Sunday, September 6, 2020

five vampy lipsticks for fall

Fall is right around the corner....though I am struggling to believe it. These days, the seasons seem to be shorter and shorter. It feels like summer just began! Yet somehow, it is September. Perhaps the seasons feel shorter lately because the amount of time we have spent outside has been limited. Though many things are open and some people are choosing to go here, there, and everywhere, the majority of my days are still spent at home. This has certainly warped my sense of time. Plus the fact that the usual markings of the summer season have been put on hold. There were no visits to the CNE, no shopping trips to the mall, and no weekends in Niagara Falls. Though it doesn't feel like a new season is on the way, it is. The fall season means warmer colours and darker makeup. One of the best ways to embrace fall is with a bold and vampy lipstick shade. Here are five of my personal favourite drugstore and high end colours.

As you can see from the pictures above, all of these shades are dark and dramatic. I have to say, love a good statement lip! Even though things are a little more complicated with masks being a must these days...there are still some occasions where a statement lip will be suitable. Maybe your next Zoom call, Instagram selfie, or social distance meet up will require a little extra wow. Here are five vampy lipstick shades to consider:

  • NYX Lingerie Liquid Lipstick in the shade LIPLI 10. The first vampy shade is this ultra dark brown liquid lipstick from NYX. When it comes to wearable fall lipstick shades that still pack a punch...a warm, dark brown is always suitable. This formula dries down matte and lasts well. If you are looking for an affordable way to enjoy the fall season, consider this fabulous fall lipstick shade
  • Maybelline Powder Matte in the shade Concrete Jungle. Next up on this list of vampy lipstick shades is a colour from Maybelline. This is a really gorgeous cool-toned grey. At first when I bought this shade, it wasn't quite what I had been looking for. However, it has become a favourite. Especially during the cooler months. It is a matte shade but still feels nice and creamy during application. 
  • Sephora #lipstories in the shade Snow Day. Another vampy lipstick that makes the grade comes from Sephora. The shade Snow Day was actually from the #lipstories Frosted Kisses set (check out my Try On video here). This is another matte formula but it doesn't dry out the lips, which I love. The shade is a gorgeous medium brown that can be paired with an awful lot of seasonal makeup looks. 
  • Essence Long Lasting Lipstick in the shade Black Gossip. Want a black lipstick? Then Black Gossip from Essence is certainly one to try. There have been several black lipsticks in my collection over the years but this one is the best. Why? The formula is so creamy. A lot of the other black lipsticks on the market have a much drier consistency. That can lead to pulling and tugging on the lips. Black Gossip on the other hand, is creamy and looks ultra dramatic when applied. It is the perfect black lipstick! 
  • NYX Liquid Suede in the shade Subversive Socialite. I have to be honest. NYX has some seriously incredible lipsticks. I love all of the different formulas and the unique colour options. One of my favourites for the fall season is Subversive Socialite. It is a rich and vampy purple colour. Though there are several shades of purple in my collection...this one stands out because it is so dark and dramatic. 

Are you looking for more lipstick recommendations? Then you are in luck. My latest YouTube video is all about some current favourites. There are both high end and drugstore releases included. So, be sure to check them out and let me know in the comment section below if you have tried any of them.

It's hard to believe, but the official first day of fall isn't so very far away. In just a few short weeks, it will officially be sweater weather time. Yes, there will be crisp autumn mornings and leaves on the ground in no time flat. If you're looking for a way to spice up your makeup this season...start with a little lipstick. These dramatic and vampy shades are sure to turn heads.


  1. Nice post!
    Such an inspiration, i love how you style them :)

    Rika - Nikki Boucherica Alba Street Style

  2. Replies
    1. For sure! Vampy lipsticks always look so fabulous!

  3. Oh yes I love the new Miley Song =)
    Thanks a lot =) Yes I'm sure they will be wonderful too.

    Pretty lipsticks for fall =) I like the colours, my favourite would be the NYX Liquid Suede <3

    1. Me too! It is such a great one! Yes, the NYX one is super pretty. Thank you!

  4. Love these shades for fall! Such great colors :)
    Jenna ♥
    Life of an Earth Muffin

    1. Thank you! I love darker lipstick colours for fall as well.

  5. Nice picks, I like these colours :-D

  6. Great post

  7. Great Fall shades! I really love a nice warm brown :)

    x Natalie
    Lucy and the Runaways - Blog and Instagram

    1. You can never go wrong with a warm brown lipstick! Thank you so much for your comment <3


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