Friday, October 23, 2020

fall fashion inspiration (flannel + warm green)

The fastest way to sum up fall fashion? Flannel. It is both stylish and enduring. There is a reason flannel designs continue to line store shelves year after year. Not only is it a total classic but flannel is also extremely versatile. It can be the focal point of an outfit or it can be incorporated into stylish autumn accessories. Flannel can have a simple and understated colour palette or boast lots of bold shades. Looking for a fun way to embrace flannel in your next seasonal outfit? Then get inspired with the outfit shown above. It checks off all the boxes when it comes to fall must-haves. Here is a breakdown of each item and how you can add similar styles to your next look.

Though every season has its own strengths style-wise, my personal favourite time of year is fall. There is something so special about the warm fabrics, layered looks, and rich colours. Do you feel the same? Then take a peek at the inspiration outfit above. Any one of these items can be worn together or added to another fabulous fall look to create something that is truly unforgettable. Get inspired with any of the following:

  • Flannel Dress. Clearly the main focus of this example outfit is flannel. If you want to wear flannel in a way that feels feminine but has a lot of ease, a simple belted dress like this is a wonderful option. Keep it simple by sticking to shades of black and white or turn heads with a red and black flannel instead. Whatever grabs your attention is perfect! Wear your stylish flannel dress with tights, leggings, or layer it over your favourite pair of jeans. 
  • Brown Boots. In all honesty? Fall just isn't fall without a cute pair of boots. There are several pairs in my closet that tend to get a lot of use during this time of year. Slouchy ankle boots are great as are boots with a small heel and laces. Choose the details and styles that reflect your personality.  One thing to keep in mind is that brown or black tends to be a little more versatile and will deliver great style all season long.
  • Emerald Green Accessories. Don't be afraid to reach for jewel tones this fall. Emerald green is one exciting example - and it is always flattering. The earrings and crossbody purse, shown above, are just two possibilities. There are many more options to consider! For instance, you could always add in some emerald coloured rings or hair accessories as well. Or you could paint your nails in a rich shade of green. The whole point is to embrace jewel tones and give that fall ensemble some extra wow factor. 
  • Warm Makeup. This is the best time of year to embrace warm colours in your beauty routine. Have fun with warm colours like burnt orange, rich browns, and berry tones. Think of a warm statement lipstick shade or a blush that will give your cheeks that extra pop. Remember, you can always keep it as simple or extreme as you like. The whole point is to have fun with fall-inspired colours and products.

How will you embrace fall fashion? Would you wear this seasonal outfit?


  1. I love flannel because it keeps warm! :))

    1. Same! Warm and stylish...always a good combination!

  2. Love the plaid! Great boots too!

  3. That is such a cute dress and I love the emerald accessories with it! :)

    Hope you are having a good weekend :)

    Away From Blue

    1. Thank you so much! I hope you had a wonderful weekend as well :)

  4. Great boots😊 but here today 35 degree, I'm waiting for coming winter...

    1. Ohh really? It has gotten really cold where I live!

  5. Flannels are perfect for the season! :)
    Jenna ♥
    Life of an Earth Muffin

  6. Plaid is a wonderful pattern to go for the fall, love your suggestion! <3

    1. Thank you very much! I love plaid as well. It always looks good!

  7. Perfect Fall dress!
    have a great weekend,

  8. I do like those types of dress and boots too :-D


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