great. Ha! Good to know I'm not the one one.

  8. What a wonderful brand, I'll check this out


  9. Thanks a lot =) Oh yes I'm really addicted to sports and it's perfect for everyday life next to your job.

    Great post =) I know this "problem", some products are needed more than others ^^

    1. Yes, absolutely. Some products are absolute must haves!

  10. Great post, I loved design of the product :)

    1. Absolutely. It is compact and effective. I love it!

  11. Would love this. I hope I can find it in my local store, even online!


  12. I have never heard of it, but it looks great, thanks for the recommendations. I think that you are right: sometimes is great to try new things, but it´s better to stick to the products that work for us

    1. For sure. Once you find those products that work well and are no's good to stick to them! Even though testing out lots of new products is exciting.

  13. Yes! The palette is honestly so so good.

  14. I haven´t tried this edition but it must be truly great! ❤

    Blog de la Licorne * Instagram * We♥It

    1. It really is! Well worth looking into, if you ask me :)

  15. Amazing post, dear! I love to read your blog so much.
    Have to nice day!

    1. Oh, thank you so much! I really appreciate that!

  16. It looks like a good brand dear 😊


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