Monday, October 19, 2020

fall makeup look (featuring morphe + lime crime)

Every leaf speaks bliss to me. That quote has always made me smile but this year, it seems even more accurate. I am embracing all things fall! The leaves changing colour, the crisp morning air, oversized sweaters, and of course, autumn colours. Those colours aren't just impacting my current wardrobe. They have also been inspiring a lot of my recent makeup looks. There is something about the warmth that makes me smile. Recently, I dug out a few favourites from my makeup collection (along with a few forgotten favourites) to put together a makeup look that screamed fall. Want to see how it turned out? Take a peek at some of the products used? Here is my latest fall makeup look...

When it comes to fall colours, there are so many possibilities. Warm browns, oranges, and red are all fair game. This time, I definitely gravitated towards those warm oranges. They just scream autumn to me. So, I took a peek through my makeup collection to find the most appropriate products to make the fall themed look come together. Products used included:

  • Glowette Face Palette
  • Morphe Boss Mood 35M Eyeshadow Palette 
  • Benefit Goof Proof Brow Pencil
  • Lime Crime Liquid Lipstick in Squash
  • KVD Vegan Beauty Tattoo Liner
All of these products came together to create a look that was both colourful and warm. Ready to see how it turned out? Want to know more about how the products were used? Here goes....

To start it all off, I applied my L'Oreal Pro Glow foundation with my Real Techniques stippling brush. Then I used the Benefit Goof Proof to shape and fill in my brows. (I absolutely love the way this brow product is designed. It makes it so much easier to create the shape!) Next up, I used the bronzer in that Glowette Face Palette to add a light and wearable contour to the face. A small amount of the deepest blush shade was applied to the cheeks to add a warm, fall-inspired glow. The powder from that same palette was used to set all of the face products in place.

Moving onto the eyes, it was time to put that Morphe Boss Mood 35M Eyeshadow Palette to good use. This is something that I bought early last year but hadn't reached for in a while. That being said, I was very excited to rediscover the palette. The colours are gorgeous and so wonderful for this time of year. It is loaded with gorgeous purples, burgundys, greens, warm metallics, and oranges. Yes please! To start, I applied a warm brown shade, Play It Cool, through the crease. Then I used that gorgeous warm orange shade, Fired Up, all over the eyelid. To add a little extra depth, I incorporated some red with the shade Red Carpet, on the outer portion of the lid. Then I applied Fired Up all along the lower lash line and added a shimmery white shade, Light of the Party, to the inner corner of the eye.

To finish off the eyes, I created a simple wing using the KVD Vegan Beauty Tattoo Liner and a coat of mascara. Normally, I use the Cover Girl Super Sizer mascara but while organizing my space (which I have been doing a lot more recently), I found two unopened boxes of mascara. How that happened, I have no idea! But it made sense to use them up before continuing on with my old-faithful. The look was almost complete. All it needed was a beautiful fall-themed lip colour. So I reached for my personal favourite. Squash is probably my favourite lipstick shade of all time. In fact, I've purchased it more than once. Though it is sadly discontinued now, you can still track it down on various websites. One coat of Squash and this fall makeup look was complete. Warm, colourful, and easy to wear....I was really happy with the end result.

There are so many reasons to love the fall season. Just think about all of the fabulous makeup options! Using some rediscovered favourites and a few must-haves allowed me to create something that was wearable and oh-so-seasonal.

What do you think of this makeup look? Are you a fan of fall colours?


  1. Boa tarde. Parabéns por realçar a beleza feminina. Boa segunda-feira. Abraço carioca.

    1. Thank you so much! I hope you have a wonderful week :)

  2. well orange isn't my favourite but looks amazing on you! :)

  3. Totally digging this look:) You look gorgeous as always! Love the shades you picked for the e/s. TBH, I am more of a summer person, but I do love the fall colours:)
    Hope you're having a great start to the week so far.:)

    1. That totally makes sense. There is a lot to love about summer! Thank you so much. I hope you have a fabulous week!

  4. So beautiful dear!You look stunning!Great makeup look,perfect for the season,love it so so much!
    xoxo <3

  5. Shades in that palette look amazing. i like them so much.

    New Post -

    1. They are definitely really pretty! Thank you for stopping by!

  6. Thanks a lot =) Yes the weather was really a mess but this week starts better. My week was pretty productive.
    Thanks a lot =) I love it too, it's really cute. Yeah they are pretty handy when you don't have so much stuff with you. Thanks <3

    Great look for fall =) I love brown and red colours on the eyes in this seasons a lot. And berry colours on the lips =) But this orange one is also great.

    1. Thank you so much! Yes, reds and browns are always really pretty for fall!

  7. Replies
    1. Thank you! Yes, it is a wonderful eyeshadow palette!

  8. Love the makeup,you look pretty !!
    blog - http://sapphireziva.blogspo...
    Instagram - kancchanlad

  9. I love fall colors and orange eyeshadow is my favorite.

  10. You look amazing! I love the colours of those palettes!

    1. Thank you! Yes, there are so many gorgeous colours!

  11. Beautiful! Also, that Morphe palette looks great, I have one of their eye shadow palettes and love it. /Madison

  12. So pretty :)


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