Wednesday, October 28, 2020

clinique deep comfort hand and cuticle cream + sample haul

Clinique is a consistent part of my skincare routine. Especially their Moisture Surge line of products. They work well and are suitable for sensitive skin. Though there are plenty of Clinique must-haves in my beauty room, one item was missing: hand lotion. Thanks to everything going on in the hands have become ultra dry due to extra hand washing, constant use of sanitizer, and heavy-duty cleaning products. My skin is already dry to begin with, so needless to say, my hands were in rough shape! Thankfully, the Clinique Deep Comfort Hand and Cuticle Cream entered my life. Find out how it performs and check out seven different Clinique skincare and beauty samples that were included as a gift with purchase.

Review: Clinique Deep Comfort Hand and Cuticle Cream 

As I mentioned, a good hand cream was very much needed. I had some scented ones from last Christmas (one of them was featured in a previous favourites post) that I had been using...but they ran out. So, it was time to look for a replacement! Thank goodness for Clinique. When it comes to skincare products, they rarely disappoint. Their track record gave me extremely high hopes when it came to the Deep Comfort Hand and Cuticle Cream. Honestly? All of my expectations were exceeded. This is without a doubt, the best hand cream I have ever used. I absolutely love it. There is no going back now! The Deep Comfort Cream will absolutely remain a part of my skincare routine.

What makes it so exception? The cream itself is thick and nourishing but doesn't take a long time to absorb into the skin. (I hate waiting for lotions and creams to dry.) The cream is fragrance free and doesn't cause any irritation to my sensitive skin. Best of all? It delivers softer, smoother skin instantly. This isn't one of those products that you have to use for a long time in order to see results. After one use, my hands felt so much better. Clinique truly outdid themselves with this one!

Clinique Skin and Beauty Samples (Mini Haul)

Something wonderful that Clinique often does? Offer promotions with lots and lots of gifts with purchase. That means you can pick up something that you need (like a new hand lotion, for instance) and then score a bunch of additional items to test and try. It is a wonderful way to see what other products you might be interested in. Their most recent offer included a colourful makeup bag and seven extra skin and beauty items. Those extras included:

  • All About Clean Rinse-Off Foaming Cleanser
  • Dramatically Different Moisturizing Lotion
  • Moisture Surge Eye 96-Hour Hydro Filler Concentrate 
  • All About Shadow Duo 01 Like Mink
  • High Impact Mascara in Black
  • Clinique Pop Lip Colour + Primer in Plum Pop
  • Colourful Cosmetics Bag

As you can see, there were an awful lot of products included in the gift with purchase. Some of them I had tried in the past and some were new to me. So it was exciting all around! Stay tuned to Mansa Fashion. for reviews of each of these items as well as a makeup look using the mascara, eyeshadows, and lipstick.

Are you a fan of Clinique products? Have you tried the Deep Comfort Hand and Cuticle Cream?


  1. very good brand. I use it with love too :))

  2. Oh that is a really nice little sample set :-D

    1. Absolutely! I love all of the samples they give out :)

  3. Clinique is definitely one of my favorite brands. Its products are of excellent quality.

  4. Love that bag! Looks like a nice group of products :)
    Jenna ♥
    Stay in touch? Life of an Earth Muffin

    1. It is such a cute bag! Thank you so much for your comment <3

  5. Clinique is my mom's favorite brand! They are a very good brand, indeed :)
    Can't wait for your individual reviews of each item <3

    Mari |

    1. They really are! Those individual reviews will be posted in the next few days, so stay tuned :)

  6. I've always wanted to try the dramatically different moisturiser but the full size is so pricey.

    Michelle Cheung /

    1. It is. That is why the sample sets are always a really great deal. It lets you try out a lot of other products without spending a ton of money.

  7. Love Clinique so much!Those products look so lovely!Great post dear <3

  8. I like clinique products as well, always works wonders on me. so good!

  9. Absolutely cool =) I'm sure that I will have much fun with that popcorn machine <3 :D Thank you.
    Thanks a lot =) Yes this masks are really cute.

    Nice haul =) Hand creams are really needed this year with all the desinfection :D Clinique is a really good brand, I had some little products from it and they were all good =)

    1. Absolutely! The hand cream has been so useful thus far! Yes, their products are really fantastic. It is always nice to have them nearby.

    2. Absolutely useful =) You're right.

      You're welcome =) Oh yes baked apple is one of my winter favourites, it's so delicious. And this yogurt with it is yummie too =)

  10. Cool review! Thank you very much!

  11. I'm sure this is a very good product! I use their eye cream and it does wonders on my skin. :D

    1. That is wonderful! It is always nice to have those products that work well :)

  12. I didn't know they made hand cream! I still use their makeup remover - or I used to, when I wore makeup, before we started working from home and now I don't wear makeup, haha! it's definitely a good brand and I like the gifts with purchase :)

    Hope that you are having a good week! :)

    Away From Blue

    1. I didn't either but I am so glad they do! It has been really helpful. Thank you! I hope you are having a good week as well :)

  13. Cool review and interesting set ) Thank you very much )

  14. Boa tarde tudo muito lindo. Parabéns pela excelente matéria.

  15. I love the clinique products :)

  16. Shannon I've heard about these clinic products, and although I haven't tried any, I liked the post :)

    - Helena Primeira
    - Helena Primeira Youtube
    - Primeira Panos

    1. Thank you very much! They are certainly worth trying out!

  17. Nice set :) I've never tried Clinic's products :)


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