Wednesday, September 2, 2020

review: avon oh what fun makeup mega palette

Who doesn't love an all-in-one beauty item? Multi-product palettes are especially useful for travel (not that I have any immediate travel plans...but a girl can dream) and can also save space in your beauty area (which is always a good thing). Quite a while ago, the Oh What Fun Mega Makeup Palette from Avon was given to me as a gift. Though I had been meaning to put it to good use, the pandemic put a crimp in my makeup usage for a little while. These days, I have established a daily routine and that routine involves makeup! So, I finally had the opportunity to see how the Oh What Fun palette holds up. There is an awful lot to discuss here, so let's get started. Here is everything you need to know about this compact but jam-packed product.

Avon Oh What Fun Makeup Mega Palette: Packaging

Essentially, the Oh What Fun Makeup Mega Palette from Avon is a large square shaped palette. Though it is not massive and is fairly thick and heavy. The reason for this? There are three different layers of products inside. So needless to say, the palette packaging is somewhat bulky. Thanks to the simple square shape however, it isn't difficult to store and won't overload your beauty room. The palette itself is made from a fairly standard plastic (think anything from the drugstore or a similar Avon eyeshadow palette) and opens up to reveal the first layer of makeup. That layer than shifts to the side to reveal the second layer or makeup. Underneath the palette, there is a little section you can pull on to reveal the third and final layer of product. Though the packaging isn't overly does what it needs to do and it cleverly houses an awful lot of makeup.

In terms of the stylistic design, the Oh What Fun palette is fairly simple and straightforward. It has gold glittering text on the front. Inside, there is a large mirror for application. The on the back of the palette, you have the name and basic content information (number of eyeshadows, blushes, glosses, and highlights as well as the total weight of each). Overall, the packaging is simple and gets the job done. It won't compare to a lot of higher end brands but that's okay.

Shade Selection and Swatches

Here it is. Yes, that is the Avon eyeshadow palette all unfolded. There is so much happening in here that it can feel somewhat overwhelming or exciting - depending on how you choose to look at it. This Mega Palette has 66 eyeshadows, 5 blushes, 4 lip glosses, and 2 highlighters. The two upper layers are all eyeshadow shades and the lower layer has the glosses, blushes, and highlights. There is a large mirror on the top and there are some small brushes included in the set as well. (Those brushes are: a mini lip brush, a double-ended sponge applicator, and a small blush brush.) Currently on the Avon website, this is selling for $25 USD so if you are looking for a ton of makeup for an affordable price...this is certainly something to consider. 

Let's start with the eyeshadows. There are 66 shadows in total, which means there is a massive assortment of colours and finishes to choose from. It includes a solid variety of matte, shimmer, and glitter, which is wonderful because it is really quite versatile. That first layer is all about neutrals. There are six rows of both cool and warm toned neutral shades along with a collection of light and dark smokey colours. That means you can create countless daytime and nighttime makeup looks. Underneath this layer of neutrals are lots of colourful eyeshadow shades. There are five rows of bold rainbow colours, including purples, greens, sunset shades, blues, and greens. Just like that first layer, there are both shimmer and matte shades to choose from, though most of the colourful eyeshadows have at least a little shimmer to them. 

Underneath that is your bottom layer, which has all of the other face products. There are five blushes in mid-sized pans that come with a really unique selection of colours. Then there are four coloured lip glosses, and two larger pan highlights to round out the palette. Like I said, there is a lot happening here! Ready to see some swatches? Here goes...

I think that is officially the most swatches I have ever done at one time! This Avon palette certainly holds a lot of product. That is why the Oh What Fun palette would be an asset during travel (I always love to have different products to choose from) or if you happen to have a smaller makeup collection. There are just so many options. In terms of shade selection and the overall level of choice...this versatile palette is a winner.

Quality and Overall Thoughts

The Oh What Fun Makeup Mega Palette has a lot of variety and holds a wide assortment of beauty products in a fairly compact container. But what about the quality? That is the most important thing, after all. The eyeshadows are a bit hit or miss but more hit than miss. In fact, most of the eyeshadows are nicely pigmented, easy to blend, and look beautiful on the eyes. The shimmer shadows tend to perform slightly better than the matte ones but generally speaking, they are all quite impressive. The deepest shade in the palette (a black with flecks of gold glitter from the neutral layer) is so insanely pigmented that I find I need to use a very light hand. The colourful shadows come off with an impressive amount of vibrancy. All in all, the eyeshadows are really good. The blush shades are just as pigmented and I absolutely love the unique blush shades in this set. There are some that are totally unique to my collection (and that is rare because I have a serious blush addiction). As for the highlight shades? They work well as slightly glowy blushes but I certainly wouldn't call them highlights. They aren't super dynamic in terms of being a traditional highlight. There is no shimmer and shine but rather they perform like less pigmented blushes. As for the lip glosses, they perform decently in terms of the actual colours but they aren't overly comfortable.

Rating: 4 / 5 

Overall, the Oh What Fun Makeup Mega Palette has a lot to enjoy. Especially when it comes to those eyeshadows and blush shades. This is a relatively affordable option that offers a massive amount of selection and finishes. If you are someone that likes to have a lot of choices when it comes to eyeshadow colours...this is something you are really going to enjoy having within arms reach. This Avon release really impressed me and has become an important part of my makeup collection.

Have you tried this Mega Palette? Are you a fan of Avon products?


  1. This palette looks so fun! Thanks for sharing!

    Mari |

    1. It is a lot of fun! Thank you so much for visiting!

  2. That's a beautiful palette.I love the combination of shades in it too.Thanks for the detailed review

    1. Yes! There are so many gorgeous colours. Thank you so much <3

  3. Oh wow! 66 eyeshadows?!?! Thanks for the review, Shannon! You look fantabulous as always:) I really must give Avon a second look. It's such an underrated brand IMO when it comes to makeup.That's great to know this palette is great...yay for the blushes:)
    Hope you're having a lovely morning:)

    1. Yes! It's a ton of eyeshadow shades! It's definitely an underrated brand. I only ever try things from them when my mom orders me something but I'm usually pretty impressed with what they offer. Thank you so much! I hope you are having a wonderful morning as well <3

  4. I need this palette, it looks so nice

  5. Yes this mask works pretty well =) Oh yes it smells so delicious like watermelon *-*

    This is a really beautiful palette =) So many nice colours. I like Avon a lot, I have some products and they are all great =)

    1. Yes! It is a really fun palette. I'm glad you like the products you have!

  6. this palette is the most one. Really really like tones :)

  7. Oh wowzie! What an incredible palette for an incredible price! This would make a great gift too for a makeup lover or a young person using makeup for the first time.

    Leanne Thompson of

    1. It really is. And absolutely! This would be a fantastic gift for someone.

  8. Very beautiful palette colors.

    1. Agree! There are so many gorgeous colours to choose from.

  9. I love how that has literally everything you need! And the peachy look you created is gorgeous!
    xo Annie

    1. Same! I like something that has a little bit of everything. Thank you!

  10. What a beautiful palette, gorgeous shades!
    Kisses, Paola.


    My Instagram


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