Sunday, September 27, 2020

five wardrobe essentials that never go out of style

Let’s be honest: trends are fun. Each season, there are fresh new trends to try out. This can make it extra tempting to buy new things and stuff your wardrobe full of disposable, trendy items. While trends can be a lot of fun, it is important to have classic items in your closet as well. Those classic pieces will last a whole lot longer than the flavour of the month (or season). Is it time to whip your wardrobe into shape? Don't worry. It isn't so hard. All you need to do is add in some essential pieces and be thoughtful about those trendier purchases. Need a little help? Here are five wardrobe essentials that never go out of style. 

1)      Little Black Dress

A black dress is versatile, chic, and simply never goes out of style! It can be dressed up with funky accessories for a trendier look, worn with simple accessories for something more sophisticated, and can even be paired with a well-fitted blazer for a more professional kind of outfit. When it comes to improving your wardrobe, a little black dress is a must. Yes, that trendy tartan dress is cute…but it won’t be fashionable for nearly as long as something simple and black. To make sure your wardrobe never goes out of style, invest in a decent quality black dress. You’ll want to focus on the fit and length. Don’t go too short or too long and always, always, make sure that it fits properly.

2)      Plain Tops and Tank Tops 

Every wardrobe, (and I mean every wardrobe) needs a handful of plain tops. That means owning a properly fitted classic white blouse, along with an assortment of white, nude, and black t-shirts and  tank tops. Why are these so important? They can be worn with anything you’ve got for years and years to come. Plus, you can layer them with other pieces to change up the look. If you want something a little more basic, you can even wear them on their own. Whether you’re heading to the office or for a night out with the girls, your wardrobe will benefit from a couple of handy and versatile basics.

3)      Black High Heels or Flats

If you’re anything like me, you may have a slight shoe addiction. There is nothing more exciting than choosing footwear that has a lot of fun prints, bright colours, and unique details. It’s true that a bold pair of shoes can totally liven up an outfit. In fact, sometimes those statement shoes can make an outfit. Before you go totally shoe crazy, it is important to have the basics covered. Be sure to have a pair of shoes in your closet that will go with absolutely anything. When in doubt, choose a simple pair of black high heels or flats if heels are not your thing. The heel should ideally be between 2 and 3 inches so that they can be worn with ease wherever you go.

4)      Simple Day Dress

Do you have a luncheon to attend? Are you meeting up with an old friend from school? Then you’ll need to dress the part. One wardrobe essential that will never go out of style is a beautiful day dress. This is an ultra versatile piece that will suit a number of events and occasions. You’ll want something in a classic cut with simple details, preferably in a soft shade. Stick to colours like white, black, tan, olive green, or even a pretty pastel pink. Not only will you look great, but it won’t take you long to get ready. These types of dresses are no-brainer kind of pieces. 

5)      Classic Fitted Suit

Whether you’ve got an office job or not, a fitted suit is always a good idea. This means having a pair of dress pants that fit you properly, an a-line skirt that just skims the knees, and a a fitted blazer. These pieces can be worn together for the perfect job interview outfit or worn separately to look a little more fun and flirty. It is important to have pieces that you can mix and match. Whatever colour you choose, it should make sense for your life. What will you wear most often? What will look good with the items that are already hanging in your closet? Once you can answer those questions, you’ll be able to find a suit that matches your life and personal style. 

You don’t have to be a trend follower to look great. The key to a well-balanced wardrobe is to mix these stunning wardrobe essentials with those trendier pieces. This will keep you looking great…. no matter what is on trend.

What pieces do you wear most? Are you missing any of these essentials?


  1. Awesome!

    Carina |

  2. I definitely agree with these - thanks for sharing!
    Jenna ♥
    Life of an Earth Muffin

  3. I agree with everything on this list, Shannon! I have one suit that I pretty much wear for everything more formal (interviews, weddings and funerals). Once you find a classic, may it be dress or shoes or two-piece suit, it can carry you throughout the years for sure:)

    1. It is wonderful that you have something that suits all of those formal occasions. That way, you never have to stress last minute about finding something!

  4. I agree with you, this wont get out of fashion ever, especially little black dress.
    New post on My Blog | Instagram | Bloglovin

    1. So true! The little black dress is a classic for a reason :)

  5. I totally agree with the list, these wardrobe items as so essential.
    Lovely Post!

  6. totally agree..balck dress and black heels is perfect! Must have items right


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