Friday, September 18, 2020

does it work?? morgan taylor nail polish (plum tuckered out)

Now that September is mindset is shifting towards darker and deeper colours. Especially when it comes to nail polish. A lot of times, the start of September has me desperately clinging onto the last lingering moments of summer. I would find myself painting my nails a bright pink or neon orange as a way to symbolically prove that summer wasn't over just yet.  Not this year. This year, the summer season seemed a little lackluster thanks to world events. So in a way,  I am looking forward to fall. It will be nice to move away from the summertime associations (and all of the things that were missed) and welcome in something fresh and new instead. Something perfect for fall? A dark plum nail polish from Morgan Taylor. This was my first experience with the brand, so I wasn't quite sure what to expect. Would it work? Be a total failure? Here is everything you need to know about the Morgan Taylor nail polish in the shade Plum Tuckered Out.

It has been a while. A long while, in fact. The Morgan Taylor nail polish in the shade Plum Tuckered Out is the first one-coat nail polish that has entered my collection in ages. Most nail polishes require two to three coats for full coverage. (Though some certainly require more. Take the China Glaze polish in the shade Celtic Sun. That one took a whopping fifteen coats. Yikes!) Not this one. Since I had never used anything from the brand before...I had no idea what to expect from the polish quality, the formula, or the staying power. Thankfully, it turned out to be a positive experience overall.

First thing is first. Let's talk about that colour! I absolutely love this dark purple shade. It is absolutely perfect for the fall season. It is dark and vampy in the best possible way. Though there are an awful lot of nail polishes in my collection, this one stands out. It is such a fantastic colour and the formula is equally fantastic. As I mentioned earlier, this was a one-coat polish. It only took one coat of the Morgan Taylor nail polish to achieve full colour coverage. That in itself was really impressive. The formula was great as well because it wasn't runny but wasn't too thick either. It was like just right. This polish has a nice amount of shine and it dried completely (aka no smudging) in about fifteen minutes. That made this a fairly quick and easy nail polish application. In terms of the wear time, it lasted for about six days before it started to show signs of wear but the bulk of the polish lasted for ten days. All in all, this was seriously impressive in terms of colour, formula, and staying power.

Rating: 5 / 5

So...does it work?? Absolutely. Though this was my first time using a product from Morgan Taylor, it really impressed me. I am definitely interested in testing and trying more nail polishes from the brand in future. Plum Tuckered Out is a gorgeous fall nail polish colour and I look forward to wearing it more and more as the season continues. 


  1. What a beautiful shade this nail polish has!

    1. Yes, for sure! It is so great for this time of year.

  2. Boa tarde esmalte muito lindo. Parabéns pelo seu excelente trabalho minha querida amiga.

  3. Love this shade! Purple is my favorite color, so this is definitely a color I would pick :)
    Jenna ♥
    Stay in touch? Life of an Earth Muffin

    1. Purple always look so beautiful! Thank you for visiting!

  4. I haven´t tried that brand yet, but the color it´s cool for winter.
    Have a good week-end!

    1. Absolutely! I think it is wonderful for fall and winter. Thank you!

  5. I've never tried this brand as well....thanks for the heads up, Shannon:) I love love love this shade and it looks fab on you. I don't wear polishes much but when I do, it's always this kind of shade:)
    Hope you're having a lovely weekend:) And stay safe.

    1. Thank you! Being home all the time now, I find myself painting my nails a lot more. This kind of shade is so great for this time of year!

  6. That's a beautiful colour on you and it's impressive it only needs one coat and that it lasts for so long! I really need to get back into painting my nails - with all the extra handwashing and hand sanitising going on I have been having issues with my eczema flaring up so nail polish feels like a bit of a waste as the extra creams I need make it chip and flake off so fast. but it is a nice way to welcome in a new season! :)

    Hope you are having a lovely weekend :)

    Away From Blue

    1. That totally makes sense. I've been struggling with excessively dry hands from washing and sanitizing all the time. It's difficult to deal with. But you are right - nail polish is a fun way to welcome in the new season. Thank you!

  7. seems the colour suit with your skin..nice!

  8. You're absolutely right =) I love to try new products and Maggi is always a good brand. Thank you =)

    I don't know this brand but this nail polish has a beautiful colour =) It's perfect for autumn =)

    1. Absolutely! I love darker nail polish shades for the fall season!

  9. That is a gorgeous polish. I do like MT's stuff :-D


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