Friday, October 9, 2020

review: physicians formula the perfect matcha (3-in-1 beauty water)

Sometimes, a little skin care goes a long way. Especially now. With the weather starting to shift, it has become extra important to focus on skin care. Wondering why? The recent drop in temperatures means one thing and one thing only: dry skin is coming. As someone with dry skin to begin with, the fall and winter months can be especially challenging for my particular skin type. That means not only is it important to establish (and maintain) a product routine but it also means it is vital to reach for items that work effectively. Enter Physicians Formula The Perfect Matcha 3-in-1 Beauty Water. It claims to tone, hydrate, and set makeup. Does it? Here is everything you need to know about this drugstore skin care product.

Where to begin? How about with packaging. When it comes to The Perfect Matcha 3-in-1 Beauty Water, the packaging is simple but effective. The bottle is plastic and there is a spray nozzle on the top. The spray comes out fairly heavily when applied, however. So if you are looking for a nice soft mist, this won't be the ideal product choice for you. That being said, the packaging gets the job done. Inside that plastic bottle is a soft green tinted spray. According to the brand, it is designed to tone, hydrate, and set products - and it contains clarifying matcha green tea, hydrating bamboo shoot extract, and re-balancing lotus extract. To use, you simply shake the bottle well, and spray as needed.

As noted by the brand, this is a multi-purpose product, so how you choose to use it is really up to you. Use it before makeup application, during, or after. Whatever you need! Personally, I love to use this as for hydration or to refresh my skin throughout the day. It does a wonderful job of giving your skin that quick boost of TLC. It is hydrating but ultra lightweight. It dries quickly and leaves my skin feeling fresh and rejuvenated. (Which is especially helpful on extra dry skin days.) I like to look at this Physicians Formula product as a skin care pick-me-up. Feeling dry? Uncomfortable? Irritated? All it takes is a spritz or two. Suddenly, my skin looks and feels better. The 3-in-1 Beauty Water is quick and easy to use....and most importantly, effective. It has been working well on my dry skin. I know that as the temperatures continue to dip lower, this skin care product will be something I reach for again and again.

Now to address the elephant in the room: fragrance. Lately, the beauty community has been going wild as they debate the inclusion of fragrance in skin care products. (Thank you, Fenty Beauty for sparking that conversation!) Is it a good thing? Is it a bad thing? Experts and beauty enthusiasts alike have their own views on the subject. Personally, I don't mind fragrance in products as long as it doesn't irritate my skin and smells good. However, this is obviously a personal choice. If fragrance in skin care products is not your thing, skip out on the 3-in-1 Beauty Water. To me? It smells fantastic. One spritz and it feels like I just walked into a luxurious, high-end spa. The Perfect Matcha 3-in-1 Beauty Water smells delightful! Best of all, the scent is light, refreshing, and doesn't linger. That being said, if fragrance bothers your skin or your senses, this won't be the best choice.

Rating: 5 / 5

While the Physicians Formula 3-in-1 Beauty Water may not be the best option for is something that my skin has been loving lately. It is multi-purpose, adds hydration to the skin, and smells absolutely incredible. Using it makes me feel pampered and ready to tackle the cold months ahead. 

Have you tried this? What did you think of The Perfect Matcha 3-in-1 Beauty Water?


  1. Thanks for your review 😊 have a lovely day 😊

  2. It sounds really nice :-) On a side note, I like matcha tea haha!

  3. Beauty water are amazing for skin for sure

    Have a nice day
    Kinza Khushboo
    Glamorous without the Guilt

    1. Yes, absolutely! They can be so refreshing. Thank you so much for your comment!

  4. Yes, will have to try this. The matcha looks refreshing for the skin!


    1. It really is refreshing! Thank you so much for stopping by!

  5. Thank you very much for womderful review! I like cosmetics of this brand )))

    1. You are so welcome! I do as well. I've tried a lot of wonderful makeup items from Physicians Formula.

  6. Have heard of this brand already but haven´t tried anything by them yet ❤

    Blog de la Licorne * Instagram * We♥It

    1. They have a lot really stellar products to choose from!

  7. I am a fan of scentless products it depends for sure but most of time. otherwise interesting product. I might go for it if buy in retail so I can 'taste' the scent

    1. That definitely makes sense. For some products, I prefer no scent but others, I absolutely love the fragrance. I guess it really depends on what the scent is and how long it stays!

  8. I didn't either! It was nice to try this one!

  9. interesting post


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